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Yucca Little League

Rules that apply to the operations of Little League, to include but not limited to:

  1. The Official Little League Playing Rules: Available for each playing division, supplied to each manager, and housed in the League Concession Stand for reference.

  2. The Official Little League Rules and Regulations found in the Mobile App: Little League Rulebook.

  3. The Constitution of Yucca Little League: filed and approved by Little League Southwest Region. A copy is housed in the Little League Concession Stand. 

  4. The Operating Bylaws for Yucca Little League: are set by the Board of Directors on an annual basis and are held on file by New Mexico District 9 as well as housed in the Little League Concession Stand for reference. The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may, by majority vote, change any operating Bylaw, at any board meeting which quorum is present. Managers will be informed by their player agent when any Operating Bylaw is changed during the season.

Rules apply to the operation of the League as set forth with and by the Village of Bosque Farms as terms of the facility use agreement, to include, but not limited to:

  1. The league baseball and softball fields shall not be used for parties. Team parties may be permitted at the picnic tables, playground, basketball courts and grass areas. 

  2. No vehicles are allowed beyond the designated parking areas, except for delivery purposes and that any delivery vehicle is returned to the designated parking areas as soon as delivery is completed.

  3. The League may permit the use of fields to another league, organization, school district, civic club, individual, etc, with prior written consent from the Board of Directors. This includes any camps, scrimmages, tryouts and/or tournaments. 

  4. No boisterous conduct or loud music. After proper warning, should conduct of the activity continue, individuals and/or the entire group may be required to vacate the park facility prior to the scheduled conclusion of the activity.


The early experience in younger players determines a child’s decision to continue playing in the older divisions. Managers most influence these experiences by the atmosphere they create for their team and in which they relate to the players individually. A spirit of competition is desirable but winning should not be emphasized at the expense of the growth of a player. Please keep in mind that Little League is for the kids, not for the managers, coaches, or parents. Its purpose is to build character, not to win ball games.


The possession and/or use of tobacco products, cigarettes (including e-cigarettes and vapors), controlled substances and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited at Yucca Little League Complex. 


Abusive conduct or language is absolutely prohibited and will not be tolerated by Yucca Little League. Profanity is not allowed and is cause for ejection from the complex, after one (1) verbal warning, including players, managers, umpires, and spectators. Fervid disagreement with Umpires’ decisions by players, managers, and spectators is also cause for ejection, after one (1) verbal warning. Judgement calls by umpires, including parent volunteer umpires and Jr. umpires, are not subject to dispute or comment. Disrespectful behavior in any manner to the umpires will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the game and complex.

Players, managers, and spectators may not direct comments in any form to players and managers of opposing teams nor be of a distraction to distract them. Players and managers may not direct comments toward spectators. Only managers of the respective team may comment to players in a way that could be construed as coaching or directing play at games. Please only cheer and encourage players. Do not yell, discourage, criticize or “coach” players, managers, coaches, or umpires.


Infraction of Little League Rules, including Local Rules, is grounds for immediate removal from the game and the Yucca Little League Complex by the Plate Umpire or by the Board member on duty, at their discretion. Ejected individuals must be “out of sight and sound” of any games at the Complex. Ejection from a game or from the Complex requires that the Umpire or Board member on duty submit a written report of such action to the President, Vice President within (48) forty-eight hours. That report and reports from other participating parties will be the basis for possible further disciplinary action by the Board of Directors under rules specified in the Constitution and bylaws.

Disciplinary action could include a letter of reprimand, a one game suspension, a multiple game suspension, or suspension for the remainder of the current season. Disciplinary action against any League Member requires: (a) that Member to be informed in writing of the charges; (b) that Member to be given an opportunity to defend oneself in person before the Board of Directors (c) that Player Members be accompanied by their manager and parent; (d) that any discipline be approved by (2⁄3) two-thirds of a quorum of the Board of Directors.

The President (or Vice President in the President’s absence) may, however, suspend any Manager, Coach, Player, or Member from duties and/or from presence at any Little League activities until the next Board of Directors meeting, and may suspend any Umpire at any time. The Field Monitor may eject anyone for violation of any rule or to maintain public order. The Board of Directors has approved the appointment of a Disciplinary Committee to expedite review and response to events potentially requiring discipline. Such committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Safety Officer, Chief Umpire, and the Director of the Division involved in the event. A quorum for this committee is (5) five members. Meetings of this committee are for the sole purpose of reviewing events and actions of participants in Yucca Little League and for determining additional appropriate discipline, if any. Repeated infractions increase the risk for the offender’s player to be disqualified from Allstar Tournament Selection.

