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May, 2019
Important updates and end of season information
ELAX Families -
We hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, following the 2019 Mud Fest! Please take a minute to read through this entire email because there is A LOT of information!
First, ELAX is so excited to announce that one week from today on Tuesday, May 21st,
will be providing all our players and coaches a free clinic at Berens from 6:30-8pm! For those who may not know, Casey is considered one of the greatest players to ever play the game of lacrosse and we are thrilled to have him bring his expertise to our organization. For those XBox players out there, Casey is on the cover of not only Lacrosse16 but also Lacrosse18...so, he's pretty much a rock star! This clinic will be in lieu of any practices scheduled for that night at Berens. All players and coaches are strongly encouraged to attend this amazing opportunity. Please sign up using the attached Sign Up genius so we can plan accordingly.
Casey Powell Clinic
Second, this year our annual Kings of Spring is taking on a new format. We are excited for
ELAX Day at Berens
, which will include skill zones like fastest shot, open games, and alumni games. More details on the format to follow, but plan on being at Berens from 12pm - 3pm on June 1st!. Also this year, we are so proud to partner with
, a fundraiser run by two ELAX alumni.
Will Siegenthaler and Connor Wall
are looking for new or gently used socks to be distributed to homeless shelters throughout the Chicagoland area. Socks are the #1 clothing item most needed at shelters. Something so small as socks can make a big difference to the lives of others in need. Help us reach our goal to obtain more than 200 socks to distribute throughout our county!
be donating all of the socks collected to
, an organization that make Blessing Bags for Chicago homeless people.
have indicated that socks are the #1 request from homeless people. Collection boxes will be at ELAX Day for your donations! We are so proud of ELAX Alumni for making a difference in our communities!
Third, the
IBLA Playoffs
will be held during the weekend of June 8-9. ALL TEAMS are re-seeded in the playoffs based upon their season records, so similar record teams are matched against each other. Let's finish out strong in the IBLA playoffs!!!
Finally, the York’s Boy’s Lacrosse Camp is designed to introduce players to the Lacrosse program as well as build on skills to prepare for the upcoming season. The camp will be open to boys entering 5-12th grade. During the camp they will have practices focusing on the fundamentals of lacrosse as well as scrimmage area high schools. Every participant must bring helmet, shoulder pads, stick, gloves, arm pads, and a mouth guard. Check out the York Camp brochure for more details -
York Summer Camp brochure
As always, reach out with any questions! Have a great week!
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