2023 GLYFC Rules
Established in 2016
Revised 2017, Revised 2018, Revised 2019
Revised 2020, Revised 2021, Revised 2022,
Revised 2023
We create CHARACTER, COURAGE, AND LOYALTY. Great Lakes Youth Football offers Youth Tackle Football to children ages 5 thru 11(K-6th grade).
The GLYFC will provide an outlet of healthy activity and training under adult leadership in an atmosphere of wholesome community participation.
The GLYFC inspires the youth of our communities with a goal and enriches their lives, establishes the value of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.
The GLYFC promotes the development of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, and team play which are the basc essentials of good sportsmanship.
The GLYFC is also part of the USA Football organization.
The GLYFC Executive Boards Promise:
The GREAT LAKES YOUTH FOOTBALL CONFERENCE is committed to following guidelines set by the USA Football Organization, and following the Coach's Code of Conduct signed by each Coach prior to the stat of each season, and to use the M.H.S.A.A. As a guideline.
Age Groups/Divisions
Divsion 1 – 5 to 7 year old/(K to 2nd grade) - No player over the age of 7 (as of September 1st) shall be allowed to play within this group (unless they are in 2nd grade this is to allow kids who were held back to play with their peers).
Divsion 2 - 8 – 9 year old/(3rd & 4th grade) - No player over the age of 10 (as of September 1st) shall be allowed to play within this group(unless they are in 4th grade this is to allow kids who were held back to play with their peers).
Divison 3 – 10 & 11 year old, (5th & 6th grade) – No player over the age of 11 (as of September 1st) shall be allowed to play within this group, (unless they are in 6th grade this is to allow kids who were held back to play with their peers).
**The GLYFC Executive Board will review the request for a player to be waived because they were held back and respond within a 24 hour period.
Eligibility to Participate
A player may not participate (practice or game) in the GLYFC who has not turned in a player registration form and a concussion form signed by parent/guardian to their respective city youth football program. The age of the player will the age as of September 1st. Each city program must, MAINTAIN COPIES OF ALL FULLY COMPLETED PERMISSION SLIPS, verify age/grade, and be able to furnish permission slips to the conference upon demand, also must have have at all practices and Games a Medical release form.
No player wearing a cast of any type may participate in a game or practice of the GLYFC, this policy is to be strictly enforced and CANNOT be waived by a doctor’s slip or by parental consent.
All Field Directors, Head Coaches and Assistants should be at least be acquainted in basic first aid procedures. Each team should be equipped with a first aid kit, including ice packs, which is present at all team practices and games. AN EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN TO EVACUATE AN INJURED PLAYER AMBULANCE, ETC.) SHOULD BE PART OF EVERY CITY's AREA’S PRE-SEASON PLANNING.
ANY PLAYER VISIBLY SUFFERING FROM OR COMPLAINING OF A HEADACHE, BLURRED VISION, NAUSEA OR OTHER SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH A CLOSED HEAD INJURY/CONCUSSION SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE GAME AND UNABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY FURTHER ACTIVITY UNTIL RELEASED FROM MEDICAL SUPERVISION. A medical release signed by a doctor must be on record with the City's Youth Program of the injured player’s home area along with a matching injury report. All areas will follow MHSAA guidelines for severe weather, including extreme heat.
Weigh-in Procedure
Each player must weigh in prior to each game (NO EXCEPTIONS) the player's weight will be checked and documented at this time.
A Board member of the hosting city and a Board member of the opposing city must sign each others weigh in sheet, and these sheets must be emailed to the GLYFC President by Sunday night of the following week.
All players must be eligible and must have a concussion form filled out, signed by a parent or guardian on file with their city's program in order to be weighed in.
Each player will be dressed game ready except for their helmet when being weigh in.
**Note** The Great Lakes Youth Football Conference shall enforce all weight restrictions established by the GLYFC Executive Board.
