Hilo Little League Baseball and Softball Registration-Spring 2025 Season
Registration Information/Required Forms:
REGISTRATION LINK: https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/hilolittleleague
1. This year online registration and payment are mandatory; no paper registrations will be accepted. The registration fee for Baseball and Softball is $150 per player (sibling discounts available).
2. Your child's birth certificate must be uploaded to their online profile. Original copy of your child's birth certificate may need to be verified.
3. Use the age chart to determine your child’s League age.
Baseball Age Key: 2025 Baseball Age Chart.docx (littleleague.org)
Softball Age Key: 2025 Softball Age Chart.docx (littleleague.org)
4. Parents must complete the Medical Release form: https://www.littleleague.org/downloads/medical-release-form/
Please upload the medical release form to your child's sport connect account. If you have issues uploading, please email it to [email protected].
5. Players are eligible to play in Hilo LL if they reside or attend school in our District. For Eligibility Requirements: https://www.littleleague.org/downloads/residency-school-attendance-eligibility-requirements/
a. A School Enrollment form is required for all players. The School Enrollment form (enrollment must be prior to October 1, 2024) must be signed by the Principal, Vice Principal, or School Administrator. School Enrollment Form: https://www.littleleague.org/downloads/school-enrollment-form/
b. If your child’s school is not in the Hilo LL boundary or your child is homeschooled, you need to submit Proof of Residency (a document from group one, group two and group three dated between February 1, 2024, and February 1, 2025, with the address and name of a parent in the Hilo boundary). Residency check list: Residency Eligibility Checklist - Little League
Most common proof of residency is Driver’s License, Homeowner Real Property Tax Assessment and Rental Agreement, and utility/cable bills.
Please upload the school enrollment form or proof of residency to your child's sport connect account. If you have issues uploading, please email it to [email protected].
6. Volunteer Applications must be completed online for all coaches, umpires, field maintenance, and team score keepers. Please remember to attach a copy of your Driver’s License as background checks will be obtained. No paper applications will be accepted.
After Registration:
Hilo LL will contact parents regarding dates for the season and evaluations. Registration documentation and registration fee will be returned to you if we are unable to place your child on a team (e.g., if there are not enough players to hold a particular age division).
The availability of a particular age division will be dependent on the number of players, coaches and fields available for that division.
Practice locations and schedules are set by the volunteer coaches.
Games will be arranged based on field availability. Games may also be held on the weekdays to accommodate coaches and field availability. Also, depending on the number of teams in each division, games will either be played exclusively within Hilo LL or against other Little Leagues.
If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]