Bay State Girls Softball (BSGS) is a non-profit, recreational fast pitch softball league for girls ages 5 -18 years old. This league serves the Greater New Bedford area and its surrounding communities. We are committed to providing all of our athletes with an experience that fosters positive self esteem, self-confidence, responsibility, individual growth through personal achievement, and the value of teamwork. BSGS is dedicated to the development of athletic abilities and sportsmanship by focusing on teaching the fundamentals of fast-pitch softball in a fun and safe environment that supports all skill levels. Bay State Girls Softball encourages these young women to develop and exert self-discipline, dedication, and respect for themselves and others.
Established in the 1980’s, we have served thousands of area youth, providing them an opportunity to learn the sport of softball, while also providing them with important life skills and facilitating life-long friendships. The Bay State Girls Softball League is committed to the advancement of fast pitch softball, promoting the long-term growth of our players and providing a positive community environment.
Bay State Girls Softball is also the home of the competitive travel tournament team, the Bay State Blitz.