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Pennridge Wrestling Rams

Pennridge Wrestling Rams

Practice Groups

About PWR Youth & MS Practice Groups

White Practice - Novice Only. This practice group is for new wrestlers (first year) & Wrestlers with 1 year of experience. Grades K-6. The intention of this group is to learn the basics of the sport; rules, scoring, fundamental moves, sportsmanship, entry strength & flexibility training. Practice will consist of warm up & stretching, instruction & drills, live wrestling and games. There will be quick transitions to keep engagement.  Please see the Season Calendar to confirm date and time of practice. 

Green Practice  -  Advanced Elementary School practice (Wrestlers with 2+ years experience). Grades 1-6.  Learn advanced moves while reinforcing the fundamentals, advanced strength & flexibility training, drills. Emphasis on live wrestling. There will be increased competition and of course Games! Please see the Season Calendar to confirm date and time of practice. 

White & Green Practice - Full team practice (Novice & Advanced Elementary). All ages & experience.  Parents will be required to assist rolling out the mats for practice and rolling up the mats after practice.  Please see the Season Calendar to confirm date and time of practice. 

Black Practice - Advanced Wrestlers (3+ years of experience or coaches' designation) & Middle School wrestlers. Practice will be held at Pennridge High School Wrestling room.

*Wresters may be moved from to a different practice group based on the coaching team's recommendations. These practice groups are designed to give our youth wresters the opportunity to practice with similar skilled and experienced teammates.

Be sure to check the Season calendar to confirm the dates and location of practices. If practice needs to be changed we will communicate via the Remind app.

New to Wrestling - Read this!

New to Wrestling, What you need to know

Practice Schedule is on the Season Calendar tab
The Practice and Competition Schedule is posted on the Season Calendar Google Calendar. Be sure to check the calendar for each day before heading out to practice. We are a school based program, if school is closed then we will NOT have access to the facility
. For in-service days, we should be able to practice (but each facility is managed differently). Follow the google Season Calendar.

Equipment & Gear for practice and competing

  • Wrestling shoes  
  • Headgear
  • Gym shorts & T-shirt for practice
  • Singlet or  Fight Shorts/Compression top.   (must be tight)  for competition
  • Bag to keep everything together

Weight Certs
We are required to have all of our wrestlers competing in the ICWL League to certify their weight prior to the beginning of the competition season. We will communicate when and where you will need to weigh in. it is VERY IMPORTANT that you bring your wrestler to certify their weight. We use this weight to pair your wrester with other wresters when we prepare ICWL meets. A separate weigh in will be required for ICWL Championships.  We will communicate what you need to know 

USA Wrestling
All Wresters will be registered for USA Wrestling (Elementary & Middle School). The club will take care of this for you. We will send out the USA Wrestling Number to the team. Write it down somewhere. It is good to have this number if you want to register for other competition opportunities outside of the PWR/ICWL season. You will also need your USA Wrestling number when registering for the ICWL Championships. 

PWR Custom Gear / Spirit wear / singlets
We are working with a vendor to design a new singlet for the season. We will have a spirit wear store to order t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. If you are NEW, we recommend you order a plain dark green singlet for competition. They are fairly inexpensive on amazon. Please reach out to me via Remind and I can send you a recommendation of what to order. 

Communication - Remind App
We will communicate via the REMIND app. All primary registration phone numbers will be added to the app. Please install the app on your phone.  Text @pwr23 to the number 81010. The BEST way to ask any questions is through the remind app. 

Declare ICWL Meets
On Monday/Tuesday of each week we will communicate the details of the ICWL Match. We will provide the date, location, arrival time & start time. We ask that you sign your wrester up. Yes - Can attend, No - Unable to attend. All blank responses will be interpreted as NO. On Wednesday we will shut down the sign up sheet and distribute to the volunteer that pairs up with the other teams.  We call this the paring. We pair your wresters by age, weight and experience. If you declared YES and you are unable to attend we ask you notify us as soon as you know.  It is VERY important you follow this process so we can have a smooth and un-stressful ICWL match. Many thanks in advance. 

Competition Details

ICWL Dual Meets
The ICWL season competition dates are the following Saturdays; 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10. Dual matches puts 2-3 teams together. Wresters will be paired to wrestle against opponents that are similar age, weight and experience.  It will be EXTREMELY important to declare your athlete for a Dual Meet when we ask you. There is a lot of prep work to get the teams pared up. We will guide you through what we need and when we need it by. 

Plan on Saturday ICWL meets. Last year the competition season started early January. In years past, the season started early December. We ask that you be flexible and tentatively block out Saturdays in December, January and February.

ICWL Championships
The ICWL League holds 3 championships. They are typically held the end of February, early March
We STRONGLY encourage all of our Pennridge wresters to participate in championships. It is GREAT experience and the ICWL league competition is fantastic
ICWL Novice Championships - For 1st year ONLY wrestlers
ICWL Open Championships - For elementary wrestlers (Grades K-6) with 1+ years experience
ICWL Intermediate Championships - Middle School championships

PWR Dual Teams / Travel Team
The PWR Coaches will put together some DUAL team opportunities. This opportunity typically is for wresters with 2+ years experience. Elementary Dual teams generally consist of weight classes 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93, 97, 101, 111, 131. The coach will register us as a dual team and field the weights with our PWR wrestlers. As we move through the season, we will communicate what opportunities we decide to participate in. 

Coaching Staff & Contact us

Youth Coaches
Aaron Smith, Mark Hogan, Matt Godshall, Pat McKenna, Brian Richardson, Bryan Smith, John Kramer. This list is a work in progress. If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to us!!

ICWL Coordinator: Aaron Smith

Team Manager:  Sam Hogan

Contact us
If you have any questions please reach out to us via email [email protected]


Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944

Email: [email protected]

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