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Bandera Little League


2019 Bandera Little League

Bylaws, Local Rules or Ground Rules

Board of Directors Executive Committee



Blake Popham

Vice President

Amanda Popham


Megan Thaler


Kara Spangler

Player Agent

SoftBall-Kara Spangler
Baseball-Magan Thaler



Bylaws, Local Rules and Ground Rules


Each local Little League Board of directors should adopt its own bylaws, local rules or ground rules (the terms are interchangeable).  This document expires annually at the end of the fiscal year and must be renewed annually.  

Bylaws normally include the local board’s procedures for selection of Tournament Teams (All Stars), specific ground rules for various divisions (such as whether or not the 10-run will be used), etc. 

Because each local Little League board of directors should have authority to change these types of procedures, they require only board consent, without the general membership’s approval.  No part of the bylaws, local rules or ground rules can conflict with or supersede any Little League rule, regulation or policy. 

The bylaws, local rules or ground rules are to be distinguished from the local Little League’s Constitution. The Constitution spells out the duties and responsibilities of the officers of the board, definition of membership, election procedures, meeting requirements such as quorum, etc.  The local Little League board of directors must make a copy of the bylaws, local rules or ground rules available to any member of the local Little League for review and inspection if re


1.0  General Policy.............................................................................................................................. 4

1.1  Player’s League Age.................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Player Residence Location......................................................................................................... 6

1.3  Background Check.................................................................................................................... 6

2.0 Seasons........................................................................................................................................ 8

3.0 Divisions....................................................................................................................................... 8

4.0 Code of Conduct........................................................................................................................... 9

5.0 Managers and Coaches................................................................................................................. 9

5.1 Manager Selection.................................................................................................................... 9

5.2 Coach Selection....................................................................................................................... 10

5.3 Manager Training.................................................................................................................... 10

5.4 Manager /Coach Responsibilities.............................................................................................. 10

5.5 Manager /Coach Discipline...................................................................................................... 11

5.6 Manager Requirements to Manage.......................................................................................... 11

6.0 Parents....................................................................................................................................... 12

6.1 Parent Involvement................................................................................................................. 12

6.2 Parent Conduct....................................................................................................................... 12

7.0 Team Formations........................................................................................................................ 13

7.1 Tee Ball................................................................................................................................... 13

7.2 Baseball Minors (Coach Pitch) (A-AA)........................................................................................ 13

7.3 Baseball Minors (AAA), Softball Minors..................................................................................... 13

7.4 Baseball/Softball Majors, 50/70, and Juniors............................................................................. 14

8.0 Draft Plan................................................................................................................................... 14

8.1 Trading Players........................................................................................................................ 14

8.2 Player Draft Re-entry............................................................................................................... 14

8.3 Player Vacancy........................................................................................................................ 15

9.0 Safety......................................................................................................................................... 16

10.0 Official Regulations and Playing Rules......................................................................................... 17

11.0 Equipment................................................................................................................................ 18

12.0 Supplemental Playing Rules....................................................................................................... 19

13.0 General Rules............................................................................................................................ 19

13.1 Scorekeeping........................................................................................................................ 19

13.2 Game Definitions................................................................................................................... 19

13.3 Calling and Suspending games................................................................................................ 19

13.4 Forfeits................................................................................................................................. 20

13.5 Run Rules.............................................................................................................................. 20

13.6 Protests................................................................................................................................ 21

14.0 Ground Rules............................................................................................................................ 21

14.1 Major Field Rules:.................................................................................................................. 21

14.2 Minor Field Rules:.................................................................................................................. 21

15.0 Tournament Team Process........................................................................................................ 21

15.1 Selection Policy and Basic Overview....................................................................................... 22

15.2 General Selection Process and Procedure............................................................................... 22

Timing...................................................................................................................................... 22

Player and Parent Commitments................................................................................................ 23

Number of Players..................................................................................................................... 23

15.3 Teams and Age Groups.......................................................................................................... 23

Baseball.................................................................................................................................... 23

Softball..................................................................................................................................... 24

15.4 Manager & Coach Selection Process....................................................................................... 24

15.5 All-Star Player Selection Process............................................................................................. 25

Balloting................................................................................................................................... 25

Voting....................................................................................................................................... 25

Vote Tally and Initial Player Selections........................................................................................ 25

Final Team Configurations......................................................................................................... 25

Confidentiality and Oversight..................................................................................................... 26

Player Notification..................................................................................................................... 26

All-Star Announcement.............................................................................................................. 26 

1.0 General Policy 

It is the intent of Bandera Little League to accommodate any player who wants to play baseball or softball, lives within the Bandera Little League boundaries (established by Little League Inc.) and meets registration requirements established by Little League Inc. No player will be turned away except for severe disciplinary reasons or restrictions.  It is also the intent of Bandera Little League to play as many games as can be scheduled within the spring season. However, due to Bandera Little League being in a rural area, there is no guarantee to the number of games that will be played or that canceled games will be made up.

