Central Rivers Basketball Club
3-4th Grade 2010 Basketball Rules
The basic rules will be those governing Missouri High Schools as provided by M.S.H.S.A.A.
Purpose: The Central Rivers Basketball Club (C.R.B.C.) program is instituted for the development of all youth participating and not specifically for any individual or team. The principle reason for this program is to teach the fundamental skills of basketball as well as working towards the following goals: Learning teamwork, participating equally, building self esteem, teaching social and physical skills, building relationships among peers and parents, teaching decision making, responsibility, leadership, and respect for authority, creating a fun experience for youth and adults.
Section 1: Coach and Team Selection Process
Part A. Coach Selections: The selection of coaches will be at the sole discretion of the local league rep based on the coach’s ability to teach, promote the league, and promote sportsmanship. Coaches are not guaranteed a coaching position based on previous C.R.B.C. coaching experience. The coaches selected are required to attend a coach’s clinic/meeting that will include at least the following items:
Article 1. Rule Book: All coaches will be presented with the following forms and instructed in their use…
One (1) copy of the C.R.B.C. 4th Grade Basketball Rules (this booklet)
Copies of the C.R.B.C. Player Rating Form from player clinics
Article 2. Coach Attendance: All coaches will be informed of the times and locations of the player clinics. Coaches are highly encouraged to help during all of their division’s player clinic sessions.
Article 3. Drills: Instruction in the drills and activities that will be used during the player clinics
Article 4. High School Coaches: If it can be arranged, the local high school coaches should present the basketball skills they feel should be taught to the players during the upcoming season.
Part B. Player’s Clinic: Each LR will conduct a player’s clinic consisting of one or two sessions prior to, and in preparation for, the player draft. During these sessions the players will be instructed in basic basketball fundamentals using, at least, the designated drills and activities listed on the Player Rating Form. The LR may turn the running of the player clinic over to the local high school coaches if desired, and if it can be arranged. If the LR should turn the running of the Player Clinic over to the local high school coaches they are free to run them as they think best. Each local LR may establish player sign up deadlines in order to determine the number of teams for participating in the league schedule.
the local Players Clinics, a two phase Player Draft (Draft) will be held for each local C.R.B.C. Division that has more than eleven (11) players signed up to participate. The purpose of the draft is to divide players into teams or determine the alternates. The LR, or a responsible adult appointed by the LR, will act as the Draft Coordinator (DC). The DC will conduct the draft by the following procedure and rules. The DC will first determine the Draft Order, per C.R.B.C. rules, and then open the Protected Phase of the Draft. During the Protected phase the DC will call for all Head Coaches claims for protected players. Only after the DC has ruled on all such claims will the Regular Phase of the Draft be opened. Rules for the Draft will include at least the following criteria. Additional local rules may be added, but may not replace or modify those articles listed below. The DC must fully explain any such local additions to all coaches prior to the start of the Protected Phase of the
Article 1. Draft Meeting: All coaches must be notified of the time and location of the draft. All coaches, or a responsible representative appointed by the coach, must be present before the draft begins. A coach may participate by telephone if the DC and all other coaches agree.
Article 2. Draft Order: The Draft order will be determined in a random manner such as drawing numbers from a hat or cards from a deck.
Article 2a. Draft Selection Order: After the Draft order has been determined, the order of selection of draft picks will be in a 1-2-3, 3-2-1 format. For example, in a three team division, team with the 1st draft order will select first in the first round, 2nd draft order will select second in the first round, and 3rd draft order will select third in the first round. In the second round, the order is reversed, so team three (3) will pick first (thus having back to back selections), team two (2) will pick second and team one (1) will pick third. The selection order will continue to alternate, as described above, with each round until the draft
is complete.
Article 3. Protected Players: During the Protected Phase of the Draft, the Head Coach and One (1) Assistant Coach will automatically protect their children. No other players may be protected.
Article 4. Drafting Siblings: It is to be understood that drafting one sibling automatically includes the other sibling(s). The additional siblings each represent one (1) Draft choice, which would represent the team’s next draft choice and each successive draft choice for each sibling.
Article 5. Coach with No Protected Players: If a coach or assistant coach does not have a child playing, then after the protected phase of the draft is recorded, they will be allowed to make selections (in draft order) until all teams have equal numbers heading into the general phase of the draft.
Article 6. Selection Final: Once a selection has been made and accepted by the DC, it is final. No trades or changes are allowed except at the discretion of the LR with the final approval of the C.R.B.C. Board of League Reps.
