Majors division is the most competitive division within all of Saratoga Little League divisions.
Most players in the Majors will be 12 and 11-years old. However, very highly qualified (very high impact) 10 year old players (Historically 0-2 in each year), may also be drafted by the Managers of respective Majors teams, after player evaluations.
Team Manager draft players based upon the player's tryout ratings and their individual team needs for a given season. Each player must play a minimum of three innings in a six-inning game. Coaches focus on developing individual and overall team skills to field the most competitive team.
Nine players are assigned to field positions and all 12 players bat with the exception of inter-league games where local rules may vary. Game scores and standings are recorded. Upon completion of the regular season, a post-season playoff tournament is held. The First Place team from the tournament advances to the District Level Tournament of Champions (TOC)
Skill Goals
- Develop batting mechanics (bunting, driving, making adjustments to speed etc.) and pitch selection.
- Develop accurate throws from outfielders to proper cutoff person.
- After fielding the ball knowing where to make the throw and getting it there. Develop fielding strategies based on skills.
- Reading signals from Coach/Manager and implementing directives.
- Arm strengthening and accuracy thru practices (long toss).
- Working as a team to get outs.
- Pitching emphasis is to continue developing pitch variety with good mechanics (fastball 2 seam/4 seam, change-up, cutter, slider etc.) and injury prevention/arm care.
- Catcher skills include developing pitch calling skills, accurate throws to all bases, minimize pass balls, etc.
- Good Sportsmanship!
Division Rules
Majors play is governed by the rules established by Little League Baseball as well as the Local Saratoga Little League Rules.
All-Star Tournament
At the end of the year there is District-level All-Star tournament. All-Star Selection information is available on line.