Managers, coaches, players, parents, spectators, etc., shall not consume alcohol or tobacco products at any Bandera Little League function.  

Bandera Little League follows the rules as set forth in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for the current year for each chartered division for the current year. Bandera Little League has adopted supplemental rules (Bylaws) (contained herein) that augment the Official Regulations and Playing Rules. These Supplemental Rules are mandatory during regular season, but are not applicable during post-season tournament play.  

Managers and coaches (and players and parents) are responsible to know these Supplemental

Rules as well as the Official Regulations and Playing Rules authorized and published by Little League Baseball, Inc. Games played by teams in an "interleague" format, regardless of their opponent, will be governed by the interleague rules.   

Bandera Little League shall enforce the following age and residence rules during registration in compliance with Little League, Inc. 

1.1 Player’s League Age

A player’s league age for the current season of baseball and softball is his/her age based on the official League age charts below. See Little League Baseball Proof of Age Requirements document for details on acceptable proof of age documents that must be submitted at registration (  

1.2 Player Residence Location

The player must live within the Bandera Little League boundary at least 51 percent of the time and indicate residence location on boundary map during registration or have a completed and approved Regulation II (d) waiver on file. See Little League Baseball Proof of Residency Requirements document for details on acceptable proof of residency documents that must be submitted at registration (  

1.2.1 Players who move outside of Bandera Little League boundaries may continue to play for Bandera Little League provided a Regulation II (d) waiver has been submitted and approved by Little League, Inc. 

1.2.2 The proofs of residency shall be kept with the waiver until the player no longer plays for Bandera Little League. 

1.2.3 Per Little League rules, if a player playing under a Regulation II(d) waiver does not play the following year, that player is not eligible to play for Bandera Little League unless that player establishes residency again within the Bandera Little League boundaries. 

1.2.4 Bandera Little League strives to provide the safest playing environment possible. 

1.2.5 Bandera Little League provides training for managers, coaches, and volunteers to be able to handle most accidental injuries. 

1.2.6    Our facilities are periodically surveyed and maintained to the highest standards to prevent injuries and mishaps. 

1.2.7 No player shall be subjected to abusive language, harassment, severe or injurious discipline, anger of the coaches, teammates, etc.  

1.3 Background Check 

Per Little League Inc. Regulation 1 (c), Bandera Little League is required to conduct an annual, nationwide background check on all personnel and hired personnel. Each volunteer or hired personnel is required to complete and submit a “Little League Volunteer Application” and provide a copy of a valid government-issued photo identification to the president or board member(s) designated by the president . 

1.3.1 No one will be allowed to participate in any manner, whose background check reveals a conviction or guilty plea for any crime involving or against a minor. 

1.3.2 Bandera Little League may also prohibit any individual from participating as a volunteer if the individual is deemed unfit to work with minors. 

Bandera Little League shall perform background checks as follows:

•      The president or designee(s) shall conduct a background check on all managers using Lexus Nexus at

•      The president shall name one or more Bandera Little League Board of Directors to perform background checks under the direction of the president. 

•      The president shall review the results of any background check that returns information that warrants further investigation.

Each Bandera Little League Board of Directors member, manager, coach, adult umpire, and all other adult volunteers or hired personnel shall complete and submit a “Little League Volunteer Application” for the current fiscal year and a copy of valid, government-issued photo identification to the president or designee(s).

The president or designee(s) shall conduct a background check on all other volunteers using the United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Registry at The president or designee(s) shall complete the “Little League Volunteer Application” as required by Little League. 

If the background check returns information or Bandera Little League subsequently becomes aware of information, by any means whatsoever, that an individual, including, but not limited to, volunteers and players, has been convicted of or pled guilty to any crime involving or against a minor, the president must contact the applicable government agency to confirm the accuracy of the information. The president or designee(s) shall also notify the individual of the action that is being taken so that the individual can offer any response or comment to the president and the Bandera Little League Board of Directors. Upon confirmation of a conviction for, or guilty plea to, a crime against or involving a minor, Bandera Little League shall not permit the individual to participate in any manner. That person shall be dismissed immediately. 

If the background check reveals that the individual, including, but not limited to, volunteers and players, has been convicted of or pled guilty to any other type of crime not involving nor against a minor, the president must contact the applicable government agency to confirm the accuracy of the information. The president or designee(s) shall present the findings to the investigation committee. The individual shall have the opportunity to present his or her side of the case to the investigation committee. The investigation committee shall determine whether or not the individual will be able to continue participating in Bandera Little League. 

Any felony involving physical harm to an individual (for example, murder, kidnapping, spousal abuse) is reason for immediate dismissal.  

