Members: Hamilton Heights, Lapel, Sheridan, Tipton
Last Date Revised: 2/7/2022
Rookie League; Ages 6-8
All Indiana Mid State Baseball League games shall be played in accordance with the current applicable rule book utilized by Babe Ruth Baseball, with the following exceptions:
A. All games shall be played with a 6 inning or 1 ½ hour time limit. No new inning will start after 1-½ hours. The new inning will be completed if necessary. Games called because of time shall be a regulation game. A tie shall stand. (One hour and twenty-nine minutes a new inning will start.)
B. Run Rules:
● 6 runs per inning
o If 6th run scores during an at bat, play continues until out is made or all runners cross home plate. Any runs scored over the 6-run limit will not count.
● 15 runs after 3 innings; 2 ½ if the home team is ahead
● 10 runs after 4 innings; 3 ½ if the home team is ahead
C. All players on roster shall bat (3 outs or a maximum of a complete roster of the largest team per inning whichever comes first). Teams may field 10 players (4 must be in outfield positions), with free substitution. All players on roster must play every other defensive inning. No player shall sit 2 consecutive innings.
D. All batters will receive 5 pitches or three strikes, whichever comes first. Batter must swing at 5th pitch or the batter is out. If 5th pitch is fouled batter gets another pitch and so on.
E. Injured or ill players may be removed from the batting order without penalty. Once removed player may not re-enter.
F. Once the batter has hit the ball into play, the coach should not leave the field of play (pitching machine).
G. Dead ball situations. There are two ways to create a dead ball situation:
Defensive players stops the forward motion of advancing lead runner; when a stopped runner makes a motion to return to base, they must return and the umpire will call time out.
The pitchers helper must be in control of the ball and inside the pitchers circle to stop play. The umpire will call time out. Any runners that have reached the halfway point between two bases will be awarded the base they were going to.
H. A runner may advance only 1 base on an overthrow at any base unless the defensive team makes a play on the runner advancing from an overthrow. If, upon making a play on the runner, another overthrow occurs the runner may advance one additional base.
I. Only one pitcher's helper and they must keep one foot inside the circle until the ball crosses home plate. The extra player must be in outfield. (16-foot diameter pitching circle centered at 46’ to home plate)
J. Two defensive coaches and one coach pitcher are allowed on the playing field. Coaches are not allowed to interfere with the players, such as grabbing a player to move into the direction of the play. There is no infield fly rule in effect.
K. If a struck ball hits pitching machine or pitching coach it is ruled a dead ball. The batter is awarded first base and runner (s) on base advance one base.
L. All teams must use pitching method of the home team during all regular season games (I.e., pitching machine in Sheridan, coach pitch in Cicero). During tournament only, teams may choose pitching method prior to a game but must use that method only during entirety of game. Pitching machine shall be set to 35 - 40 MPH and placed at 41 feet to home plate. Coaches must start with both feet in the circle when pitching and pitch overhand.
M.. A player is not required to slide, however, if the non-sliding player causes a collision with the defensive player, the non-sliding player will be called out regardless of the outcome of the play. (It is legal for a player to jump around the tag at the base as long as no collision occurs.)
● 2015 Babe Ruth League change: If a runner attempting to reach home plate or another base intentionally and maliciously runs into a defensive player in the area of home plate or a base, he will be called out and ejected from the game.
N. Player substitution across teams will be allowed under the following stipulations. Player will wear original team uniform, will not pitch, must play right field, and bat at the bottom of the order. However, preference would be to pull a player up from lower league.
O. No bunting
P. 3 complete innings or 2 ½ if home team is winning constitutes a complete game if suspended due to weather. If game is called during or after the 4th inning, revert back to the last full inning unless home team is batting and winning.
Q. Each game a meeting with Head Coaches and Umpire prior to the start
R. Only the head coach or a designated coach is to talk to the umpire during games.
S. Other coaches will be given a warning for first offense. Second offense will result in removal of coach from field and dugout.
Minor League; Ages 9-10
All Indiana Mid State Baseball League games shall be played in accordance with the current applicable rule book utilized by Babe Ruth Baseball, with the following exceptions:
A. All games shall be played with a 6 inning or 1-¾ hour time limit. No new inning will start after 1-¾ hours. The new inning will be completed if necessary. Games called because of time shall be a regulation game. A tie shall stand. (One hour and forty-four minutes a new inning will start.)
B. Run Rules:
● 6 runs per inning
o If 6th run scores during an at bat, play continues until out is made or all runners cross home plate. Any runs scored over the 6-run limit will not count.
● 10 runs after 4 innings; 3 ½ if the home team is ahead
C. All players on roster shall bat. Teams may field 9 or 10 players (4 must be in outfield positions) but must match the opposing team unless coaches agree, with free substitution (except for pitcher). All players on roster must play every other defensive inning; therefore, no player shall sit out 2 consecutive innings.
