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Registration for 2025 is Open! Practices will start in February and Games will begin in April.

Registration for 2025 is Open! Practices will start in February and Games will begin in April.


Apache Junction Little League (AJLL) will adhere to the Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for all divisions of Baseball and Softball.  These policies will drive the operation of the league, and provide support for our local league to help create a meaningful experience for all the children playing with our league.  AJLL has added additional local rules that will govern how our league plays for each program division.  These rules are in addition to the Official Rules and do not supersede them the Little League Rules. 

Local Rules:

General Rules applied to all teams:

  • When a player misses more than seven (7) continuous days (i.e. Monday through Sunday) of participation for an illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must provide written permission for return to full Baseball or Softball activity.  (Regulation III.d.1.Note 2)
  • All injuries must be documented on an incident report by the Team Manager and submitted to [email protected].
  • Parents are not permitted in the dugout or on the field unless approved by the Team Manger and the Little League President as a volunteer for the league.

Co-Ed T-Ball

T-Ball division will follow the Official Little League rule book with the following addendum(s):

  1. There is no minimum/maximum number of players as required by LLI, for AJLL each team will be assigned a minimum of 8 players.
  2. Players League Age 4 are eligible ONLY for Tee Ball.  Participants League age 5-6 are permitted to play in the Coach Pitch Division after one season of Tee Ball has been completed.
  3. No more than twelve (12) games will be scheduled during the season.
  4. One coach from each team will act as the Umpire for the opposing team.
  5. All teams will play games with a continuous batting line up.  The batting order should be changed each game.  The inning ends with the last batter reaching 1st base. The final batter of the inning will automatically get a “home run” on a ball hit into play. 
  6. No on-deck batter.  Only the current batter is allowed to hold a bat.  No “donuts” or “batting sleeves” are permitted to be used.  No handling of bats while in the dugout by players.
  7. Runners may not lead off the base, the runner must stay on contact with the base until the ball is hit.  When the ball is in play, the base runner may advance.  Runners are allowed one base on overthrows.
  8. When an out is recorded by the defensive team, that player shall not remain on the base paths.  In the event that 3 outs are recorded, the inning shall continue until all players have batted in the inning.  Side retired is when one complete rotation has been made through the batting order.
  9. Games will be scheduled to stop at 50 minutes or 5 innings whichever occurs first.
  10. During play, coaching staff are encouraged to give instruction to players from foul territory, and if needed may assist players in the field during play, but must not interfere with play. 
  11. Managers should have their binder with appropriate documents with them at all games.

Coach Pitch 

Coach Pitch division will follow the Official Little League rule book with the following addendum(s):

There is no minimum/maximum number of players as required by LLI, for AJLL each team will be assigned a minimum of 9 players.   Each team shall have a minimum of 8 players for the game to be played.  Each team shall be permitted to play up to 10 players in the field; however the 10th player if used must play in the outfield, an additional infielder is not permitted.   The Pitcher and Catcher position will be in place for games.  All catchers must wear cups and dangling throat guards. 


1. . Participants League age 5-6 are permitted to play in the Coach Pitch Division after one season of Tee Ball has been completed. 

2. . GAMES:  No more than twelve (12) games will be scheduled during the season. 

  a. A continuous batting line up will be used.  All players are listed in the line up in the order they are to bat regardless if they are playing in the field. 

  b. Players shall be rotated to various infield and outfield positions in a manner equivalent for all players.   No player shall sit out more than 2 innings in a game.  In addition, no player shall sit a 2nd inning until all other players have sat one inning. 

  c. Innings:  The side is retired when 3 outs are made or when 5 runs have been scored.  There is no “official” score keeping, however tracking during the game will determine when the inning is over. 

  d. Foul ball: Same as conventional baseball. 

  e. Thrown Bat:  When, in the coach's opinion, a batter throws a bat, a warning will be given to the batter.  If the same player throws a bat a second time in the game, he/she will be called out.

  f. Coaching:  During game play, managers and coaches may give advice but must not interfere with play.  Managers and coaches may help position players on the field between innings but are advised to remain in foul territory during the play.  If needed the manager may request time from the other coach before entering the field of play. 

  g. A regulation game shall be 5 innings or 60 minutes in length.   No new innings after 45 minutes, and drop dead game time of 1 hour.  An additional inning may be played if agreed upon by both teams and time permits. 