Any felony not involving physical harm to an individual (for example, extortion, theft) shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. However, the individual cannot hold a board position, manage, or coach. 

Misdemeanors (for example, a minor fist fight), infractions (for example, a speeding ticket), and DUIs (driving under the influence) shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  

All decisions by the President and Bandera Little League Board of Directors are final. 

All forms submitted for and created as a result of the background check shall remain in the possession of the president or designee(s) until the end of the fiscal year. Except as required by law, no other person shall have access to or see the forms. 

2.0 Seasons

Bandera Little League offers one season of baseball and softball:  

Spring Season

Open to all youth who properly register and meet age and residency requirements per Section 1.0.


3.0 Divisions

Bandera Little League offers the following baseball and softball divisions. The number of teams in the chart below is subject to change due to the number of registered players. There are circumstances where younger players may play up or older players may play down with the approval of the Board of Directors.





Tee Ball

Boys & Girls


Baseball Minors A-AA (Coach


Boys & Girls


Baseball Minors AAA

Boys & Girls


Baseball Majors

Boys & Girls


Baseball Juniors

Boys & Girls


Softball Coach Pitch



Softball Minors



Softball Majors



Softball Juniors





4.0 Code of Conduct

All Team Managers, Coaches, and assistants must sign a "Code of Conduct Agreement" approved by the Board of Directors. Whenever practical, in enforcing the Code of Conduct and Agreement adopted by the Board, written notice will be provided in advance to individual managers, coaches, or assistants about any conduct which is considered by the Board of Directors to be in violation of the Code of Conduct and Agreement. Should any substantial violation of the Code of Conduct Agreement occur the offending individual will be subject to penalties ranging from written and/or oral warning, probation, or suspension, to expulsion from the league depending on the severity of the offense or uncorrected behavior as judged by the Board of Directors. 

After notification of the nature of the offence, the accused offender will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations in person or in writing. However, if the gravity of the alleged offense or the safety of players or integrity of the Little League program warrants the immediate suspension of the accused, a member of the Board of Directors may implement a suspension or other corrective measures prior to any hearing. 

All Team Managers, Coaches, and assistants may be required to sign a Disclosure Statement regarding any past convictions of sexual assault, abuse, or exploitation of minors. If so required failure to sign this statement will result in forfeiture of the individual's right to manage or coach any Bandera Little League team.

5.0 Managers and Coaches

5.1 Manager Selection

Individuals interested in managing an Bandera Little League baseball/softball team must complete and submit the following to the President or his/her designee:  

•      Bandera Little League Manager Application.

•      Little League Volunteer Application Form. (Including a copy of a USA government issued photo ID – refer to Section 1) 

5.1.1 Each manager candidate shall be interviewed by the President. 

5.1.2 When a manager candidate interview is complete, the President shall submit his/her recommendation to the Bandera Little League Board of Directors for approval.

5.1.3 Manager positions are for one-year only. Having previously been a manager in Bandera Little League is not a guarantee of a managing position in any subsequent season. 

5.2 Coach Selection

Each manager shall select up to two coaches, pending the approval of the President and Bandera Little League Board of Directors. While it is desired that the coaches be fathers/mothers of a player on the team, the manager may ask another individual (who does not have a son/daughter playing in Bandera Little League) to be a coach. All Managers must declare their coaches in writing to their division Player Agent prior to their first regular season game. 

5.3 Manager /Coach Responsibilities

Managers are responsible for the following: 

•      Strive to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all players on their team. 

•      Strive to ensure the proper moral and ethical conduct of players, coaches, players’ parents, and him / her. 

•      Know, teach, and follow all rules and regulations as set forth by Little League, Inc. and Bandera Little League. 

•      Strive to ensure that volunteers are obtained from among the team’s parents to run concessions as assigned distribute and collect uniforms, field maintenance, safety, and other responsibilities as determined by the Bandera Little League Board of Directors. 

•      Umpire behind the plate or on the bases at least one game outside of their division. 

•      Attend all required manager meetings (Bandera Little League and District 4) and training classes. 

•      Accept all decisions of Bandera Little League Board of Directors and/or President as final. 

•      Look for ways to improve Bandera Little League and convey them to the Bandera Little League Board of Directors.

5.4 Manager /Coach Discipline

•      Failure to follow Little League rules and/or Bandera Little League Bylaws and/or failure to manage/coach in the spirit of Little League may result in a reprimand, suspension or dismissal by the Bandera Little League Board of Directors following a thorough investigation into alleged infractions and/or failings. 

•      Investigations will be conducted by a committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Coaching Coordinator, and Player Agent for the effected division and Safety Officer. Decisions of this committee are final. 

•      Infractions include, but are not limited to:   Foul language. 

•      Yelling at or intimidating a player or umpire. 

