Wolfpack Cheer Attendance Policy
Cheerleading is a team sport which requires every cheerleader to know their responsibilities and perform as part of a TEAM. We are unlike any other sport in that we do not have substitute members if someone is absent. Attendance is essential to the success of each season. Attendance will be taken at the beginning at each practice. Each Cheerleader’s 100% commitment is required as each position on the squad is dependent on the other. When one Cheerleader is absent, it places hardship on the entire squad and can become a safety issue. It is for these reasons the Cheerleader and the parents must be advised of the importance of compliance to the attendance policy.
We understand things may come up throughout the season. For that reason we have defined our attendance policy below. Attendance Policy is as follows
1. All practices and competitions are MANDATORY
2. Athletes are expected to be on time (on time is at least 5 minutes early to practice dressed and ready to begin on time!) so they may participate in stretching, warm up, etc…
3. Athletes must turn in an Absence Request Form (ARF) at least a week in advance of requested date in order to be considered as an excused absence. Form is available on our website.
4. Any missed indoor gym practices will only be excused if a family emergency occurs, or a special circumstance, as these are crucial to getting ready for competition.
5. Athletes can not miss any practices the week leading up to competition, no exceptions
6. Athletes will be allowed three (3) excused practices throughout the July - December season. Additional excused absences may be permitted during the March-June timeframe.
7. Athletes will be allowed one (1) unexcused practice throughout the March - December season.
Head Coaches and the cheer committee will make final decisions on each absence status. Excessive absences/tardies will be taken into consideration in competition choreography.
Examples of excused absences:
• Athlete is sick but returns with a doctor’s note;
• Serious illness or death in the family;
• Mandatory school event; and,
• Planned vacation prior to August 1, provided the coach has been notified by April 1.
When an athlete knows that he/she is going to be absent or late, he/she has the responsibility to notify their coach in advance, otherwise it will be treated as an unexcused absence. Also, Coaches understand that occasional school conflicts arise, and we prioritize academics first. However, we also expect cheerleaders to use good time management skills to complete school work and make practice.
Examples of unexcused absences:
• Planned vacation after August 1;
• Conflict with other sport/activities (special circumstances apply for High School Cheerleaders);
• Birthdays; and,
• Camps, other teams, including try-outs, practices, etc… of other sports organizations.
Wolfpack Cheer is expected to be a priority commitment during the season. When a team is missing cheerleaders, it diminishes the cheerleaders’ opportunity, both individually and as a group, to safely learn and practice their skills. A single miss affects the entire squad and impacts those cheerleaders who have committed to be at all practices.
After three excused absences, the fourth absence will result in an automatic unexcused absence.
TARDINESS/LEAVING EARLY: 3 times unexcused tardy, leaving early, and any combination of the two is considered 1 UNEXCUSED absence.
Consequences for Unexcused Absences
1st unexcused absence: A warning is issued to the player and parent. Extra reps of a physical conditioning exercise(cheer jacks, squats, push-ups etc) or an extra lap of running at the start of the next practice to make up for what was missed. Age appropriate activity will be determined by her head coach
2nd unexcused absence: Athlete is ineligible to compete with the team at competitions.