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Kenai Little League

Welcome to 2024 Season!!



What is the registration cost and what does it cover?

    The cost is $60 for players league age 4-6 and $90 for players league age  7 and older. (Please see the Little League age chart if you are unsure of your player’s league age.)  This covers your participation and uniform expenses for the season.  

How long is registration open?

    Registration is open for anyone to sign up through April 15.  After the 15th, we accept registrations with a $25 late fee per player ($50 max per family) and only if we have space on a team.  Once teams are completely full, we will open up wait list registration.  If you are signed up on the wait list, you will not pay for the season unless we are able to offer your player a spot on a team 

What if I am having a hard time paying for baseball/softball?

    Please reach out to us and ask for a scholarship application.  Or, you may apply for the T-Mobile Call Up Grant to cover your registration fees.  Check the homepage for more information on this program.

I’ve registered my players…. Now what?

    Stay tuned for an update on when player evaluations (for players league age 9 and above) will be held.  Players of all ages will hear from a coach after they receive rosters at the coach’s meeting in early May.  

When will I hear from a coach?

    The coach’s meeting is held on the first Saturday in May.  Coaches receive their rosters at the meeting and will be contacting their team right after that.  If you do not hear from a coach within that week, please let us know so we can make sure there wasn’t a typo on the rosters.

Can I make a teammate/coach request?

    Yes, you can!  All requests must be made in writing (on your registration form, email, Facebook message, or text) at the time of registration.  We make every effort to accommodate these requests.  Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee that you will be placed onto your requested team.  There are several factors that play a part in team selection, including a player’s league age and the structure of teams.  

What is your refund policy?  

    If you are unable to play for any reason, you may request a refund prior to the close of the registration period (April 15).  For online registrations, we will refund everything except the credit card and service charges.  After the close of registration, we will not be providing any refunds.  

What divisions of play do you offer?

    We currently offer the following divisions:

    Tee Ball - for 4 year old players, both boys and girls

    5-6 Year Old Coach Pitch Baseball/Softball - a tee ball/coach pitch hybrid division which allows players to use a tee for success at the plate while rewarding defensive plays

    7-8 Year Old Coach Pitch Baseball/Softball - a coach pitch level designed to move closer towards standard baseball/softball rules.  

    Minors Baseball/Softball for 9-10 year olds

    Majors Baseball/Softball for 11-12 year olds

    Intermediate Baseball for 12-13 year olds

    Junior Softball for 12-14 year olds

    Senior Baseball for 13-16 year olds


    *Depending on registration numbers, we may combine divisions as necessary

Which division will my player be placed in?

    Divisions are determined based on a player’s league age.  If you have any questions about the league age of your player, you can find the Little League age chart under the “Information” tab on our website.  Players may be able to move up a division, depending on their age and skill level.  Please send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions about the divisions or to make a request. (As with all other requests, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request.)

How and when do we get uniforms?

    Uniforms are distributed by team and are scheduled for the week before the start of games.  Once a uniform distribution schedule is set, coaches will be notified and that information will be posted on Facebook/Instagram.  We will also schedule make-up times for those that are unable to make their team’s scheduled time slot.  Your coach will have complete information on when your team’s time slot is scheduled.  This information will also be posted at the uniform conex.

What is Kenai Little League’s uniform return policy?

    Please return all jerseys, pants and belts to the league at the end of the season.  (Any issued socks and hats are yours to keep!)

    There will be bins for returning uniforms during the last week of the season as games are wrapping up.  These bins can be found at either the snack shack or the uniform conex.  If you do not return your uniform, a fee of $100 will be assessed. If the fee remains unpaid and the uniform is not returned, your player will not be eligible to play in the next season.

What is the best way to keep up with season updates, etc?

    We regularly update our Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the season with important dates, cancellations, etc.  We will also post the season calendar on the “Information” tab on the website.

When do games begin?

    Games usually begin in mid-May and run for 6 weeks until the end of June.  

What days and times are games?

    Game schedules will be released as soon as they are finalized.  Generally, lower division teams (minors and below) will only play on weeknights.  Teams at the majors level and above will play during the week and sometimes on Saturdays.  

Will my player’s team travel?

    All tee ball and coach pitch games are held at the Kenai Little League fields.  Minors teams will play some games in Soldotna as well at the Kenai fields.  Majors and above may also play some games in Homer and/or Anchorage.  

    If your player is selected to participate on an all-star team (minors and above only), regardless of the age division, there may be some travel to the Anchorage area for the tournament.  