Article 7. Teams: Teams may be comprised of 6 to 11 players, but ideally should consist of 7 to 10 players. The LR may make exceptions for highly unusual circumstances.
1. Definitions: Short team – a team containing only 6 players
Long team – a team containing 11 players
Regular team – a team containing 7 to 10 players
Alternate – a player left over after the Draft has filled all teams
2. Allowable team make-up for number of players signed in division:
1 to 5 players – not enough players for a team
6 players – 1 short team
7 to 10 players – 1 regular team
11 players – 1 long team
12 players – 2 short teams or 1 long team and 1 alternate
13 players – 1 short and 1 regular team, or 1 long team with 2
14 to 20 players – 2 regular teams
21 to 30 players – 3 regular teams
31 to 40 players – 4 regular teams
41 to 50 players – 5 regular teams
Article 8. Late Sign Ups: Players wishing to sign up after the Draft has been completed are subject to approval by each local LR in accordance with any sign up deadlines imposed by the local LR, and must be assigned by the LR to teams as follows:
1. If only one late player is to be added, do so in the following order:
To the team on which a sibling is playing (Draft choice is used)
To a team that had a player quit. If more than one team has had a player quit, the player goes to the team in that group that would have had the next draft selection on draft day.
The team that would have drafted next on draft day
2. If more than one player is to be assigned to a team, they are to be assigned in the following order:
To the team on which a sibling is playing (Draft choice is used)
Drafted, in Draft day order, by coaches that have had players quit
Teams draft in Draft day order beginning with the team, which would have had the next selection on draft day.
Section 2: Game Rules
Note: The basic rules will be those governing Missouri High Schools as provided by M.S.H.S.A.A. with a few variations to meet the needs of the C.R.B.C. program.
Part A. Uniforms:
Article 1. Team Shirts: A team shirt will be provided by C.R.B.C. for each player. This shirt must be worn for all games as issued (names and logos, for instance, may not be added). A legalbasketball number (a one or two digit number containing any combination of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) will be on the front and back of the team shirt. A player will not be permitted to play with a sleeveless shirt. It will be the coaches responsibility and expense to replace the shirts which have had the sleeves removed. Once distributed by the coaches, the team shirts become the property and responsibility of the players. No other uniform shirts are permitted except during C.R.B.C. Championship Tournament Games in which teams from the same town are competing with each other.
Article 2. Shoes: Only clean regulation gym or tennis shoes will be allowed for games and practices. These shoes will be hand carried (not worn) to the gym to avoid damage to the gym floor due to dirt, mud or rocks. The coach is responsible for checking each player’s hand carried shoes before entering the gym prior to every practice and game. The referee will check each player’s shoes during warm ups before the start of every game. Players who are not in compliance by the start of the game will be disqualified.
Part B. Basketballs: Basketballs will be provided by C.R.B.C. for games and remain the property of C.R.B.C.
Article 1. Practice Basketballs: Coaches will be responsible for providing basketballs for practices.
Article 2. Game Basketballs: The LR will provide the game ball and warm up balls for the competing teams. Visiting teams should not bring basketballs with them to the gym. Only basketballs provided by the local C.R.B.C. should be in the gym during game times.
Article 3. Basketball Size: The regulation basketball for the 4th Grade level will be the 28.5” ball.
Part C. Minimum Participants to Start a Game: Teams must have at least five (5) players and one (1) coach to start the game.
Part D. Team Responsibilities: The team consists of players, coaches, parents and additional friends and family. All must be involved and display good sportsmanship and teamwork. The team must also give special attention to school gym rules (such as food and drink restrictions). Harassment of officials and
other competitors will not be tolerated. Teams in violation, according to the Referee’s discretion, will be penalized as follows:
Article 1. First offense after warning: A technical foul
Article 2. Second offense: Technical foul and removal of the player, coach or fan from the facilities.
Article 3. Third offense: Forfeiture of the game.
Part E. Crowd Control: Responsibility will rest with the coaches to control the conduct of their fans. Misconduct of the crowd will be handled as follows:
Article 1. Warning: Warning the coach to control his or her fan support
Article 2. Involvement of the LR to handle the issue: The offender may and probably will be asked to leave the facility at this point (may also result in a technical foul charged to the
appropriate team)
Article 3. Police involvement: At this point the offender will be arrested and charged with offenses against the school (as we are a representative of the school during this league). THE GAME WILL BE STOPPED UNTIL THE SITUATION IS RESOLVED.
