CYB Winter League
CYB is a house basketball league for kids in grades 4-9. Our NCAA division is for grades 4-6 and the NBA for grades 7-9. Each team will practice one night per week and games are played on Saturday afternoons at the high school. The league runs from November- February.
Registration is now open on the Clarence Community Education website.
Little Hoopers is a basketball camp for boys and girls in grades K-6. The camp is split up into two sessions:
Grades K-3 will run from 8:30-10:30
Grades 4-6 will run from 10:45- 1:30
August 2020 (Dates TBD) at Clarence Church of Christ
The camp features:
- Lowered baskets- This is vital for fundamental shooting development
- Skill work led by Coach Lauer as well as current and former Clarence High School basketball players
- Game play- campers will play a controlled game daily where they will learn important aspects of team play.
- Relays and competitions throughout the week
- Every camper receives a T-Shirt