Where can I find the game schedule?

    Once the game schedules are released, coaches will distribute them to you.  Additionally, they will be posted on Facebook/Instagram, under the “Information” tab on the website and will also be posted at the fields.  Game schedules will also be posted on the back of the score shacks at each field at outside the snack shack.

What happens if it’s raining?

If it is raining, the President, working in conjunction with Parks and Rec, will make a decision whether or not games can be played 3 hours prior to game time.  However, weather changes may cause last minute cancellations.  Once teams take the field, it is the umpire’s decision whether or not the game can safely be played.

Typically, we will try NOT to cancel games — which sometimes means that we play in the rain.  If you have a game scheduled and have not heard of a cancellation, the game is still on.  If games are cancelled or changed due to weather, we will notify all coaches affected by the change as well as post the cancellation/changes on Facebook/Instagram.

What gear will my player need?

    Your player will need cleats and a mitt.  If your son is playing the position of catcher, he will need an athletic cup.  

    The league has bats, helmets, and catcher’s gear available for shared team use.  If you would like for your player to have their own gear, you may provide that for them.  Before purchasing a bat, please reference the bat regulations under the “Information” tab on our website to be sure you are purchasing a legal bat. If you have any questions about gear, please reach out to us at [email protected]

How long will games last?

    Each division has its own maximum innings and time limit:


    Tee Ball - 1 hour

    5/6 Year Old Coach Pitch - 6 innings or 1 hour, 15 minutes

    Coach Pitch - 6 innings or 1 hour, 30 minutes

    Minors - 6 innings or 1 hour, 45 minutes

    Majors - 6 innings or 2 hours

    Intermediate/Juniors and above - 7 innings or 2 hours


    Games may also be shortened due to the score.  Please note that the time limits are set by District 1 and are subject to change.

How can I volunteer to help?

    If you’d like to volunteer, please send an email to [email protected] and request a volunteer application.  We do all volunteer screening online, so you will receive an email with a personalized link to complete your application.

How do I volunteer to coach?

    If you’d like to coach, please select the appropriate boxes during registration.  We will send a volunteer application link to the email that you used to register.  If you have already completed your registration and would like to volunteer, you can send an email to [email protected] and let us know what division you are interested in coaching.  We will confirm availability with coaches after registration closes.

What is involved with coaching?

    If you’d like to coach a team: be prepared to attend the coaches’ meeting, accept the gear bag for your team, contact your players and maintain communication with parents, schedule and run practices, coach during games, and attend league events (such as closing ceremonies) with your team.  We recommend recruiting a team parent to help with communication, etc.  And, if you can’t attend a game or event, you can have the assistant coach or another parent fill in for you.

Can I be a coach if I have a weird work schedule?

    Yes!  Let us know what kind of restrictions you have and we’ll do our best to pair you up with someone who can fill in when you aren’t able to be there.  And, keep in mind that we need great assistant coaches too!

How can I help my team/league if I’m not a coach?

    There are lots of ways to volunteer outside of coaching:

    Dugout Parent - keep order in the dugout, help younger kids get ready for their at-bat

    Team Parent - help your coach with communication, organize a snack schedule, etc.

    Scorekeepers - keep score during the game (We offer a score keeping clinic on the same day as the coaches’ clinic — watch Facebook for more details!)

    Umpires - attend the umpires’ clinic right after the coaches’ meeting to brush up on the rules.  

    Snack Shack Volunteer - work in the snack shack - you can choose a shift on the same day that your child has a game or come on a different night.  

    Fill-in help - fill-in for your coach if they have a schedule conflict — this can be a one-time opportunity or a few times throughout the season

    Special Events - Kenai Little League sometimes hosts tournaments or other events and we need volunteers to keep things running smoothly.  Watch out for upcoming events and lend a hand if you’re free that day!

    For any volunteer opportunity, you can sign up when you register, or you can send an email to [email protected].  We’ll get a volunteer application sent to you.


How can I support Kenai Little League?

    If you’d like to sponsor a team, make a donation, or make any other kind of financial contribution, please see our sponsorship form under the “Become a Sponsor” tab at

    Another easy way to help out is to sign up to support Kenai Little League through the AmazonSmile program.  Look for the AmazonSmile tab on our homepage for information on how to get signed up!

What if I still have questions?

    If you have any other questions, please send an email to [email protected].  We are happy to help you get ready for the season!


Contact Us

Kenai Little League

220 South Spruce St, PO Box 2745
Kenai, Alaska 99611

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 907-283-6507
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