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Pacific Northwest Region

Scholar-Athlete Program



Pacific Northwest Region started its Scholar – Athlete program in 2003.  The intent and focus was to reinforce to our participants, your children:

That academic achievements and sports go hand in hand

In today’s world to little focus is given to the students that are excelling academically.  Pop Warner is the only National Youth Organization that places emphasis on academics and has a program to recognize our scholar – athletes nationwide. The Pop Warner Scholastic Recognition Programs begins at the local League and completes the process with Regional and National recognition.


As a part of the Pop Warner program each League requests that your child submit their prior year report card and also complete a scholastic application.  The Pacific Northwest Region, Regional Management Team (RMT) Academic Review Board has now completed the review of all the applications submitted and as they say, “the results are in”. The Honor of being named to the Pacific Northwest Region 2019 All Region Scholastic Team is being bestowed upon your child.  The selection process is based on 85% academic achievements and 15% extra-curricular activities in school and community service.  The announcement of the teams will be made and your child’s award will be presented at the Scholastic Tribute.  The top 1% of the First Team Region Scholars will be inducted into the RMT’s Honor Society.


The All American Program provides positive reinforcement to the scholar-athletes and challenges them to continue their academic excellence.

With everything that has been going on, the Mat-su Seahawks want to thank the NW Regional Scholastic Director and all Teams for continuing to academics first! 

We now want to take this time to honor those Seahawk Student Athletes who have put their best foot forward academically!

1st Team 

Andreas Bayle
Jacob Gardino
Christian Ingraham
Jonah Necklace
Cole Shadura

2nd Team

Kynedi Clark
Hunter Craig
Dylan Freyling
Isabella Howlett
Sean Maegar
Evan Miller
Brayden Parrent
Brody Silva

Honorable Mention

Austin Allington
Myles Campbell
Braeden Elkins
Noah Giossi
Emily Hall
Mya Hall
Cayden Ingraham
Jameson Kortbein
John Leifer
Dieter Linde
Journey Lopez
Jack Nash







Mat-Su Seahawks
17050 N. Eagle River Loop Road, Ste. 7
Eagle River, Alaska 99577

Phone: 907-694-7850
Email: [email protected]
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