All-Star Information

Dickinson Little League All Stars

• Playing on an All All-Star team is a privilege.
• Players are continuously evaluated throughout the season.
• T-Ball (3/4) and Coach Pitch (5/6) divisions DO NOT participate in All Stars.
• 7yr old/8yr old/9yr old teams participate in District ONLY Tournaments.
• 9 and Under teams are selected by Coach’s evaluations during the regular season
combined with an end of season All Star Try Out.
• 10yr old/11yr old/12r old teams are entered into International Tournaments
beginning with District play.
• 12and Under teams are selected by Coach’s evaluations during the regular season
combined with an end of season All Star Try Out.
• 12 and Under All Star Teams are announced at the end of the season but NOT
BEFORE May 15th each year
• Please note that your player will be chosen for a reason.
• Playing Ability
• Attitude
• Parent Behavior
• Commitment

Player and Parent Commitments

Dickinson strives to field the most competitive All All-Star Teams possible. We aim to
ensure that the teams are comprised of Players, Parents, Managers and Coaches that
have exhibited, throughout the Regular Season, the Abilities, Attitude and Character
necessary to represent the ENTIRE COMMUNITY of Dickinson.
• With this in mind, Dickinson only involves parents and players who are committed to
the hard work and practice time(s) that are required to participate at this level of
• All Star Practice is typically everyday
• All Stars is the entire month of June and BEYOND if the team advances
• All uniforms are paid for by the Dickinson Little League and are very
• It becomes nearly impossible to find replacements players
• Your family vacation is not an excuse
• If you cannot commit to the entire season, then please do not accept the

If you have further questions about All Stars please email us at [email protected]

All-Star Eligibility Form
All-Star Sign-up Form
School Enrollment Form 

Local Sponsors

Dickinson Youth Sports - Little League

Dickinson Little League Baseball Inc. 
Dickinson, Texas 77539

Email: [email protected]