•      Following umpire off the field. 

•      Inappropriate behavior. 

•      Use of tobacco products at a practice and/or game. 

•      Drinking alcohol at or before a practice and/or a game - includes having the odor of alcohol on the person or breath. 

•      Failure to follow Bandera Little League Bylaws.  

5.5 Manager Requirements to Manage

Managers shall not be allowed to manage any regular season games for their team until the following requirements have been met: 

•      A completed manager application is on file with division director. 

•      A completed volunteer application form for the manager for the current year is on file with the president or designee. 

•      A completed volunteer application form for all coaches for the current year is on file with the president of designee. 

•      Makes sure that a completed volunteer application form for each parent listed on the parent volunteer sign-up sheet is on file with the president or designee.   

Any manager who has not met ALL of the above requirements shall not be allowed to manage their team until they have met those requirements or obtained a waiver from Bandera Little League. Conditions for receiving a waiver are:  

•      Job requirements prevented attendance at required class(s). 

•      Illness prevented attendance at required class(s). 

6.0 Parents

6.1 Parent Involvement

Bandera Little League is a volunteer organization. It cannot be effective if only the board of directors and a few other parents do all the work. It is critical that each parent be involved with the everyday operation of Bandera Little League. Parent involvement helps ALL of the kids playing in Bandera Little League. Therefore, ALL parents shall be accountable for one of the areas of responsibility on their child’s team. Each parent shall have something to do that will foster team spirit and take burdens off the managers’ shoulders.   

Areas where team parents should help include, but are not limited to, the following: 

•      Coaching

•      Uniforms 

•      Fundraisers 

•      Concessions 

•      Pre-game field preparation and post-game field repair. 

•      Field Maintenance 

•      Team Parent  

The team manager will be provided with a parent volunteer form listing the areas where volunteers are needed for his/her team.  The parents are required to select an area to volunteer for prior to the beginning of the season.

6.2 Parent Conduct

Parents must exhibit good sportsmanship always, especially from the stands. Coaching from the stands is not allowed, but encouraging players is. Negative comments will not be tolerated.  

7.0 Team Formations

The most important consideration in assigning players to teams is the assignment of players to the level of play they are best suited for and to distribute the available player talent so that all teams, in all divisions, of Bandera Little League are competitive.  

7.1 Tee Ball

 The Bandera Little League TBall division teams are formed using a draft.

 Other factors include: 

NOTE: Registration numbers and age distribution may require that players living in the same neighborhood play on different teams.  

7.2 Baseball Minors (Coach Pitch) (A-AA)

Baseball Minors (AAA), Softball Minors

The Bandera Little League Baseball/Softball Minors division teams are formed using a draft. This division shall hold tryouts each year. Tryouts are conducted under the direction of each division’s Player Agent. The President or Vice President, and the Secretary should also be at the draft to assist the division Director and Player Agent and to record and verify the results.  

7.3 Baseball/Softball Majors, 50/70, and Juniors

All Bandera Little League Baseball/Softball major and junior division teams are formed using a draft. This division shall hold tryouts each year. Tryouts are conducted under the direction of each division’s Player Agent. The President or Vice President, and the Secretary should also be at the draft to assist the division Director and Player Agent and to record and verify the results.  

The Bandera Little League Board of Directors, through the Player Agent, reserves the right to continue any player who has a residence change (e.g., moved outside of the Bandera Little League boundaries) after becoming a member of Bandera Little League as provided in the official rules (following proper completion and submission of appropriate Little League waiver forms). However, the Bandera Little League Board of Directors shall take into account the interests of the player in exercising this right.

8.0 Draft Plan

Bandera Little League will use draft plan 'B' per Little League International guidelines. This is the redraft option whereby all teams are redrafted in entirety every year. Managers are permitted a "manager's exception" in that they may draft their own son/daughter but must do it by the third round based on the player's age. One assistant coach will also be permitted a “coaches exception” in that the manager may draft the assistant coach’s son/daughter. This must be done by the second round. All other players will be "unprotected" and can be drafted by any manager, with returning players who played at the same level last spring season selected first and then new players to that level selected after that. If a manager’s exception has a brother or sister in the same division, the manager has the right to have that player "earmarked" for selection by the fifth round based on if the player is returning or new. While the manager will draft their team and be allowed the "managers exception" and one "coaches exception." No other exceptions will be allowed prior to the draft. Please see the full description in the little league international handbook. 

8.1 Trading Players

All player trades will be made through the player agent. Player trades must be completed the night of the draft. All trades must be player for player only. Trades for future draft choices are not permitted. The Board and the Player Agent must approve trades involving drafted players. If not approved, the trade is vetoed.

