westdale july heat tournament .docx![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/Y3a7pGLqXxPC5PhIfBdC8e-7Z23k2cvhrie5kPeyMQS5OZCx4OteT9s1Sd9_kTEtmADNBjRtZYCD6V-JcOPbRHduX4u7E63kSwIS9andJ6kLvLWw16I1FmE10P0Um5jAd3MxKWZB)
July Heat 2018
Managers and League Coordinators,
Baseball season is here and it is time to start planning your tournament schedule. Enclosed you will find information for our 52nd Annual Westdale Baseball July Heat Tournament. The tournament will run from July 5th through July 9th. This is an in-house all star team tournament and offers a 4 game guarantee.
Entries are filled on a first come first served basis so please don’t delay, as spots may fill up quickly. Please fill out registration form and send it in with payment to our P.O. Box.
We would prefer to contact everyone by e-mail instead of faxes or mailings so please include your E-mail address. All of our contact information is on the entry form. Team Managers must bring a copy of your leagues insurance along with all players birth certificates and a filled out printed copy of the attached roster. I have also attached the rules for our tournament.
We are excited to have you participate!
Gabe Saucedo,
President Westdale Baseball
P.O. Box 2362, Northlake, IL 60164
Westdale Baseball 52nd Annual July Heat Tournament
Westdale Baseball Pinto (8u)Tournament Rules
1.To be eligible for the tournament, players may not be 9 years old before May 1, 2018
2.A standard Little League ball will be used. No tees are allowed.
3.Games will be 6 innings. No inning may start 1 hour and 15 minutes after the
start of the game. Actual starting time will be the umpires clock, not manager's.
Playoffs and finals have no time limit. There will be no infield/outfield warm-ups
after 1st inning.
4.Bases will be 60 feet
5. It is manager's job to keep track of batting order.
6.All players(max 15) will bat in a continuous order. Each team must bat a
Minimum of 10 players or take an out for each player up to 10. Only 9 defensive
players are allowed. Defensive substitutions are unlimited.
7.All players dressed must play 2 innings(6 outs) in the field.
8.Teams will bat until 3 outs or 5 runs. Last inning shall be unlimited runs.
9.batters will receive 6 pitches to hit the ball pitched by a Coach. If a player does
not hit a fair ball in 6 pitches, the batter will be called out.
10.Each team will be allowed 3 timeouts per game, not to exceed 1 minute.
11.Teams will receive 1 warning for bat throws and for leaving the base early.
12.Base runners cannot leave the base until the ball is hit by the batter. Teams
shall receive 1 warning , after that, the runner shall be called out.
13.Overthrows within playing field = runners may advance at own risk.
Overthrows out of play=1 base.
14.A play is stopped when the ball is returned to the pitcher's position and is in
possession and controlled by a player within the pitcher's circle. All runners more
than halfway to the next base shall be awarded that base.
15.Any ball hitting a coach or manager while on the mound will be considered a
"Dead Ball". The pitch and the play shall be redone.
16.Coach or manager pitching must deliver pitch from within the specified circle.
17.After the ball is hit, the coach or manager pitching must avoid interfering with
the play and must leave the playing field.
18.No infield fly rule. 2 out catcher speed up rule will be used.
19.10 run slaughter rule will be in affect after 4 full innings.
20.Runners who are more than half way before a "dead ball" is called will be
allowed to continue to that base. This is at the umpire's judgement.
21.Normal baseball chatter is allowed as long it is not directed at one player. No
"Hey batter". Lets encourage our teams by motivation, not distraction.
22. Max bat barrel size will be 2 5/8”
23.No protests or arguing with the umpire on judgment calls will be
tolerated. Tournament Director has the right to modify rules in order to complete
24.Abuse of umpires by a team or it's fans will not be tolerated.
You as a Manager are responsible for your fan's conduct, or you may forfeit. You
may question a call or a play, but that is it!!!! Say it and be done. No physical
contact of any kind will be allowed towards an umpire. If physical contact is
made, you will be ejected and suspended from the playing field and/or park for
the remainder of the tournament. The same shall hold true for any threats
towards an umpire. Let us all behave, these are 7 and 8 year olds.
Good Luck to all!!
Westdale Baseball 52nd Annual July Heat Tournament 2018
July 5th-9th Registration Form
In-House All Star Teams ONLY
Send To: Westdale Baseball Treasurer P.O Box 2362 Northlake IL, 60164
Phone: 708-721-0411 or 630-649-2623
Name of Team: _______________________________
Contact: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________________
8 and under: $400 per team Number of teams _____
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________ Check #: __________ (Payable To: Westdale Baseball )
Please include team manager and an additional contact if applicable.
Age Manager Other Contact Phone Email
8U: ______________________________________________/____________________________
EMAIL _____________________________________________________________________