T-Ball (5,6): This is a developmental division. Players will focus on developing skills that will help them become better players in future years. The focus will not be on baseball games. Players will not hit balls that are pitched to them. 100% skills/drills
Activities to include:
1. Hitting from T – learning proper batting technique
2. Throwing to a target – kids will learn proper throwing form and can play games around this activity.
3. Fielding – this can be done with a soft baseball and glove or other tools such as frisbees and nerf footballs. Proper catching technique can be introduced to the kids.
4. 2 Practices per week. No games.
Coach Pitch (7,8): 7/8 year olds must play at this level or above. This is a developmental division. Players will focus on developing skills that will help them become better players in the future. In this division, actual baseball games will be played but coaches will pitch to the kids. This will help the games to move along and ease the fear of the kids seeing live pitching for the first time. The goal is to prepare the kids to be ready for AAA when they are old enough. Pitching and catching can be done with the players but in a controlled offline setting (bull pen sessions). This will allow players to gain confidence and control without having a batter involved. 75% skills/drills 25% games.
Activities to include:
1. Hitting from T – reinforcing proper batting technique.
2. Throwing to each other – The players will play catch with each other (throwing to bases).
3. Fielding – proper fielding techniques reinforced from T-ball. The players should be learning to field a ball and then throw to a base rather than just fielding at this level.
4. Batting Practice – hitting soft toss and/or front toss.
5. Bull Pen Sessions – as kids become better at throwing and catching pitching skills and catching skills can be introduced. No live pitching to batters but just learing to throw a strike and proper form for both catcher and pitcher.
6. Games – 1 game per week of 3 innings (Saturday). Coaches pitch and everyone hits every inning. Plays are made but everyone is safe to allow everyone to run the bases. Short practice session before game. Another practice during the week.
Kid Pitch (8,9): 8\9 year olds must play at this level or above. This is a developmental division. Players will focus on repeating skills that will help them become better players in the future. In this division, actual baseball games will be played and players will pitch to the kids. This will help players to learn, develop and gain confidence on the mound. The goal is to prepare the kids to be ready for AAA when they are old enough. Players will also be catching so they gain confidence behind the plate. This will allow players to gain confidence and control while having a batter involved. 50% skills/drills 50% games.
Activities to include:
1. Hitting from T – reinforcing proper batting technique.
2. Throwing to each other – The players will play catch with each other (throwing to bases).
3. Fielding – proper fielding techniques reinforced from T-ball and Coach Pitch. The players should be learning to field a ball and then throw to the proper base rather than just fielding at this level.
4. Batting Practice – hitting soft toss and/or front toss.
5. Bull Pen Sessions – To help the pitchers become more comfortable, accurate and reinforce what they learned in Coach Pitch. Catchers will practice improving their form and how to receive and block pitches.
6. Games – 1 game per week of up to 5 innings (Saturdays). This will be a real game which can be stopped at a teachable moment. Another practice during the week with another team.
AAA (9,10,11): Tryouts required to make the division. Ages 10,11 at this level or above. This is the first competitive league. Kids pitch to each other. Competition level should be less intense than majors but with real games. Limits to stealing and runs scored per inning to keep games fair and close. Focus is still on development and actual in game situations.
50% skills/drills 50% games
Activities to include:
1. Hitting from T – reinforcing proper batting technique
2. Batting Practice in cages/Soft Toss
3. Infield/Outfield Drills – with and without gloves.
4. Catching Fly Balls and fielding real ground balls.
5. Introduction to more Advanced Fielding/Defensive Plays – Double plays, Outfield plays to 2nd, 3rd, Home. Bunt defenses.
6. Pitching Skills – more advanced skills introduced to attempt to ease kids into proper technique.
7. Catching – introduce blocking and proper techniques. Throwing to bases. 8. Games 2 per week. 2 practice per week.
Majors (10,11,12): Try outs required to make the division. This is a purely competitive division. Real baseball rules apply – no limits to stealing, etc. While this is competitive and players should have developed good skills in previous years it is still necessary to reinforce and further develop fundamental skills. Continued skill development should still be emphasized.
75% games 25% skills/drills
Activities to include:
1. Hitting from T
2. Live Batting practice
3. Live infield/outfield
4. Advanced Fielding/Defensive Plays - Double plays, Outfield plays to 2nd, 3rd, Home. Bunt defenses.
5. Catching – blocking and throwing skills further refined.
6. Pitching – continue to develop pitchers
7. Games 3 per week. 1 practice