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Santa Susana Baseball

Team Parent Info


 Email ParentsSend out a “Hey I’m the Team Parent” email as soon as you can to introduce yourself. You will want to always keep parents informed of what’s going on. If the coach hasn’t done so already, be sure to let them know when practices are scheduled, how early they need to show up before the game, etc…

Team RosterYou will receive a blank Team Roster template from the league Secretary. Please complete and email your roster back to the league secretary at [email protected]. Use this roster to set up your email list and make contact with each family. (If a family does not have an email address, make sure you call/text them personally to keep them updated with all team info.)

UniformsThe Team Parent is responsible for coordinating uniform personalization (Player’s Last Name and #) with our uniform vendor.
* See Uniform Procedure handout for complete information.

Team Banners 
The Team Parent is responsible for coordinating the banner for your team. The banner cost is the responsibility of each team so the Team Parent will need to collect money from each family for this.
* See Team Banner handout for complete information. (only applicable in Spring Seasons)

 Snack ScheduleOur Shetland and Pinto division players like the tradition of a having snack after each game. The Team Parent is responsible for making a snack schedule to assign parents their day(s) to bring snack. Begin by listing the scheduled game date and time. Next add the team player that will be responsible for bringing snacks that day (alphabetical is a good place to start). Please check for any food allergies so that every player can enjoy the snack. The Snack Bar also sells TEAM TICKETS which can be purchased for $15 (10 tickets). See Snack Bar for details.

Coordinate Scorekeeping 
The “home team” is responsible for recording score in both the scorebook and on the scoreboard each game. Recruit other team parents to share this task. A Scorekeeper’s Clinic will be held prior to the start of the season to teach parents how to keep score or as a refresher course.

 Picture DayA basic photo package is provided by Santa Susana Baseball League to all players. You will need to coordinate Picture Day with the team and distribute pictures to parents when they come in.
* See Team Photo handout for complete information. (only applicable in Spring Seasons)

Coordinate League Events

Our league will have several events planned for each Season and we need your help coordinating these with your team’s families!
Plan Team Party

A team party is a fun way to end the season! Some suggestions for where you can hold your team party are: Coach’s or a team member’s home, Bowling Alley, Park, Restaurant.

Santa Susana Baseball

4333 Township Ave. 
Simi Valley, California 93063
Email : [email protected]
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