Weigh in procedures will be as follows - Player steps on the scale, waits until the are told to move. Any player who shows up to the game late will be required to wait until halftime and will play tackle to tackle for the first half. (exception will be if the 2 head coaches agree that the player is under weight and sign off on the player).
Sign ups
These will be left up to each city with-in the GLYFC. The last day any player can sign up to play is at the discretion of each city, as long as all players are following the mandatory 1 week of conditioning and 1 week of contact prior to playing in any game. Late sign ups can be assigned to any team in their age level, this is at the discretion of the city’s President. **NEW 2023 ALL SIGN UPS MUST BE COMPLETED BY JULY 10TH**
Maximum Team Players
The number of players on a team can be whatever a coach can handle and getting the required plays per half, except a team will be required to split at 36 players. If a team is split there will be a minimum of 16 players on each team. Each team shall contain a balance number of experienced players, if a team with in the age group splits.
Practice Rules
All players must have at least 5 days of conditioning and 5 days of contact practice before competing in a game in the GLYFC.
Practice and/or scrimmage games will not be allowed against teams of different age groups. After the first game, there shall not be more than 3 practices and/or scrimmages per week.
The GLYFC will be compliant with the MHSAA rule which states After the first regular season game, teams may not conduct more than two collision practices a week. (Monday – Sunday). Blocking and tackling techniques may be taught and practiced. However full-speed contact is limited to player vs. pad or shields. Player against sled may also take place. Also this year the GLYFC will be compliant with the MHSAA rule which states no more than 30 minutes of live tackle drills against live targets per week.
Every player MUST wear shoulder pads, an approved helmet with a face shield, (only clear face shield may be worn (exception by order of a doctor, then a tinted one may be worn tint MUST not be so dark as to keep the players eyes from being visible. All players Must wear football pants containing: Hip, Thigh, Tailbone, and Knee pads. All players must wear a colored mouth protector which must be attached to the helmet and worn on the game field at all times. Specially made mouth protectors are permitted if required by a doctor or dentist, and must be brought to the attention of the Head Referee. All mouthpiece warnings will be a team warning. After the first warning, a 5-yard penalty will be given for each violation after that warning (this is considered a safety issue). Cleats must be of the plastic, rubber molded variety,There should be NO metal caps and any metal rivets MUST be submerged in the cleat and any shoe having metal protruding WILL NOT be worn. SHOES HAVING SCREW-IN CLEATS OF THE PLASTIC VARIETY ARE ALLOWED.
**Note** All equipment violations are a safety concern and any player found to be in violation during a game will be suspended for the balance of the game in which the violation occurred and the following game. If a piece of equipment breaks during the course of a game the player will be allowed to fix the equipment and will be allowed to return to the game.
and will be suspended for the following game. The game in which repeated violations occur will be forfeited
Running of the Clock
The clock will stop for:
Penalties, Timeouts, Injuries, Out of bounds, Incomplete passes, Between scores, Change of possession, Following kick off. Aside from previously stated time-outs or an equipment time out the clock will continuously run, the clock is not to stop for any other reason. If a team is behind by 35 points the clock will not stop for any reason (except for injuries and officials time outs). All age levels will play 4 (10) ten-minute quarters, with no more than a 2- minute rest between quarters and a (10) ten-minute rest at halftime.
Warm up
When the clock runs out at halftime (1) one minute will be added on the clock for a mandatory warm up period.
