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Florida Little League District 13


Purpose of Little League Baseball & Softball

      Better than any other youth sport activity, baseball and softball have become the thread that has sewn together a patchwork of nations and cultures around the world. Children in diverse nations such as Israel, Jordan, Ukraine, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Poland, Mexico, China, Venezuela, South Africa and the U.S. have discovered baseball and softball -- Little League Baseball and Softball - are ways to bring their people a sport that mirrors life itself.

      Baseball and softball embody the discipline of teamwork. They challenge players toward perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy. The very nature of baseball and softball also teach that while every player eventually strikes out or is on the losing team, there is always another chance for success in the next at-bat or game.

      Millions of children on six continents and more than 80 countries can attest that baseball, softball and Little League are synonymous. Little League is a heritage to be carried forward proudly in the future by ever increasing waves of those devoted to teaching children how to play and enjoy these great games.

       Little League is a program of service to our youth. It is geared to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participating. The movement is dedicated to helping children become good and decent citizens. It inspires them with a goal and enriches their lives towards the day when they must take their place in the world. It establishes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.


Florida Little League District 13

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