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Iowa Little League Association

Iowa Little League Association


Iowa DA Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2018

Site:  Griff’s Valley View RV Park Shelter

6429 NE 46th Street – Altoona, IA

Time:  11:00 AM Start


Roll Call:

D2:  Gary Mayfield – Present by phone

D3:  Chris Chadd, Rick Langel, Becky Simmons, Jim Beyer, Matt B.

D4:  Jeff Hedgewood

D5:  Jim Stockbauer, Larry Sellers

D6:  Mike Malenosky, Val Malenosky

D7:  Absent


No Approval of September 2017 minutes.  Still need to receive September 2017 minutes.


Treasurers Report:  Mike Malenosky - $4,504.55 as of 2/11/18

                This amount includes $90 Refund given to Mike by Wayne Metcalf from the Rooming Fund for the Series, which has been discontinued.

D4 & D5 paid dues for 2018 (to be deposited after the meeting).

D3 owes dues for 2017 & 2018.

D7 owes dues for ½ of 2015, all of 2016, 2017 & 2018 for a total of $700.

There was discussion of possibility of clearing part of debt for D7 – to be determined later.

It is still the opinion of the Iowa DA’s that each DA has a responsibility to the group.

Districts/DA’s not attending meetings or not paying dues are not allowed to host tournaments.


Trading Pins will need to be ordered for trading purposes for the All-Star Players.  Will order 2000.

There was no lunch ordered for the meeting today, so no expense for this meeting.


Chris Chadd D3 went over the Congress Voting on Regulations/Rules.  Most of these go into effect for 2018.  It is highly recommended to print the results from the Little League online site, so that you have hard copy to refer to.  Some rules affect both regular season and tournament rules.

There were no other question concerning Rules/Regulations from Congress.


Chris Chadd D3 went over the DA Standards.


The following points are taken from “The District Administrator Standards For Exceptional Leadership and Volunteer Service” booklet.  All of this information is available online.


1.        District Organization Structure

A district should be incorporated in its respective state.

A District Staff will be appointed annually. 


2.       Communications and Responsiveness

Provide leadership and guidance to leagues.

Be responsive to local league inquiries.

Be responsive to Little League International and Regional Center inquiries.

Be accessible to local leagues and Regional Staff.


3.       Meetings

Meet with constituent leagues a minimum of five (5) times per year.

Communication is the key!

You are able to have a free website from Blue Sombrero.  You could provide Calendars, Work Plans, State Packets & Schedules.


4.       Education

Attend Live Clinics

Attend and participate in a minimum of two online webinar sessions and one live, in-person session (State Meetings, Clinics, International Congress/Regional Roundtable Events) per year.

Share educational initiatives with leagues.

Train district staff through meetings or attending any of the afore mentioned events.


5.       League Reporting/Monitoring

The Little League Data Center is a crucial tool in monitoring league activities. 


6.       Management of the International Tournament

Be responsible for the preparation, administration, and oversight of district tournaments and/or section, or state level tournaments.


7.       Financial

Present a district budget to the leagues in the district prior to the season.

Provide a financial statement at the close of the season to the leagues in the district.

Provide a financial statement to Little League International.

Be in good financial standing.

File taxes when required.


8.       A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP)

Have a District Safety Officer.

Serve as a resource for leagues administering the ASAP Plan.

Exceed the national average of ASAP Plans submitted in the district.

By 2019 all ASAP programs will be submitted online.



Additional Discussion:

League boundary maps should become available online soon.  DA’s will need to verify for accuracy.

As stated before, the majority of forms, etc. for league operation will be done online.

An example was shared for how to incorporate your district.  D3 Chris Chadd is submitting forms to incorporate the Iowa DA Association.

There was discussion concerning filing taxes and Non-Profit status.

Update on additional/loss of charter possibilities:

D3 – Added Johnston Softball, Lost North Story BB & Webster City BB/SB.  D6 – has a very good chance of adding Missouri Valley for BB.

Background Checks:  You are allowed to use the First Advantage until the deadline of March 1, 2018.  If using after that, you will be charged $1.20 for each search done.  The new JDP program may be used now also.  You are allowed 125 free  background checks.  You can do some with both programs but only a total of 125 are free, between the 2 combined.

Concerning communications with our leagues:  Little League International suggests using Blue Sombrero, as they are cooperating with easy functions to interact with the Data Center.  Also, it has been suggested to use a District website, Facebook, and/or Twitter.  The emphasis is communication.


2018 State Tournament Dates/Sites  (as of 2/11/18) – Please communicate with any changes

9/10 Softball                      D3-Boone, IA                     7/07-7/14

LL Softball                           D3-Boone, IA                     7/07-7/14

Junior Softball                   D5                                           7/14-7/15

Senior Softball                   D5                                           7/14-7/15

9/10 Baseball                     D5-Grandview                   7/20-7/28

10/11 Baseball                  D3-Pleasant Hill                 7/20-7/25

LL Baseball                          D5-Grandview                   7/20-7/28

Intermediate BB               D6-Morningside (S.C)     7/6-7/8

Junior Baseball                  D3-Ankeny                         7/20-7/22

Senior Baseball                  D5-Fort DesMoines or Grandview   7/14-7/15


No Further Business

Next meeting will be September 23, 2018 @ 11:00 AM at Griff’s Valley View RV Park Shelter













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