Organizational Rules
First game will will be Division 1 will start at 10am/3pm (for all night games) Second Game will be Division 2 will start 12pm/5pm (for all night games) Third Game will be Division 3 will start 2pm/7pm (for all night games) Fourth Game (if needed) will start prior to 4pm/9pm (for all night games)
** Special Note***
Times could vary if there are multiteam games. Every effort should be made to keep games moving along on schedule. All start times will be followed unless both head coaches agree to change the start time
All Head Coaches must attend a coaches meeting set forth by the Executive Board of the GLYFC prior to coaching in the GLYFC. All Head Coaches must sign a Coaches Code of Conduct presented to them by the GLYFC prior to coaching. All Coaches must have on file and show at the weigh-in their concussion training certification. Any coach ejected from a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct must appear in front of the GLYFC Executive Board for review. Because this is a special meeting to determine if a coach will be suspended or removed from coaching it must be a face-to-face special board meeting. The meeting will be set up as soon as possible. Until then, the coach will remain suspended until the meeting occurs. This will be a closed meeting of the Executive Board with an exception of the following persons: the coach, the city's President, the Official, and any witness(s) present at the time of the suspension. The meeting will be set up for the Sunday after the game in which the coach was suspended. If it results in a suspension, the suspension is for the next game. In the event it is the last game of the season, the coach will be suspended for the first game of the following season. The ejected coach must leave the Sports Complex and may NOT coach in any form until a board determination is made. The decision of the Executive Board is final and may not be appealed.
In the event of an injury there will be an official time out called. The injured player will be removed from the field of play and may not participate for at least one play. The player may re-enter the game at the discretion of the Head Coach and or the Head Official. The player must be cleared of all possibilities of a concussion. Each team will be entitled to 3 (1) one minute per half. The only exception being if a team has a 20 point lead they will forfeit any remaining time-outs until the score is under 20 points.
Each team will have at least a (1) one-minute warm-up or exercise before starting each game and starting the second half. Should either teams warm up delay the start of the game or starting the second half, the team causing the delay will be penalized 15 yards at all age groups. This will be done at the kick off. If a team is a ½ hour or more later for the game, the game will become a forfeit and the game will only be played if the home team's President/Field Director chooses to play and does not put the game schedules behind. The game will still be counted as a forfeit.
The conference will provide registered officials(if possible). The number will be determined by the Executive Board. Both the home team and visiting team will each provide a line judge. The team provided official and the chain gang must be at least a junior in high school. The Head Official will be a registered official provided by the GLYFC. The Head Official shall have both head coaches meet in the center of the field before the game begins to discuss any rule variations, special plays. Any eligibility issues shall be presented at this time. The Head Official along with the Head Coach of the opposing team will do an equipment check prior to the start of the game. The Line Judge will be on the opposite side of the field from their team.
Chain Persons:
Chain persons must be at least a Freshman in High School. Chain person will not be allowed the use of a cell phone while preforming such duties. If desired the chains and down markers will be moved to the home sidelines.
Spectators must stay with-in the designated spectator area. Remember, the Head Coach/Field Director is responsible for their actions and may be penalized for their actions. It is the Field Director and or the City's President to have overly aggressive or intoxicated fans removed (by police if necessary).
Maximum penalties for 5-7 and 8-9 teams will be 10 yards (except for un-sportsman like conduct which will be 15 yards). All un sportsman like conduct will be15 yards in any age group. This does not eliminate the possibility of questioning a referee on an interpretation of a rule, however it must be done in a professional manner.
Miscellaneous Rules
Each city may have individual eligibility and disciplinary rules, which must be given to the Head Official in writing if they differ from the GLYFC rules.
The defense of a goal will be changed at the half unless agree upon by both coaches.
The home Field Director is in charge and may remove any injured player for the rest of the game, if in his/her opinion the player is unable to safely play.
No electronic communication devices may be used by a coach or staff (including cell phones).
Announcers are not to announce while a play is progress, unless it is an emergency.
If any awards are given, they must be given to the entire team.
The ball shall be placed and hiked perpendicular to the line of scrimmage.
“T” Players
“T” players will play Tackle to Tackle on the Offensive or ;Defensive Line (with the following exceptions:
A player with a “T” on their helmet must declare to the Head Official that they are eligible to be on the kick off team as the kicker. The “T” player may also punt the ball. That player must only punt the ball. Anything else will be considered a “dead ball” at the spot where the kicker touches the ball, the opposing team will receive the ball at that point.
