Why is there not an option to work snack shack to reduce player costs by $30 as there has been in the past? As EALL must prepare an estimated budget for the season in November, we have to work with the known. As of today, we can't see a path to being able to operate snacks shacks with COVID-19 protocols and the potential liabilities associated with.
Why is there not an option to sell candy or similar to reduce player costs by $30 as there has been in the past? As EALL must prepare an estimated budget for the season in November, we have to work with the known. As of today, we can't see a path to offering contact-based fundraisers with COVID-19 protocols and the potential liabilities associated with.
How will NO revenue producing fundraisers, snack shacks, or Angel Day/Titan Night financially impact EALL in 2021? In a normal year, these revenue generating items help create a surplus for EALL that allows the league to constantly improve our player experience for years to come. This includes equipment upgrades, Field upgrades, and discounted off-season baseball opportunities to name a few. Unfortunately, we are not projecting a surplus as a result. Rather, we anticipate a slight loss that will be made up by reserves from years past.
Will there be future fundraising opportunities to offset the cost of registration? Possibly. We are looking into several contactless fundraising opportunities that may assist in offsetting registration fees for those families seeking financial help. If and when they become available, we will inform all participants of our league.
EXAMPLE #1 : League can't launch because CA Department of Health and local governing bodies continue current policy of "socially distance practice" only.
- The league will not incur any costs associated with a player until the season starts (player evaluations is official start).
- The season can't start until we received updated guidance from the CA Department of Health and other local governing bodies. As such, we won't have player evaluations (official season start) until guidance is given.
- Therefore, if a season can't start we don't incur any costs associated with a player and can thus give full refunds.
EXAMPLE #2 : Updated guidance given, season launches, but unforeseen COVID-19 spike forces a shutdown.
- Because the season would have started (player evaluations) as a result of updated guidance, costs would be incurred by the league associated with players.
- Therefore, any refund associated with a shutdown after start would have to be calculated based on costs incurred for a player at the moment of a shutdown(i.e. uniform cost, insurance, permits, etc.). As most of our costs are triggered upon season start, the refunds would be minimal in such an instance
Situation #3 : We changed our mind and don't want to play
- If you changed your mind BEFORE a season launches, you would get a full refund minus a $25 processing fee
- If you changed you mind AFTER a season launches, you will not be entitled to a refund.
Why are we launching registration before moving into less restrictive tiers? We need to prepare well in advance to assure that our season is a success. In other words, we have to prepare like any other season and the 1st week of November is when we always launch registration.
How long could we push the season start? We are comfortable with pushing the start of a season all the way to May 1st. In the unlikely event that this happens, we would offer a Training & Development program in the interim. However, we feel good based on current data trends that we will start prior to April 1st!
What will change, on the field, because of COVID protocols? Check out our preliminary COVID protocols for the preseason and regular season @ ghll.net/covidprotocols. These will change throughout the season as more local and state guidance is given and we move into less restrictive tiers.
What will change, off the field, because of COVID protocol? We can expect a different 2021 in years past off the field. Opening Day, Snack Shacks, Fundraisers, Angel Day, Titan Night, and a slew of other events will either not occur or look very different as a result of COVID. At its core, GHLL is a baseball organization. Our sole goal for 2021 is to assure that we play baseball. With that will come many necessary protocols to launch, continue, and to keep the children as safe as is reasonably possible. To that end, all efforts that may have gone into these "off the field" events will be put into playing and playing safely.
What COVID protocols will GHLL be implementing for the 2021 Season? Check out our preliminary COVID protocols for the preseason and regular season @ eastanaheimll.net/covidprotocols. These will change throughout the season as more local and state guidance is given and we move into less restrictive tiers.
Why have I seen other organizations playing games on Anaheim fields or heard of travel baseball tournaments being played in Southern California? Games, of any kind, are not permissible in Anaheim, Orange County, or the State of California under the current CA Department of Health Youth Sports Guidelines. Any organization playing games is not associated with Little League . Most of these organizations are not permitted to be using fields by the city. All of these organizations are only allowed to be socially distance practicing (no games, tournaments, or scrimmages), according to all governing bodies in the State of California. Any organizations doing anything outside of these guidelines are doing so at their own legal and health risk.