Kirbyville Little League - Ken Jordan Field

Ken Jordan spent most of his childhood growing up in Kirbyville, Texas. He graduated from Kirbyville High School in 1981. He and his late wife of 28 years Michelle Jordan made Kirbyville their home where they raised their 3 daughters Stacy, Holly, and Kristy.
Before starting his umpire career, Ken spent 12 years coaching his daughters in softball at various levels from T-ball through Senior League in the Kirbyville Little League. During that time, he helped lead multiple All-Star teams and led the first Kirbyville girls 11 and 12 year old team to win a district championship.
Ken began his umpire career in 1998 with the Kirbyville Little League and has had the opportunity to travel all around the state officiating all ages for the last 20 years. In 2003, Ken officiated his first Little League Girls State tournament in Victoria, Texas. In that same year, Ken joined TASO (Texas Association of Sports Officials) and began his tenure with high school softball. Ken has also had the privilege of officiating in 2 Little League World Series in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2005 and Portland, Oregon in 2013. Since then the state tournament has moved to Seguin, Texas where he has continued to serve as a chief umpire through the 2018 season. Ken also had the opportunity to officiate in four regional tournaments in Waco, Texas and Odessa, Texas. Ken plans to officiate the 2019 state tournament in El Campo, Texas in July.
Thank you Ken for everything you have done not only for Kirbyville Little League but for District 12 as well.