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Druid Lakes Youth Lacrosse Association--Covid-19 Precautions and Monitoring
February 1, 2021

The following precautions shall be employed to ensure protection from Covid-19:

  • Prescreening
  • Requiring masks for all participants when not in active play.
  • Hand sanitizing at each water break, sanitizing shared equipment
  • Social distancing, no huddles/handshakes.
  • Entrances/exits to facilities to limit crossover and contact, including staggering starting/ending times.


Before the start of daily practices and activities, players should be pre-screened for COVID-19 symptoms to determine if they or others living in their house have experienced any symptoms on the below list. The temperature of each player should be recorded at the start of the session. Players should arrive 30 minutes prior to practice for screening.

COVID-19 Symptoms for Screening 

  • Cough 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Chills 
  • Muscle pain 
  • Headache 
  • Sore throat 
  • Loss of taste of smell 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Feeling feverish/measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit 
  • Known close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 

If any of the following four questions are affirmed upon arrival to practice the players should be separated from the team and parents called for pick-up. In the event any of the questions are affirmed as positive the player will not be allowed to practice according to CDC guidelines. Questions:

1.    In the past 14 days have you had any COVID 19 symptoms?

2.    Have you or anyone in your household traveled out of the state or country in the last 21 days?

3.    Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVIDE-19.

4.    To the best of your knowledge have you been in close proximity to any individual who tested positive for COVID-19?


  • Coaches should wear mask at all times while conducting practice, games and whenever they are engaged with players.
  • Players and coaches should arrive to practice with mask on.
  • Players should not car pool to practice or to games.
  • Temperature check should be taken and recorded on the provided form. These forms should be turned in to an officer of the Druid Lakes Youth Lacrosse Association.
  • While at practice players should maintain social distancing.
  • Players and coaches should have mask at all times in case they cannot social distance. Ideally players can use gator mask approved by CDC.
  • If a player feels ill during practice he or she should inform the head coach and the parents should be called for pick-up.
  • Players should bring a personal water bottle or a gallon jug with them to practices, clearly labelled with their name.
  • Players should not share water bottles.
  • Players should not share any athletic equipment, (towels, clothing, shoes or sport specific equipment).
  • Following practice and games equipment should be cleaned with approved disinfectant for COVID-19.
  • Following the end of practice players should be supervised during parent pick-up to ensure players are wearing mask and social distancing.


  • In addition to protocols followed before and during practice, the following protocols will be adhered to during games.
  • Players and coaches should social distance during game warm-ups, on the sidelines during games.  While on the sidelines during the game players should wear mask.
  • At the end of competition players should acknowledge the opposing team in a cordial manner but should not shake hands or come in to physical contact with opposing players. Players should continue social distancing after the games and wear mask at all times.
  • Following practice and games equipment should be cleaned with approved disinfectant for COVID-19.

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Metro Atlanta, Georgia  

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