D. 3 outs constitute a ½ inning. No batter limit.
E. Pitchers may pitch no more than 3 innings per game. If a pitcher hits 3 batters, a change in pitchers is required. Observance of the “Pitch Smart” pitch count guide is required. See table below.
● 75 pitches per day max
● 1-40 pitches/0 days rest
● 41-65 pitches/1 days rest
● 66+ pitches/2 days rest
● 85 pitch max in 2-day period
F. Starting pitcher may re-enter as pitcher (one time per game) only if he is not withdrawn while on the mound. The pitcher must be removed on the 2nd trip by a coach to the mound in the same inning.
G. Injured or ill players may be removed from the batting order without penalty. Once removed player may not re-enter.
H. 46 foot pitching mound and 60 foot bases
I. Base runners may not lead off or steal any base until the pitched ball crosses the home plate. If the forward motion of the advancing runner has stopped, and the pitcher has made contact with the pitching rubber and has possession of the ball, then it is a dead ball.
J. Runners may only advance one base on a passed ball unless the defense makes a play on a runner. Then play returns to live ball status.
K. A player is not required to slide, however, if the non-sliding player causes a collision with the defensive player, the non-sliding player will be called out regardless of the outcome of the play. (It is legal for a player to jump around the tag at the base as long as no collision occurs.) We definitely encourage your players to slide if there is any potential of a play at the base!
● 2015 Babe Ruth League change: If a runner attempting to reach home plate or another base intentionally and maliciously runs into a defensive player in the area of home plate or a base, he will be called out and ejected from the game.
L. The infield fly rule will be observed.
M. Dropped 3rd strike rule does not apply. Batter is out. Base runners can steal on a dropped 3rd strike.
N. Player substitution across teams will be allowed under the following stipulations. Player will wear original team uniform, will not pitch, must play right field, and bat at the bottom of the order. However, preference would be to pull a player up from lower league.
O. 3 complete innings or 2 ½ if home team is winning constitutes a complete game if suspended due to weather. If game is called during or after the 4th inning, revert back to the last full inning unless home team is batting and winning.
P. Each game a meeting with Head Coaches and Umpire prior to the start
Q. Only the head coach or a designated coach is to talk to the umpire during games.
R. Other coaches will be given a warning for first offense. Second offense will result in removal of coach from field and dugout.
Major League; Ages 11-12
All Indiana Mid State Baseball League games shall be played in accordance with the current applicable rule book utilized by Babe Ruth Baseball, with the following exceptions:
A. All games shall be played with a 6 inning or 2-hour time limit. No new inning will start after 2 hours. The new inning will be completed if necessary. Games called because of time shall be a regulation game. A tie shall stand. (One hour and fifty-nine minutes a new inning will start.)
B. Run Rules:
● 6 runs per inning
o If 6th run scores during an at bat, play continues until out is made or all runners cross home plate. Any runs scored over the 6-run limit will not count.
● 10 runs after 4 innings; 3 ½ if the home team is ahead
C. All players on roster shall bat. Teams will field 9 players with free substitution (except for pitcher).
D. Pitchers may pitch no more than 3 innings per game. If a pitcher hits 3 batters, a change in pitchers is required. Observance of the “Pitch Smart” pitch count guide is required. See table below.
● 85 pitches per day max
● 1-40 pitches/0 days rest
● 41-65 pitches/1 days rest
● 66+ pitches/2 days rest
● 85 pitch max in 2-day period
E. Starting pitcher may re-enter as pitcher (one time per game) only if he is not withdrawn while on the mound. The pitcher must be removed on the 2nd trip by a coach to the mound in the same inning.
F. Cal Ripken 50’ pitching mound and 70’ bases.
G. Catchers must use a catcher’s mitt. A fielder’s glove or first baseman glove is not acceptable.
H. A player is not required to slide, however, if the non-sliding player causes a collision with the defensive player, the non-sliding player will be called out regardless of the outcome of the play. (It is legal for a player to jump around the tag at the base as long as no collision occurs.) We definitely encourage your players to slide if there is any potential of a play at the base!
● 2015 Babe Ruth League change: If a runner attempting to reach home plate or another base intentionally and maliciously runs into a defensive player in the area of home plate or a base, he will be called out and ejected from the game.
I. 2 feet out of batter’s box is out on dropped 3rd strike without an attempt at 1st base.
J. Player substitution across teams will be allowed under the following stipulations. Player will wear original team uniform, will not pitch, must play right field, and bat at the bottom of the order. However, preference would be to pull a player up from lower league.
K. 3 complete innings or 2 ½ if home team is winning constitutes a complete game if suspended due to weather. If game is called during or after the 4th inning, revert back to the last full inning unless home team is batting and winning.
L. Each game a meeting with Head Coaches and Umpire prior to the start
M. Only the head coach or a designated coach is to talk to the umpire during games.
N. Other coaches will be given a warning for first offense. Second offense will result in removal of coach from field and dugout.