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Belleville Basketball Program Inc.


What should coaches expect for the upcoming season?

1)  I'm thinking about coaching but I've never done it before.  Coaches are the lifeblood of our program.  Coaching can be an incredibly rewarding experience.  You are not alone when you become a coach.  Both the high school varsity girls and boys coaches will host a "coaches clinic" before the start of the season to give you ideas on drills to run, offensive and defensive systems to operate and other practice tips.  Plus the board members and other youth coaches are always willing to help and lend advice.  

2)  When does the season start?  Coaches generally need to register with the league they play in by early October.  Mid-October, a board member will conduct a practice "draft", where teams select their practice times.  Practice usually starts the first week of November.  There are some tournaments you can enter early-to-mid-November but most league tournaments start the week after Thanksgiving.

3)  When does the season end?  Most leagues are done by the end of February. 

4)  Do I have to organize a tournament my team hosts? Board members schedule the referees and organize the concessions.  The high school coaches organize the high school players to run the scorers table.  You will be responsible for organizing volunteers to run setup, admissions, concessions and clean-up.  If you host more than one tournament, we highly recommend you get a parent on your team to be the "team rep" and organize the volunteer schedules.  

5)  How many tournaments can my team play in during the season?  Each team will register with BDL for their regular season.  As a coach, you can enter as many additional "one off" tournaments as you'd like but those additional tournaments will not be paid by the youth program.

Contact Us


Belleville Youth Basketball 
Belleville, Wisconsin 53508

Email Us: [email protected]
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