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Focused on the Fundamentals


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9U Cubs: Top 2 Team ACC Conference Champions

9U Cubs: Top 2 Team ACC Conference Champions

Congratulations 9U Cubs: Your Hard work and Dedication and Team Work has earned you the title of Top 2 Teams out of 32 Team in the 2020 ACC Conference. Unfortunately, because of the Pandemic of Covid-19 The Championship Game was Cancelled. Way 2 Go Beulah!!!!! Coaches: Back Roll (Darius Taylor, W...
RIP Kobe & Gigi Bryant 1/26/2020

RIP Kobe & Gigi Bryant 1/26/2020

In Honor of the late Legend Kobe Bryant. Chesterfield Beulah Colt Basketball Association 2020 wanted to keep his hard work, dedication to both family and sports, memories alive. We have placed his number on all players Jersey's. To Kobe Bryant Family May God start the Healing Process with you. Ko...


Mar 20,2020

COVID-19 Banquet 2020 Postponed  Chesterfield County is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all citizens as we respond to the constantly changing situation surrounding COVID-19. Considering the growing concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19...  [+]

Dec 23,2019

Holiday Basketball Practice Closure  Beulah Basketball Practice will resume Monday, January 6th, 2020.... Family enjoy your Holidays. Please remember to make final payments. Registration Fee NOT paid in FULL without arrangements by 12/31/19 unfortunately your chil...  [+]

Dec 19,2019

Non-Refundable Registration 2020  Good Evening Parents, teams have been registered with the county. As of today 12/19/19. Registration fees are NON REFUNDABLE. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to a Board Member. Thank You!!!!    [+]

Dec 16,2019

2020 Season Registration is Officially CLOSED!  Thank you All for registering your child with Beulah Colts 2020 Season. Registration is officially closed. Please continue to make your payments online or in person.  [+]

Field Status


- Old Beulah Elementary- 


- New Beulah Elementary- 

About Us

Since 1972, our Association has provided a source of athletic opportunities for the youth of Beulah and its surrounding communities. B.C.A.A offers Basketball, Football, Girls Softball, and Cheerleading for boys and girls ages 6-18. Our players focus on learning fundamentals, good sportsm...