8.2 Player Draft Re-entry

The spirit of the player draft re-entry is to protect the relationship between the player, parent, and manager/coach. When a problem exists between a player and manager/coach, or parent and manager/coach, the following steps must be taken, in the order listed:   Discuss the situation with the player’s team coaching staff. 

•      If no resolution is reached, the manager and parent(s) shall notify the division Player Agent. 

•      If the Player Agent is unable to resolve the situation, the Player Agent shall notify the Bandera Little League Board of Directors. 

•      The Bandera Little League Board of Directors shall address the situation and attempt to solve the problem fairly for all. 

The Bandera Little League Board of Directors shall grant or deny requests for re-entry into a draft based on how well the previous conditions were met. All considerations for the best interest of the player will be given. 

8.3 Player Vacancy 

See section 8.0 of this document for the procedure of how a manager’s child shall re-enter the draft should the manager be assigned a team different from his/her child. 

If a vacancy occurs, the Replacement procedure shall be as follows 

The manager of the team losing a player shall promptly advise the division Player Agent when a player is lost to a team during the playing season for any of the following reasons:  

•      He/she moves to another city or state too distant to commute for practice and play; 

•      He/she is injured (does not matter how, where, or when the injury occurred) and it is a season-ending injury (based on a doctor's opinion); 

•      He/she has, for personal reasons, decided to terminate his/her association with the team; 

•      Any other justifiable reason reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.  

The manager of the team losing a player shall promptly advise the division Player Agent. The Player Agent shall advise the President and the Bandera Little League Board of Directors. If the loss of the player is approved, the President will send a letter of release to the player and the parents stating that the player is released from the team (except for injury) and the league for a justifiable reason. This action creates a legal opening for a replacement on the team roster. If the vacancy occurs before May 1st, the manager shall review the available player list (players on a Minors team who attended tryouts) with the Player Agent and shall select a replacement. The Player Agent and President will discuss with the parents of the selected player, the possibility of their child moving into the Majors Division. If the parents and player agree, the replacement player becomes a member of the team. 

If a player is injured prior to the first regularly scheduled game, the manager must notify the

Division Player Agent. The parents or legal guardians of the player must give the Division Player Agent a note containing the physician’s opinion of how long the player should not play. If the player is unable to play as of April 1, the manager must select a replacement player from the draft unless the President and Division Player Agent agree to an extension (e.g., the player can return a few days after the April 1 deadline).  

Ball players who quit are to be treated as move-outs. A player who misses three consecutive unexcused regularly scheduled games will be considered to have quit. This will be subject to the judgment of the Board and Player Agent who will consult with the player's parents. 

All movements of players must be handled by and through the Player Agent. The Player Agent, parents, and player must approve alI movements of players to and between Major Teams. 

9.0 Safety

Bandera Little League will provide the safest playing environment possible.  We will train our managers, coaches, and volunteers to be able to handle most accidental injuries.  Our facilities are periodically surveyed and always maintained to the highest standards to prevent injuries and mishaps. Each Manager will receive a Safety Manual which is included in the Manager’s League Information Book. 

•      ALL male players MUST wear an athletic supporter to prevent injury that could occur from a hit or thrown ball at all games and practices. It is recommended that female catchers also wear a protective cup.  See the Little League Safety Code for more information.      

•      The player catching balls for a coach/manager hitting infield practice or fly balls MUST wear a catcher’s helmet during games and practices. 

•      Plate umpires MUST wear the same protective equipment as required for catchers, including a helmet for all umpires under age 18.  No exceptions are allowed. 

•      Managers shall check the playing facilities for safety prior to starting practices.  Umpires and managers shall check the playing facilities for safety prior to starting games.  All problems must be reported to the Field Manager, Board Member on Duty or Safety Officer. 

•      Each incident or accident must be documented and reported to the Safety Officer within 24 hours of its occurrence. 

•      Managers and coaches will attend Coach’s training prior to the season. The training session will include basic safety principles and first aid. 

•      Each manager MUST have an Bandera Little League supplied first aid kit at all practices and games. Managers MUST check supply levels prior to practices and games and replenish as required. 

•      When there is lightning and/or thunder, all practices and games must stop immediately, and everyone must go to a safe location. 

•      Managers and parents will utilize safety and security policies as they pertain to dropping-off and picking-up of players at all practice and game fields. 

•      Equipment shall be stored in an orderly manner in the dugouts to prevent hazards. 

•      Guests are NOT allowed in the dugout area or on the field during games. 

•      Each manager must inspect equipment for wear and tear before each practice or game and repair or replace defective equipment (Contact Bandera Little League board members for replacement equipment) Ensure that all player-supplied equipment meets Little League regulations and requirements. 

•      Volunteers performing duties within the concession stands will be briefed on the regulations and operating guidelines employed within the stand. 

•      All batters, base runners, and youth base coaches shall wear a batting helmet. 

•      Arrangements shall be made to ensure a mobile phone is available at each practice and game for emergencies. 