Article 4. Obscenities: Any obscene gesture made by players, coaches or fans will result in an immediate ejection from the game and removal from the gymnasium.
Part F. Timekeeping and Score Keeping: The LR will secure one (1) Timekeeper for each game and two (2) Score Keepers. The Score Keepers will be assigned by the LR to a team for which they will keep the scorebook and player participation form. The league provided Score Keepers will be the official scorers, regardless of individual teams keeping stats on their own. Participation times are to be rounded (up or down) to the nearest 30 seconds. The scorekeepers shall total all playing times and then give their scorebook and player participation form to the LR after each game for verification. The LR will be responsible for making sure the scorekeepers communicate properly with their assigned coach. The LR will file the forms until the completion of the following year’s player draft.
Part G. Line-Ups
Article 1. Line-Ups: Each coach must provide their team’s line-ups on the scorebook and player participation form provided by C.R.B.C. Only players listed by the C.R.B.C. on the scorebook and player participation form may participate in the game. Exceptions can be made only if the LR knows an error has occurred in the printing, or changes, or additions need to be made. All changes and additions should be noted on the form, and the LR should see that a copy is sent to the C.R.B.C. Officer in charge of computer data the following day.
Article 2. Starters: Each coach must designate the starters on the scorebook and player participation form at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the game.
Article 3. Player Check In: Each player must check in with his or her scorekeeper prior to entering the game. The player may enter the game only during a dead ball situation and must be signaled into the game by the referee. Violation is a technical foul.
Article 4. Illness and injury: If a player has an illness or injury prior to the start of a game (and plans on participating in the game) that may cause them not to meet their time requirements, the LR or game officials must be notified prior to the start of the game. Failure to notify the LR or game officials shall result in forfeiture of the game should that player’s time requirements not be met as outlined in the C.R.B.C. rules.
Part H. Time Regulations:
Article 1. Warm Up: At least a five (5) minute warm up period prior to the start of the game will be provided subject to the discretion of the LR due to time constraints.
Article 2. Game: The game consists of four (4) quarters, each seven (7) minutes in length. The clock will stop for all shooting fouls. The clock will stop for all other dead ball situations only after the one (1) minute mark before the end of each quarter.
Article 3. Quarter Break: There will be a two (2) minute rest period
between quarters.
Article 4. Halftime Break: There will be a 5 (5) minute half timebreak.
Article 5. First Overtime: In case of a tie score at the end of regulation time, a three (3) minute overtime period will be played. This overtime period will be an extension of the 4th quarter (concerning team and personal fouls, as well as time outs). Each team will receive one additional full time out in addition to
any unused time outs from regulation. This overtime period will be started with a jump ball.
Article 6. Second Overtime: If the score is still tied after the end of the first overtime period, a second overtime period will be played. This overtime period is still an extension of the 4th quarter and will be started with a jump ball. In this second overtime period the first team to score is declared the winner of the game. There will be no running clock, but officials will continue to count all 5 second and 10 second counts.
Article 7. Substitution Timeouts: In addition to the normal allotted timeouts in a game (3 fulls, 2 30’s), each team will receive two (2) “substitution time-outs” consisting of 10 seconds eachper game. This is to accommodate teams needing toget players into the game to meet playing time requirements. Players will not be allowed to go to the bench for instruction during these timeouts. Any attempt to do so will result in a warning. If the warning is ignored, that team will be charged with a full or 30 second time out.
Part I. Goal Height: The basketball goal height will be set at ten (10)feet.
Part J. Free Throws: The free throw line will be set at eleven (11) feet.
Part K. Player or Coach Disqualification:
Article 1. Player Disqualification: Any intentional act by a player that, in the judgment of the official, is intended to injure, or bring bodily harm, to another player, will result in immediate ejection from the game. An example would be when a player is shooting a lay-up, and the defensive player intentionally shoves the shooter, or undercuts the shooter’s legs.
Article 2. Coach Disqualification: If a coach steps onto the playing area (over the out of bounds line) to argue, or question an official’s call, it will result in an automatic ejection from the game. A second offense will result in the coach being ejected from the league. A coach and/or player may not argue a judgment call by an official. A coach may question rules and violations, but a player may not. REMINDER: Coaches are to coach, players are to play, not officiate.
