2025 Registration is OPEN Now.
Location for 2025 Tryouts will be announced via email, website, and social media!
2025 Tryout Schedule:
Boy's Tryouts - March 15th.
Girls Tryouts - March 16th.
The location of tryouts and Makeup Tryouts will be announced at a later date via email, on our website and social media.
Your player MUST tryout to be eligible for All Stars. NO EXCEPTIONS
Who should come to tryouts?
Boys and girls Player age 7 who would like to be considered for drafting up.
ALL boys Player age 8+
Girls Player age 8+
Tball, Single A do not need to tryout, teams are created based upon school.
What if my player can't make tryouts?
All players will make a team regardless of if they tryout or not. Tryouts are used to create a competitive allocation of players to teams so that our season is as balanced as possible. However, your child will need to attend makeup tryouts. v
What should my player bring to tryouts?
It is helpful if players have their own glove and bat. However we do have extras if needed. Kids grow fast so don't spend a ton of money on materials your kids will outgrow.
What should they wear?
Kids need to wear tennis shoes or turf baseball/softball shoes. NO CLEATS. They do not need to wear baseball/softball pants. (We would suggest waiting to purchase any clothing until you hear from the coach about uniforms). Tryouts should take about 15 minutes once your player enters the field with the group trying out.
Where should we check in?
2025 Tryout location will be announced at a later date. Parents will be notified via email and all information will be updated on social media and on the website. There will most likely be a line. Jump in line, we will process your player and they you can walk to the assigned area for their tryout. Parents are welcome to watch as long as they are not a distraction.
What do I need to bring?
Please be ready to verify your players birthday so we can confirm their player age. To see your players Little League age you can check it online in our website. Please bring a completed Medical Release Form it will save you time. You can print one from our website. We will have paper forms available as well. All players must turn a medical release form before they are allowed to tryout. You do NOT need to bring a Birth Certificate, Physical from a doctor or a School Verification Form. If your player makes an ALL STAR team at the end of the season then a Birth Certificate and School Verification Form will be required at that time.
How will tryouts work?
Your player will be asked to show skills of throwing, catching, hitting, fielding and possibly pitching. Coaches take notes on players to help them choose when it comes to the Draft. This could be a stressful time for your player as for many kids it's their first time "trying out" for anything. As stated above ALL kids will make a team. Encourage your player to focus on the things they can control like hustle, attitude and following directions.
What happens after tryouts?
Coaches will meet the following week and select teams during a Draft Night. Players will then be contacted the week of March 26th - April 1 by their coaches to be told the practice schedule for the first 3 weeks of the season. Practices begin the week of April 3rd. Games begin the week of April 24th and the game schedule will be released the week of April 10th.
Other important info:
KFLL events are tobacco free. Dogs need to stay in your car or at home. We are also still looking for coaches in several divisions. If you are interested please contact our coaching coordinator
Travis Say:
[email protected].Here is the tryout schedule by Player Age. Please bring your player to the assigned time as that is when the coaches for their age group will be there to evaluate.