•      During games, managers will ensure that players not currently participating in the game remain in the dugout. 

•      On-deck batters are not allowed in the Baseball/Softball A- AA (Coach Pitch), AAA (Minors) and Major divisions.

•      Breakaway bases or throw-down bases must be used on all fields for all divisions for practices and games. 

•      One adult must be present in the dugout at all times.  

•      When a game or practice is underway on the 50/70 – Junior field, the First Base and Right Field players must wear a helmet.

•      An official league volunteer, familiar with league policies, must be present during all baseball or softball related activities while on the Bandera Little League complex

10.0 Official Regulations and Playing Rules 

ALL male players MUST wear an athletic supporter to prevent injury that could occur from a hit or thrown ball at all games and practices. It is recommended that female catchers also wear a protective cup.  See the Little League Safety Code for more information.   

The player catching balls for a coach/manager hitting infield practice or fly balls MUST wear a catcher’s helmet during games and practices. 

•      Plate umpires MUST wear the same protective equipment as required for catchers, including a helmet for all umpires under age 18.  No exceptions are allowed. 

•      Managers shall check the playing facilities for safety prior to starting practices.  Umpires and managers shall check the playing facilities for safety prior to starting games.  All problems must be reported to the Fields Director. 

•      Each incident or accident must be documented and reported to the Safety Officer within 24 hours of its occurrence. 

•      Managers and coaches will attend Coach’s training prior to the season. The training session will include basic safety principles and first aid. 

•      Each manager MUST have an Bandera Little League supplied first aid kit at all practices and games. Managers MUST check supply levels prior to practices and games and replenish as required.                                                                                                                                                                    

•      When there is lightning and/or thunder, all practices and games must stop immediately and everyone must go to a safe location. 

•      Managers and parents will utilize safety and security policies as they pertain to dropping-off and picking-up of players at all practice and game fields. 

•      Equipment shall be stored in an orderly manner in the dugouts to prevent hazards. 

•      Guests are NOT allowed in the dugout area or on the field during games. 

•      Each manager must inspect equipment for wear and tear before each practice or game and repair or replace defective equipment (Contact Bandera Little League board members for replacement equipment).

•      Ensure that all player-supplied equipment meets Little League regulations and requirements. 

•      Volunteers performing duties within the concession stands will be briefed on the regulations and operating guidelines employed within the stand. 

•      All batters, base runners, and youth base coaches shall wear a batting helmet.  

•      Arrangements shall be made to ensure a mobile phone is available at each practice and game for emergencies. 

•      During games, managers will ensure that players not currently participating in the game remain in the dugout. 

•      On-deck batters are not allowed in the Baseball/Softball Minor and Major divisions.

•      Breakaway bases or throw-down bases must be used on all fields for all divisions for practices and games. 

•      One adult must be present in the dugout at all times. 

11.0 Equipment

Bandera Little League issued equipment (catchers gear, batting helmets, first aid kit, etc.) are the property of Bandera Little League and must be returned at the end of the season. 

•      Each Manager will be assigned an equipment gear bag for his/her team.  

•      Managers are responsible for maintaining the provided equipment and notifying the Equipment manager when gear needs to be replaced.

•      Managers are responsible for returning gear that was check out at the beginning of the season.

12.0 Supplemental Playing Rules

The following supplemental playing rules are intended to supplement and/or emphasize the Little League Baseball/ Softball Official Regulations and Playing Rules. These supplemental rules are mandatory during regular season – tournament exceptions are noted. Conflicts with these supplemental rules must be brought to the Bandera Little League Board of Directors in writing for resolution.

Note: Leagues that participate in an Interleague will be governed by the District provided Interleague Rules

13.0 General Rules

This section is applicable to all Bandera Little League divisions except as noted. 

•      The home team shall occupy the third base dugout. 

•      The manager, coach or designated parent (must complete a successful Volunteer Application) will be physically in the dugout during the game whenever there are players in the dugout. 

•      The home team shall provide two new baseballs/softballs to the umpire prior to the start of each game. Additional game balls must be on hand should they be required.

•      If a game is cancelled for any reason, the league scheduler must be notified so that the game can be rescheduled.

•      Non-Tball teams may not use the Tball field for practice. 

13.1 Scorekeeping

 A manager, coach or designee must be the scorekeeper on all drafted teams.

 Scorekeeper responsibilities include: 

•      Keep accurate hardcopy records of games, including pitch count (in applicable divisions) of each pitcher appearing in the game. 

•      The home scorekeeper shall record the game start time as stated by the plate umpire in the home scorebook.  

13.2 Game Definitions

•      Scheduled game: A game as it appears on the game schedule. 

•      Regulation game: See Official Regulations and Playing Rules. 

•      Called game: A game that did not start at its scheduled time. 