Part L. Defense:
Article 1. Pressing: Pressing is not allowed with the following exception. A team may press within the last minute of the game (including full court pressing), including double teams, as long as the team pressing does not have a 10-point lead or more. If not during the last minute of the game, violation of the pressing rule will result in stoppage of the game, instruction for the defending team to retreat and the ball put back into play by the offense.
Article 2. Assembling Defense: After a made basket, a defensively controlled rebound, or a turnover occurs, the team transitioning from offense to defense (TT) must assemble, as quickly as possible, within their 3-point arc before setting up their defense. The defense must display absolute control of the ball, however, before the TT is required to withdraw to their 3-point arc. Violation of this rule will result in stoppage of the game, instruction for the defending team to retreat and the ball put back into play by the offense.
Article 3. Point of Defense: After the ball crosses half-court, the defense may leave the 3-point arc.
Article 4. Double Teams: Double teams are only allowed within the 3-point arc, with the exception of the last minute of the game when pressing and double teams are allowed any where on the court.
Article 5. Fast Break Defense: When defending a fast break, the defensive team cannot guard or attempt to steal the ball (in the backcourt) until the ball crosses half court (into the frontcourt). Violation of this rule will result in stoppage of the game, instruction for the defending team to retreat and the ball put back into play by the offense. The only exception to this rule is during the last minute of the ball game when teams are allowed to press.
Part M. Player Participation: The purpose of the Player Participation Rule (PPR) is to provide each player equal opportunity for growth and development according to the C.R.B.C. philosophy. The PPR applies in all C.R.B.C. games unless the player is disqualified from the game, is injured, sick, or personally request to come out of the game. A player in foul trouble is not an exception. When any of these exceptions occur, they must be listed on the C.R.B.C. scorebook and player participation form for that game.
Article 1. Minimum Total Playing Time: If there are six (6) players participating in a game, then each player must play at least fifteen (15) minutes. For each additional player a team has participating in the game the time is reduced by one (1)minute.
Article 2. Continuous Time: Five (5) minutes of each player’s minimum total playing time must be uninterrupted. This time may be all in the same quarter or spread between any two consecutive quarters.
Article 3. Late Arriving Players: Players arriving late enough to miss the first quarter are only required to meet the continuous time requirement, or play the time remaining in the game, which ever is less.
Article 4. Short Teams: A team with 5 players at the start of a game may borrow 1 player from another team from the same town. A team with 4 players may borrow 2 players from another team from the same town. No other borrowing will be allowed. If a team has 6 players or more, they must play with their own roster. Added players must be a different player each week. A borrowed player must have the permission of the coach of the team from which the player was borrowed and the approval of the LR. Borrowing of players will not be permitted during the season ending tournament. If a team does not have 5 players to start a tournament game, the game will be forfeited.
Article 5. Disciplinary Exceptions: Coaches may use playing time for disciplinary purposes, but they must abide by the following rules when doing so. If a player fails to attend practices on a regular basis (regular basis will be determined by the LR, on a case by case basis), the coach may use playing time as a disciplinary action. To do so, the coach must abide by the guidelines outlined below. This policy should be addressed by the coach at his or her team meeting with parents prior to the start of the season. It is essential for the growth and development of the player and team that all players attend practices as often as possible. For a player to consistently miss practices and then expect to play equal time in the game is unfair to the players who have committed their time to practices and improving their individual and team skills.
Article 6. Guidelines for disciplinary action by coach:
Notification of LR: The coach must alert the LR of the player and reason for the disciplinary action for approval before the player and parents are notify.
Notification of Player and Parents: The player and the player’s parents must be notified of such action and the reason(s) for it, prior to the start of a game.
Scorekeeper Notification: The scorekeeper assigned to the coach’s team must be notified, in writing, before the start of the game. The written explanation must include the specific reason(s) for the disciplinary action. The scorekeeper will have the written explanation reviewed and approved (by signature) by the LR before the start of the game. The scorekeeper will then attach the written explanation to the C.R.B.C. scorebook and player participation form.
Minimum Playing Time: The player’s continuous time requirement may not be used for disciplinary purposes if the player arrived for the game on time.
Severe Disciplinary Action: More severe disciplinary action than is listed above must be reviewed by and approved by the LR before any further action is taken by the coach.
Article 7. Eligibility: A player must live in or attend school in the M.S.H.S.A.A. school district in which the C.R.B.C. team is located. No one outside of that district will be allowed to participate in C.R.B.C. Also, a player may not play in another C.R.B.C. town if their town has C.R.B.C and has enough to form a team in their grade and gender bracket. Last revised on October 12, 2008