3. . PITCHING: The ball shall be pitched by a coach from the batting team from a distance of no more than 30 ft from home plate.  The ball must be pitched overhand, preferably with the coach on one knee.  The coach pitches to their own team.  The player that occupies the defensive position of pitcher must stay within a 5 ft radius of the pitching rubber or defined area until the ball is hit.  ONLY Soft-core, safety baseballs may be used.  Each batter may receive up to 7 pitches. 

  a. Pitches and Strikeouts:  Each batter will receive up to 7 pitches, there will be NO BALLS OR WALKS regardless of the number of swings and misses.  If on the seventh pitch the batter swings and misses, it is a strike out.  Each batter will receive 3 strikes, and is determined by the team manager that is umpiring that inning.   If the batter fouls off the seventh pitch (foul ball or foul tip) he/she shall receive an additional pitch.  

4. BASE RUNNING: Runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit.  Once the ball is in play, base runners may advance until an attempt has been made to return the ball to the infield.  Once the attempt has been made to return the ball - time will be called and the player will be over.  Base runners that are more than halfway to the next base when the return attempt is made may advance to the next base.  Runners are NOT ALLOWED TO ADVANCE ON OVERTHROWS INTO FOUL TERRITORY.  There is no stealing of bases. 

5. HITTING:  There will be no on-deck batter.  Only the current batter is allowed to hold a bat.  Donuts, or batting sleeves are not permitted.  No handling of bats while in the dugout by players. 

6. UMPIRES: Umpires are not supplied by the league for this division.  A volunteer umpire may be used but is not required.  Umpire responsibility falls to the managers of each team. 

  1. 7. HOME TEAM: Home team will sit on the 3rd baseline and will be responsible for inspecting the field for any material which could cause injury or hinder play.  Both teams are responsible for removing any trash/debris in the dugout and/or left by spectators for their respective sides.

    Baseball Minors

    AJLL Baseball Minor divisions will follow the Official Little League Rule book with the following addendum(s): 

    1. An approved manager/coach must be in the dugout at all times. No players allowed in the dugout doorway. 

    2. No new innings after 1hr 30 minutes, game will end at 1hr 45min. 

    3. Base coaches will stay in the Coach’s box at all times and not approach the batter while the ball is live.  Coaches not in the box will be considered a delay of game and penalized accordingly. 

    4. Only Managers will conduct meetings with the umpire with their line up cards ready.  Managers/Umpire meetings will occur 5 minutes to game time. Ground rules, lineup cards, and game balls will be issued at this time. 

    5. Managers only may visit the umpire and only upon being granted time by the umpire. 

    6. No handling of bats while in the dugout by players.  There is no on-deck circle for players.  The on deck batter may take practice swings on the way to the plate only.  Batting sleeves and donuts are not permitted. 

  2. 7. All catchers must wear cups and dangling throat guards. 

    8. One minute or 7 pitches will be used in between innings to warm up the pitcher.  The Pitchers glove may not have the color white or gray on it.  

    9. Intentional walk of the Batter:  Prior to the pitch being thrown, the defensive manager MUST request and be granted time by the home plate umpire.  Defensive Manager will then inform the home plate umpire of his/her decision to “intentionally walk” the batter.  

      a. Batter is awarded 1st base

      b. Four (4) pitches will be automatically added to the pitch count.

    10. All players will bat in a continuous batting order and play 6 outs on defense. Substitutes must play 6 consecutive outs on defense.   A player will be removed from the line up if the player leaves or is injured.   The open line up spot will NOT be counted as an out. 