•      Suspended game: A game that started but did not become a regulation game. 

•      Makeup game: A called or suspended game that has been rescheduled.  

13.3 Calling and Suspending games

Only the managers of the two teams scheduled to play make the decision to start or call a game. The Umpire-in-chief (plate umpire) makes the decision to suspend a game after the game has begun (reference Official Regulations and Playing Rules. Managers and coaches shall NOT influence the Umpire-in-Chief’s (plate umpire’s) decision.  

Reasons for called and suspended games include, but not limited to:

•      When a field is too wet to play safely. 

•      When there is insufficient light to safely play.

•      When a team does not have nine players. (Exception: for Minors and Coach Pitch, both boys and girls, a game may be played with less than nine players on either team. Borrowing players from the opposing team is allowed if agreed upon by both managers.)

•      When there are no umpires. 

NOTE: The parents of players unable to be at a game because of a school or other event shall notify their Division Player Agent via email no less than 72 hours before the scheduled game start time.

The managers shall not call games sooner than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled game time.

Managers can call the game only after they meet at the field and agree that it is not playable. 

Every reasonable effort must be made to make fields playable when they are scheduled. Rescheduled games must be agreed upon with each manager and the league scheduler must be contacted to verify that the agreed upon rescheduled date does conflict with prescheduled fields or games. Games rescheduled without the knowledge of the league scheduler will result in the team being responsible for paying the umpires at team expense.

13.4 Forfeits 

Forfeits are allowed for refusing to play. Reference the Official Little League Regulations and Playing Rules.  

13.5 Run Rules 

•       Interleague rules supersede local Supplemental Rules 

•       A manager whose team is ten runs or more behind at the end of the 5th inning is required to concede the game at this point. 

•       Coach pitch baseball and softball, Minors baseball and softball, the maximum amount of runs a team can score in an inning is five including the final inning.

•       The minimum player playing time rule is not enforced when a game is conceded.

•       Pitching regulations (not applicable to Baseball A-AA or Tee Ball): Pitching regulations are clearly defined within Official Regulations and Playing Rules. Managers must ensure they keep track of and can make available all pitching records to Umpires, Opposing Manager and League Officials, if requested. 

Bandera Little League officials reserve the right to audit pitching records and take appropriate action to ensure regulations are being followed. The disciplinary action for the manager for not following the pitch count rules (including days of rest) are as follows:

•       1st offense: 1 game suspension. 

•       2nd offense: may result in a permanent suspension for the rest of the season.  

NOTE 1: Pitch count violations are grounds for protest. 

NOTE 2: If a game is suspended before the completion of the first inning, the partial inning is negated, and the game is restarted when it is rescheduled. The inning in this instance does not count toward the pitching limitations.  

13.6 Protests 

•      Protests shall be made in accordance with Official Regulations and Playing Rules. Reference Official Playing Rule: 4.19. 

•      Protests against violations or interpretations of the playing rules or the use of an ineligible player are to be submitted to the President within 24 hours.   No protests shall be considered involving an umpire’s judgment. 

•      Pitch count violations are grounds for protest.

14.0 Ground Rules

There are some different aspects of the Bandera Little League fields which make them different than other fields. In order to make the game more uniform the following "ground rules" have been established. The ground rules are to be reviewed before every AAA, majors or juniors game at our fields during the umpires' "plate meeting". Managers will also receive a copy of these rules and be informed of any ground rules changes during the season. 

 Only two people at a time are allowed in the bullpen during games, and only to warm up a pitcher. 

15.0 Tournament Team Process

As a league, Bandera Little League strives to make sure that the regular season offers as much opportunity to play and experience baseball and softball as possible.  The League implements numerous local rules to make for a more enjoyable playing experience for ALL players.  Our League has many different playing levels, each geared to accommodate players based on their age and ability of play.

15.1 Selection Policy and Basic Overview 

The All-Star Season is a completely separate season from the regular season.  It is an opportunity for a significantly higher level of play within the regional Little League system.  Players will have a significantly higher level of commitment and will receive a higher level instruction and to compete against other All-Star teams. 

When it comes to All-Star teams, it is the intent of Bandera Little League to field teams that will best represent our league in competition and character.  Bandera Little League believes that it is important to include the players themselves in the selection process and that the process be transparent and fair to all kids.  All of the baseball and softball players need to have an opportunity to make the team regardless of popularity, school affiliation, parental influence, or manager prejudice.  For those that are not selected for the team the details regarding their candidacy shall be held in the strictest of confidence and remain private.  

All selection decisions regarding All-Star teams need to be made with these Board and District approved ideals in mind.  Several characteristics permeate our selection process for players and managers for the All Stars team: 

•      Skill-level and ability to compete 

•      Attitude, hustle, team spirit, team leadership, and 

•      Overall character, integrity, and sportsmanship.  

