Our Coos County Youth Sports (CCYS) Soccer Online registration is open for k/1st-U18 soccer. Teams fill up fast so if you're requesting a specific coach please note that on your registration form. Also, if you're wanting to sign up and be on the same team with a specific friend it's a good idea to put that person's name under your requests and get it turned in early so that we can make that happen.
We are a k/1st-12th Grade/U18 soccer league.
When you register early with multiple players (in your household or for carpooling) it gives our organization time to match up overlapping practice times options for you or at least on the same field and or day etc.. We will contact you with options and see what works best if possible.
Follow our Facebook Page: Coos County Youth Sports
By following our Facebook Page you will get updates on events and things that we are doing to improve our Soccer program.
We have updated our "FORMS" tab on the https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=2635795 (our web page) www.cooscountyyouthsports.com to include an at home printable Registration Form, our Coaches Contract and our Volunteer form.
So please print these off and mail them in if you have any interest so that we can get you going in our system before the season starts. Please pay Online if you're using a Card.
In later February and early March CCYS will conduct free coaches training/assistants/drills/rules etc. classes for any parents and or volunteers who are interested. We are in need of more good people to help do nice things.
Thank You!!!
Kevin Dubisar
Coos County Youth Sports (CCYS) is a Non-Profit 501(c)3