Rice Lake Jr Football registration is open for the 2024 season! High School athletes can register for summer camps and the 7 on 7 passing league using the rice lake junior football link. All players must register at http://www.ricelakejrfootball.com. Please 'like' the Rice Lake Jr Football Facebook page to stay up to date on information, cancellations, and events! This is the fastest way for us to communicate!
Rice Lake Junior Football provides flag football leagues for 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grades, as well as, a 7th grade and 8th grade tackle program.
3rd and 4th Grade Program Info
3rd and 4th grade Flag Football starts in early September and runs for 4-5 weeks on Saturdays from 10:30-12:00 in a practice/game format. All games are played on the Parks and Rec field (by the hockey rink). There will not be football on Labor Day Weekend. The first practice is tentatively set for September 7th from 10:00 - 11:30. Please plan to arrive at 9:45 for shirt hand-out and brief intro to program.
Cost: $50
5th /6th Grade Program Info
Player Evals for 5/6 Flag Football will be held Monday, August 12th and Tuesday, August 13th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Evaluations help divide teams as equally as possible in terms of positions, talent, and skill. Thank you!
5th and 6th grade season will start on August 19th and 20th. Practice begins August 19th, with the first scrimmages of the season on August 20. Games and practices will be on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Teams will participate in playoffs and a championship game in October. All games are played on the Parks and Rec field (by hockey rink). There will be no football on Labor Day Weekend or Labor Day.
Cost: $70
7th and 8th Grade Program Info
Tackle Football begins August 12th with practices held 5:30-8:00 PM until school starts. After school starts, practices will be 3:35-6:00 PM. The program runs through early October with approximately 5-7 games against other area youth tackle programs (typically on Tuesdays or Thursdays). Some travel is involved in the Tackle program. All practices and home games are played on the MS Field. Parent volunteers will be needed at each game for scoreboard, chain gang, concessions, and film.
Cost: $95
Warrior Tackle Football Camp for 7th and 8th Grade
Camp will be held July 29th through August 1st from 5:00-8:00 PM at the Rice Lake High School. Equipment handout will be on Sunday, July 28th at the Middle School field with the 8th graders starting with equipment handout at 5:00 and the 7th graders following at 6:00. This camp is run by the RLHS varsity staff and players. *Camp is NOT required, but highly recommended and strongly encouraged.
Cost: $60