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Majors 9/10 Local Rules

6a.01 The distance from the front side of the pitcher’s plate to the rear point of home plate shall be 35 feet. Regulation 11-inch softballs will be used.

6c.02 Each team may establish a batting order consisting of anywhere from nine (9) players to all members present. A team may utilize ten (10) players in the field, including a fourth outfielder; if used, all ten (10) players must be in the batting order. Any player in the batting order who is not in a fielding position is an “extra hitter”. Free fielding substitution of extra hitters for position players is permitted; however, each player in the starting lineup must play at least two (2) defensive innings over the first four (4) innings of the game. Substitutions for players not in the starting lineup must be made in accordance with Playing Rule 3.03. If the lineup includes all players present, a player not listed on the original batting order who arrives after the game starts is to be added at the bottom of the order; also, the Special Pinch Runner (Playing Rule 7.14) may not be utilized because there are no players who are not in the lineup.

6c.03 A batter shall be out (and does not become a runner) on any third strike, whether or not caught by the catcher.

6c.04The League has adopted the option in Playing Rule 7.08 that a runner will be called out for leaving the base to which she is entitled before the pitched ball has been batted or has reached the batter.

6c.05 In the event of an overthrow on a runner attempting to steal, no advance is permitted beyond the base being stolen. NOTE: A “steal” is defined as any base advance other than resulting from a batted ball (including overthrow to pitcher from catcher, pick-off attempt, taking an extra base on a walk, etc.). On a pick-off attempt, this rule shall be interpreted as permitting a one-base advance.

6c.06 A team will be limited to four (4) “steals” (as defined in Local Rule 6c.05 above) per inning.

6c.07 A team will be limited to five (5) runs in an inning. This limit will be removed during the sixth inning or later.

6c.08 During the regular season but not during the playoffs, no inning may begin later than one hour forty-five minutes (1:45) from the first pitch of the game (an inning has begun the moment the third out is made by the home team ending the previous inning); in addition, no pitch or play may occur later than two hours fifteen minutes (2:15) from the first pitch of the game. Playoff games will be played to a six-inning conclusion.

6c.09 A regulation game that is called for weather, darkness or curfew with a tie score shall be entered as a tie game. However, if conditions permit and the score is tied after six (6) innings, as many extra innings as are necessary to break the tie shall be played (Playing Rule 4.10 (b)).

6d. Triple A (8U)

6d.01 The distance from the front side of the pitcher’s plate to the rear point of home plate shall be 35 feet. Regulation 11-inch softballs will be used.

6d.02 Each team shall employ a “bat-around” batting order, consisting of the names of all members present. Ten (10) players shall take the field. Each player must play at least two (2) defensive innings and one (1) at-bat over the first four (4) innings of the game. Free substitution of fielders is permitted. A player not listed on the original batting order who arrives after the game starts is to be added at the bottom of the order.

6d.03 The Infield Fly rule is not used in the Minor League.

6d.04 The advance of bases on other than a fair ball or a base on balls or hit batter forcing runners to advance is not permitted.

6d.05 Bunting is permitted.

6d.06 The rule regarding sliding (Playing Rule 7.08 (a) (3)) shall be enforced.

6d.07 A team shall be limited to three passes (walks or hit batters) in an inning (regardless of the number of pitchers used in the inning). After the limit is reached, the pitcher will continue to pitch and the count will be kept as usual. However, upon ball four or a hit batter, the manager or a coach of the offensive team will enter and pitch to the batter. Any strikes recorded while the pitcher was pitching will remain on the count. There will be no called balls and strikes while the coach pitches. The batter will stay at the plate until the batter becomes a runner (by hitting a fair ball) or swings and misses at strike three. If the batter hits a fair ball, the game pitcher is responsible for fielding the position. If another batter follows in the inning, the game pitcher then pitches to that batter subject to this rule. If a batter becomes incapacitated after the three-pass limit is reached, the batter is removed without an out being charged, and the next player in the batting order shall bat and be pitched to by the game pitcher, with a new count.

6d.08 A team will be limited to three (3) runs in an inning. This limit will be removed during the sixth inning or later.

6d.09 During the regular season but not during the playoffs, no inning may begin later than one hour thirty minutes (1:30) from the first pitch of the game (an inning has begun the moment the third out is made by the home team ending the previous inning); in addition, no pitch or play may occur later than two hours (2:00) from the first pitch of the game. Playoff games will be played to a six-inning conclusion.

6d.10 A regulation game that is called for weather, darkness or curfew with a tie score shall be entered as a tie game. However, if conditions permit and the score is tied after six (6) innings, as many extra innings as are necessary to break the tie shall be played (Playing Rule 4.10 (b)).

6d.11 One (1) coach of the defensive team is permitted to be in the field for instructional purposes during regular-season games. If utilized, this coach must be in the outfield (on the grass, not on the dirt). No coach is permitted in the field during playoff games.

6d.12 One (1) manager or coach may go directly from the outfield or bench to the mound to make a charged visit to the pitcher. A third charged visit to the same pitcher during an inning or a fourth charged visit to the same pitcher during a game mandates the removal of that player as pitcher.

6d.13 If a team’s catcher is on base with two out, the offensive team will substitute a “courtesy runner” in order to allow the catcher to don equipment and be ready to play the defensive position. It is encouraged that the player used as a “courtesy runner” be the player who batted last in the previous inning.

6d.14 The League may opt to utilize coach pitching for the first part of the season. No standings will be maintained for the portion of the season during which coach pitching is utilized. Additionally, a batter may receive a maximum of ten (10) pitches from the coach during a plate appearance. If the batter has not hit a fair ball after ten (10) pitches, the batter is removed without an out being charged and the next batter shall come to bat.


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