Once the ball is kicked, the “T” player must exit the field of play. (yes that means if you use a “T” player as the Kicker/Punter you will be playing 10 on 11 for the rest of that play. Any advancement toward the opposing team shall constitute an unsportsmanlike penalty and the kicking team will receive a 15-yard penalty. If a team decides to kick an extra point or field goal they may kick that also. If they do anything other than kick the ball it will be considered a “dead ball” and their team will receive a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty. (SEE SPECIAL PLAYING RULES)
P. A. T.
The scoring will be as follows: 1 point for a rushing P.A.T. and 2 points for kicking the P.A.T.
“NONE OF THESE RULES CAN BE WAIVED FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. The GLYFC will use the MHSAA Football Rules as a guide with the following
exceptions: Special Playing Rules for each age group.
NEW 2023
Special Teams:
The “T” player will be allowed to be on the Recieve Team on the front line only, if the ball comes to the “T” player the “T” player immediately fall on the ball and it is a dead ball from that spot, the “T” player can not pick up the ball and advance it, Only exception is if the ball is fumbled into the end zone and the “T” player falls on it the touchdown will go to the “T” player.
Special Playing Exceptions
Division 1 (5-7)
*All Division 1 players must play at least six (6) per half (ONLY EXCEPTION IS A SAFETY ISSUE).
**NOTE** If a team is in violation of the minimum play rule: The teams Head Coach will be given a warning. If it continues, the teams Head Coach will be ejected from that
game and the following game. If it continues further, the teams Head Coach will be required to appear in front of the Executive Board of the GLYFC for further disciplinary action.
**Shall use the pee wee size ball.
Division 1 (5-7 years old) weight will be 90 lbs. Any player above that weight or who has not weighed in will wear a “T” on the front and back of their helmet (“T” must be of
contrasting color) and will be restricted to playing a position of tackle to tackle. They will not be allowed to be a pulling guard outside of the tackles. Players may be moved up an age group if the parent and the President of the city's youth football are in agreement. THERE WILL BE NO PLAYERS MOVED TO A LOWER AGE GROUP. Players can never move down an age group unless they meet the minimum grade requirements. **NOTE** If a player is in violation of this rule, both the player and the head coach will be ejected from that game and the following game. If it continues, the player and the head coach will be required to appear in front of the GLYFC Executive Board for further disciplinary action, The Great Lakes Youth Football Conference shall enforce all weight restrictions established by the GLYFC Executive Board and verified at the scheduled weigh-ins prior to the first game.
All penalties shall be no more than 10 yards; with the exception of any unsportsmanlike conduct from a player, coach, and/or a spectator.
Division 1 will not kick off. The ball will be placed on the 50-yard line to start the game and a coin toss will determine the possession of the ball.
There will not be a nose guard on the defensive line, therefore no draw plays or quarterback sneaks will be allowed.
One coach for defense and offense may remain on the field during the play and must must stay 10 yards behind the last player and the ensung play. . Once the offense are on the line, there shall be no more directing of players.. The Offence and Defense Coach must remain silent once the Offensive plays are on the line and set.
One warning will be given a team will be given a Un-sportsman like penalty for any coach who enter the playing field and interrupting the normal process of play. The Head Coach will be suspended on the second un-sportsman like penalty, and removed from the game.
There will be no kicking or punting at the Division 1 level.
Division 1 will be given 40 seconds to get a play off, after 40 seconds a delay of game penalty will be charged. (5 yards)
Division 2 (8-9)
*All Division 2 players must play at least six (6) plays per half.
**NOTE** If a team is in violation of the minimum play rule: The teams Head Coach will
be given a warning. If it continues, the teams Head Coach will be ejected from that game and the following game. If it continues further, the teams Head Coach will be required to appear in front of the Executive Board of the GLYFC for further disciplinary action.
