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Hull Tee Ball 2022 - Looking for New Leadership!

Hull Tee Ball 2022 - Looking for New Leadership!

Information for Coaches

Please consider volunteering to coach tee ball this summer.  There is no "head" coach or "assistant" coach on a tee ball team.  You are all co-coaches.  Each team should have two or three co-coaches to spread the load, as no one is expected to be at all eleven of our games this season.  Many of the coaches know each other, but even if you don't it is easy to work together well.  Communication is the key to keeping things running smoothly.  If you can't make a game, please let your co-coaches know as soon as possible.

At Hull Tee Ball, we strive to provide our boys and girls a cherished summertime activity in a non-competitive and positive environment.  Our volunteer coaches do not need to be athletically inclined or have a baseball/softball background.  As required by State law and Town rules, all of our coaches go through a Massachusetts CORI (criminal offender record information) background check.  Even if a coach has done a CORI check for another organization (a sports league, Hull Public Schools, etc), we need to do it again because the results are confidential and not shared between organizations.  When you sign up to coach, we will collect the required information about you to submit to the state CORI office.  Again, the results of the CORI check are strictly confidential and will only be viewed by Hull Tee Ball President.

On Opening Day, each team will receive uniform t-shirts and hats for their players, as well as coaches shirts.  Each team will also receive an equipment bag with the following items: a roster, a schedule, an aluminum bat, a foam bat, 6 tee balls, 6 lite flight balls, and a set of bases.  Each team will also get a tee and a bag of post-game treats (Swedish Fish/Sour Patch Kids in prior years).  Feel free to give them to siblings, friends or any other children at the game.

We start at 6 pm with approximately 20 minutes of practice.  You should start with some warm up exercises (jumping jacks, toe touches, running in place, etc).   Then on to skills practice.  Its best to split the kids into smaller groups for this part.  Examples are: proper throwing technique, fielding ground balls, catching, batting, running the bases (including swinging and DROPPING the bat).  At 6:20 or so the game should start.  It can last 2 or 3 inning depending on time.  We should try to get in a full hour if possible.

Game Management:  Every child gets an at bat every inning.  Each hit is a "single," and the base runners advance one base.  The last batter hits a "grand slam" and clears the bases.  The fielders must stay behind the "pitchers mound" for their own safety.  They will tend to creep up when hit after hit is a little dribbler.  But invariably, someone will hit one well and the kids need to be back.  Also, do your best to prevent pileups when several fielders jump on top of each other in an effort to get the ball.  After a fielder gets the ball, it should be thrown back to the coach at home plate (NOT FIRST BASE).  These kids are simply not ready for that, especially in the beginning of the season.

Depending on the number of teams (6 or 8), we will play three or four games simultaneously on the field inside the circular track.  To set up the field, place home plate near the track walk 5 paces toward the center of the circle to mark the "pitchers mound."  Walk five more paces and mark second base.  Be sure that the line from home plate to second base is perpendicular to one of the four streets surrounding Jones Park.  1st and 3rd bases go five paces from the pitchers mound perpendicular to home to 2nd.  The bases will be about 7 paces apart.

Finally, if we need to cancel a practice/game due to weather, I will send out emails, robocalls and texts to all player families.


Hull Tee Ball
Eric Hipp 
Hull, Massachusetts 02045

Phone: 781-264-6940
Email: [email protected]

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