    11. Managers are required to play all players present a minimum of 6 defensive outs.  NO PLAYER MAY SIT FOR MORE THAN 3 INNINGS.  **Note:  A Manager is permitted to sit out a player for more than 3 innings for disciplinary reasons such as behavior, attitude, lack of participation, etc.  Provided the Manager makes the reasons for discipline known to the parents, league, opposing manager and umpire.  In no case shall a player play less than 6 defensive outs regardless of discipline. 

    12. Players may steal or lead off only after the ball passes the batter. 

    13. The 5 run rule is in effect per inning.  After 5 runs are scored the inning will end.  The score will stop at 5 runs.  The play in progress may be completed, however only as applicable 5 runs will be scored per inning.  There is no mercy rule.  The game will continue until time runs out or 6 innings are completed.  

    14. If a pitcher hits 3 batters in the same inning or 4 batters in a game, he/she must be removed as pitcher for that game. 

    15. Each Manager is responsible for tracking his/her pitch count. Home team shall be the official scorebook and will have official pitch count, and game start/end time. Each team Manager must sign the pitch count log immediately after each game. Failure to do so, will automatically put your pitchers at their maximum pitch count.  Email a photo of your signed game entry in the pitch count log to [email protected] - Entry MUST be signed by both Managers. 

    16. Be sure the dugout is completely free of debris and equipment after each game. 

    17. Managers are responsible for their coaches, players and fans behavior, and may be subject to ejection for detrimental behavior based on the umpire's decision.   Any ejected Manager, Coach, Parent, Player by umpire is automatically suspended for the next game and the player associated to the person ejected will be required to leave the game.   The League President and the League Board of Directors may take further disciplinary action. 

  3. 18.  Baseball Minor division season is 4-6 weeks of practice and a minimum of 14 games.

    Baseball Majors

    AJLL Baseball Major Division will follow the Official Little League rule book with the following addendum(s): 

    1. An AJLL approved manager/coach must be in the dugout at all times. 

    2. No new innings after 1 hr 30 minutes and the game will end at 1hr 45min. 

    3. Base coaches will stay in the Coach’s box at all times and not approach the batter while the ball is live.  Coaches not in the box will be considered a delay of game and penalized accordingly. 

    4. Only managers will conduct plate meetings with the umpire with their line up cards ready.  Managers/Umpire meetings will occur 5 min to game time. Ground rules, line up cards, and game balls will be issued at this time.  

    5. Managers only may visit with the umpire and only upon being granted time by the umpire. 

    6. No handling of bats while in the dugout by players. 

    7. All catchers must wear cups and dangling throat guards. 

    8. There is no on deck circle for players.

    9. One minute or 7 pitches will be used in between innings to warm up the pitcher. 

    10. Players may steal or lead off only after the ball passes the batter. 

    11. The 10 run rule is in effect per inning.  After 10 runs are scored the inning will end.  The score will stop at 10 runs.  The play in progress may be completed, however only as applicable 10 runs will be scored per inning. 

    12. Each Manager is responsible for tracking his/her pitch count. Home team shall be the official scorebook and will have official pitch count, and game start/end time. Each team Manager must sign the pitch count log immediately after each game. Failure to do so, will automatically put your pitchers at their maximum pitch count.  Email a photo of your signed game entry in the pitch count log to [email protected] - Entry MUST be signed by both Managers.   

    13. Be sure the dugout is completely free of debris and equipment after each game. 

    14. Managers are responsible for their coaches, players and fans behavior, and may be subject to ejection for detrimental behavior by their coaches, players, and/or fans based on umpire’s decision.  Any ejected Manager, Coach, Parent, Player by umpire is automatically suspended for the next game and the player associated to the person ejected will be required to leave the game.   The League President and the League Board of Directors may take further disciplinary action. 

  4. 15. Baseball Major Division season is 4-6 weeks of practice and a minimum of 14 games. 

    Any division not listed should refer to the Little League Rule book, or the Coaches binder for further information regarding playing rules or guidelines. 
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