Division 2 shall use a junior size ball
Division 2 (8-9 years old) weight will be 115 lbs. Any player above that weight or who has not weighed in will wear a “T” on the front and back of their helmet (“T” must be of contrasting color) and will be restricted to playing a position of tackle to tackle. They will not be allowed to be a pulling guard outside of the tackles. Players may be moved up an age group, if the parent and the President of the city's youth football are in agreement. THERE WILL BE NO PLAYERS MOVED TO A LOWER AGE GROUP. Players can never move down an age group unless they meet the minimum grade requirements.
**NOTE** If a player is in violation of this rule, both the player and the head coach will be ejected from that game and the following game. If it continues, the player and the head coach will be required to appear in front of the GLYFC Executive Board for further disciplinary action. The Great Lakes Youth Football Conference shall enforce all weight restrictions established by the GLYFC Executive Board and verified at the scheduled weigh-ins prior to the first game.
At the 8 & 9 age level ONLY all punts will be free punts. However, if the ball is caught it is
considered a dead ball at the spot it was caught at and the receiving team will take over at the spot. If the ball hits the ground, rolls and stops or is touched it becomes a “dead ball” at that spot.
One coach for offense and defense may remain on the field during the play and must stay 10 yards behind the last player and the ensuing play. Once the offense is on the line, there shall be no more directing of players. The Offence and Defense Coach must remain silent once the offensive players are on the line and set.
One warning will be given per team. An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be given for any coach who enters the playing field and interrupting the normal process of play. The Head Coach will be suspended on the second unsportsmanlike penalty, and removed from the game. All penalties shall be no more than 10 yards with the exception of unsportsmanlike conduct form a player, coach, and/or a spectator.
Division 2 will be given 35 seconds between plays. After 35 seconds, a delay of game 5-yard penalty will be charged.
Punts/Point After/Field Goal Attempts will be free kicks, there will be no fakes allowed.
Division 3 (10-11)
All Division 3 players must play at least 4 plays per half
Division 3 (10-11 years old) weight will be 140 lbs. Any player above that weight or who has not weighed in will wear a “T” on the front and back of their helmet (“T” must be of contrasting color) and will be restricted to playing a position of tackle to tackle. They will not be allowed to be a pulling guard outside of the tackles. Players may be moved up an age group if the parent and the President of the city's youth football are in agreement. THERE WILL BE NO PLAYERS MOVED TO A LOWER AGE GROUP. Players can never move down an age group unless they meet the minimum grade requirements.
**NOTE** If a team is in violation of the minimum play rule: The teams Head Coach will be given a warning. If it continues, the teams Head Coach will be ejected from that
game and the following game. If it continues further, the teams Head Coach will be required to appear in front of the Executive Board of the GLYFC for further disciplinary action.
Division 3 shall use a youth size ball
**NOTE** If a player is in violation of this rule, both the player and the Head Coach will be ejected from that game and the following game. If it continues, the player and the head coach will be required to appear in front of the GLYFC Executive Board for further disciplinary action.
No coaches will be allowed to remain on the field of play. One warning will be given per team. An unsportsmanlike penalty will be given for any coach who enters the playing field and interrupting the normal process of play. The Head Coach will be suspended on the second unsportsmanlike penalty and removed from the game.
All kicks and punts are live balls, at this age group there will not be a free punt.
Division 3 – will be given 25 seconds between plays. After 25 seconds, a delay of game 5-yard penalty will be charged.
NEW 2023
Overtime Rule:
(5th & 6th Grade only Should the game end in a tie) When time in regular play expires the Offensive Team go to Defense, and the Defensive Team go to Offense.
The Head Official will give the offensive team the option to kick a field goal(3 points) from the 5 yard line, if they choose to run or pass they will be given 4 down to score(6 points). Both teams will be given a chance to score.
If neither team scores the game will end in a tie, only 1 overtime will be given.