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Welcome to the Salem Youth League serving Salem Connecticut

News Detail


Mar, 2021


We kindly ask that you attend the corresponding league (softball or baseball) player assessment session below:
Softball (Minors Player Pitch & Majors) assessments 10:00am-11:30am
Baseball (Minors Player Pitch & Majors) assessments 1:00pm-2:30pm  
Lou Ufflers Sports Complex
Round Hill Rd, Salem, CT 06420
(fields behind Salem Town Hall)
Little League Baseball of America requires local little leagues to conduct a player assessment for all kids that are little league age 8 or older.  A player assessment is not a tryout, our player agent and manager/coaches involved with the assessment will have your son or daughter complete some basic (baseball / softball) skills.  The goal of the assessment is to get a better (initial) understanding of the players overall skill level and knowledge.  This will help our Manager & Coaches to better set up their practice sessions & goals.  
The Salem LL wants the kids to play in the divisions that they have been registered for, as the kids are placed in those divisions based on their LL age and it's also where their friends are playing too.  Please tell your son or daughter to relax, do their best and most importantly have some fun.
The Salem LL would only consider moving a child either up or down 1 division, if those assessing (unanimously) felt there was a significant safety concern with the division that child is currently registered.
Thank you,
SYBL Board of Directors

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