Winning is fun, but it is very important that we remember that Little League is a Child Development Program and that we are about teaching life lessons, building and demonstrating the positive ideals and characteristics that we hope for all our children. 

15.2 General Selection Process and Procedure  


The All-Star team selection process will begin approximately two weeks prior to June 1st.  The All-Star teams CANNOT be announced at any earlier date than is prescribed by Little League Rules each year.  For 2017, this date is June 1st

The All-Star practices will begin around the first week in June.  Practices begin immediately upon team selection and usually run 2 to 3 hours per day and can be up to 7 days a week until tournament play begins. 

Player and Parent Commitments 

Each interested player submits their name for consideration by completing the All-Star

Commitment Form.  This document explains the commitment necessary to be a part of the AllStar program.  Alcoa LL is striving to field the most competitive All-Star team possible and assure that it is comprised of players and managers/coaches that represent the attitude and character we desire.  With this in mind, Alcoa LL wishes to involve only parents and players who are committed to the hard work and practice time that is required to participate at this level of competition.  

The player and parent commitment to All-Stars must be a solid commitment.  Tournament Players must bear in mind that their first commitment is to the Alcoa LL team before any other Non-Little League team or to any other sports camps or sports teams during the All-Star Season.  

In the past, Little League rules have expressly prohibited a player or manager/coach from being involved in any other youth baseball program during the All Star season.  While Little League has officially rescinded this Little League rule regarding “dual participation” in 2008, the Alcoa LL board has exercised its option and decided to allow that the All Star team Manager continue to enforce this requirement and shall have the authority to suspend or eliminate a Player for repeatedly missing games or practices.  

All such changes shall be coordinated only with prior approval from the League President on behalf of the Alcoa LL Board.

Number of Players 

Each All-Star team representing the Alcoa LL will consist of a minimum of 13 players.  In Alcoa LL, the All-Star Manager has the discretion of choosing a 14th player which is eligible for the team. Teams with 13 or 14 players may have 3 adults (one Manager and two Coaches). Additionally, the All-Star Manager shall appoint a new player should the team need to replace a player due to injury, lack of commitment, ineligibility, or other unforeseen circumstance.  This appointment will be approved by the Bandera Little League Board of Directors.  Per Little League rules, some players may be eligible for multiple teams however; an individual may only be selected or be allowed to practice with one All Star team.

15.3 Teams and Age Groups 


Major’s Team  

The Major’s All-Star team will be made up of players who are league age 11 or 12 years of age and who played in the Alcoa LL Majors division during the regular season.  

10-11 year-old Team  

The 10 -11 year old All-Star team will be made up of players who are 10 or 11 years of age who played in the Alcoa LL Majors division during the regular season.  

8-10 year-old team  

The 10-year-old All-Star team will be made up of players who are 8, 9 or 10 years of age who played in the Alcoa LL Minor division during the regular season. 


The Softball All Star Team(s) will be decided following Little League Softball rules. 

15.4 Manager & Coach Selection Process 

Managers and coaches may come from the following divisions:

•      8-10 all-star team – manager or coach from Minor (AAA) or Major division

•      9-11 all-star team – manager or coach from Major or Minor (AAA) division

•      11-12 all-star team – manager or coach from Major division

•      Junior all-star team – manager or coach from Junior or Senior division 

The Player Agent for their respective division will collect submissions and a signed

Confidentiality Agreement by candidates that want to manage an All-Star team.  The Player Agent will provide documentation to the League President.  The President will present the candidates for each division to the Board for a majority vote. The Board may request manager candidates to present themselves in front of the board, prior to the vote.  Any All-Star manager candidate, who is a member of the Board, will excuse themselves from the vote for the All Star manager position in which they are requesting.  

The Board will then vote for one manager for each team to be fielded. The applicant with the most votes is then passed to the President for appointment and from there to the board for approval. In the case of a tie, a run-off vote between the tied applicants will be done by the board or selection committee as appropriate. The successful candidates selected as Managers will be notified by the Bandera Little League President. 

The All-star Coaches for each division will be selected by the Manager.  Only Coaches who served as regular season Coaches may be selected.  

All coaches must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.  The managers will be selected based on the following traits:

•      Attitude

•      Fairness

•      Teamwork

•      Sportsmanship

•      Coaching and organizational ability 

15.5 All-Star Player Selection Process  

Interested players will submit notification to the league President or Player Agent. Once all interested players have been identified, a tryout will be held to select All-Star team members.

Player Notification

The All-Star team manager is asked to notify all team members as promptly as is possible.  Managers of players not chosen will notify those players as soon as possible. 


Bandera Little League

Bandera Sports Complex, 325 Optimist Way
Bandera, Texas 78003

Phone: 210-965-0979
Email: [email protected]

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