Meetings may be called by the President within (24) twenty-four hours. Members of Yucca Little League may never appeal the decision of this committee to the Board except for claims of violation of due process. 


A maximum of (4) four team contacts are allowed for minors and above, and a maximum of (3) three team contacts for rookies and tee-ball including practices and games, are allowed in any given calendar week, with the exception given to All-Star teams who have no maximum limit. This limit includes batting practice, although cage practice and field practice occurring on the same day at back-to back times are to be considered (1) complete practice and not separate.


Uniform hats are part of the uniform and must be worn properly, with bill facing forward, whenever on the field, during a game, unless a player is wearing a helmet. Helmets must be worn during a game anytime a player is outside of the dugout while team is on offense. During practices and anytime players have a bat in hand, all players nearby must wear a helmet. Managers who choose to wear hats/visors at game time may do so only if it is worn properly, with bill facing forward.


The home team in all divisions of minors and above must provide an official scorekeeper, who is a backup resource to the umpires for tracking outs, balls and strikes. This person shall be considered the official for tracking runs, game time, and keeping the pitch counts. After each game, the scorekeeper has the game umpire sign the official scorebook, and pitching affidavit (baseball only). The scorebook is obtained from the Little League Concession Stand and returned there after the game. Each team should keep its own team scorebook separately from the official scorebook. 


Plate umpires will be scheduled/assigned a minimum of 48hrs before gametime. Every head coach/team is strongly recommended to umpire 6 games per season. The visiting team will provide the field Umpire. Umpires should report (½) half an hour before the official start of games. 

Volunteers who plate umpire 5 or more games in a season are eligible for a full refund ($85), or a credit toward a future season. 


The Board of Directors will run and maintain the Concession Stand. A concession manager will oversee running the Concession Stand and will determine the number of individuals needed for the day to run the Stand. The manager will be authorized to prohibit any individuals deemed unnecessary in the concession stand for that day, without question. The concession manager will log a start and end dollar amount and log an inventory list daily. Only the concession manager will be permitted to handle cash during concession operations.  There should be no unsupervised minors in the concession. All minors should have supervising adult. 


The home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The visiting team must repair the field after each game, including locking up bases and tools. If Yucca is hosting an interleague team, the Yucca team is responsible for field prep and repair. The league provides use of a gator for the season. A valid, nonrestricted license is required for operation in the event the league is required to drag the fields. 


Trash on the field and surrounding area must be completely cleaned up after each game. Spectators are responsible for picking up trash on their respective sides. Managers for each team are responsible for cleaning up each dugout and checking the field area prior to leaving


A pre-game meeting between managers and umpires must be held (5) five minutes before each game, and once it begins, the Plate umpire is in complete charge of the game and field, although umpires are in charge of safety upon their arrival to the field. Managers must give the Plate Umpire an official copy of their lineup with both first and last names, Managers must also give a copy of their lineup to the opposing manager and the Official Scorekeeper. In all cases, the Umpire’s lineup copy is official. Umpire to set expectations at the pre-game meeting that only Managers will communicate with umpires. Only managers may question or ask for clarification on a call. Questions on a call must be brought up immediately following the play. Judgment calls are final and cannot be protested. 

If a game is not played because of insufficient players [(8) eight are required to begin and continue any game in the Minor Division and above], the game is forfeited by the team having too few players. In such situations, the players may practice together or separately under the direction of each respective coach, but not using the scheduled umpire. Such games will not be made up. Providing temporary replacement players (i.e.: from Minors) is not allowed. Managers whose rosters drop below 11 players must notify their Division Player Agent immediately. In such cases, the procedures for calling up a permanent replacement, from the Rule Book, from the division, or from a waiting list, will be applied. Managers may not contact replacement players until the Division Player Agent has placed the player on the team.


Beginning with the pre-game meeting, the Plate Umpire determines the acceptability of the playing field and the weather. Three (3) hours before the game has commenced, the board member on duty may declare one or all fields unplayable and the board member on duty may at any time declare weather conditions to warrant a suspension of games.


If lightning is detected within 6 miles using the league specific lightning app (Weather Bug), all games and practices must be suspended, and all people cleared from the playing area. Play may resume 30 minutes after lightning has passed. 


All divisions will adhere to the official sunset schedule provided by the district. The game ends promptly at the official sunset time listed on the weather app. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning. No inning shall start 10 minutes prior to official sunset time as determined by the weather app. Play shall be permitted to continue past sunset time if the field is equipped with lighting systems as regulated and approved by little league standards. 

Game Time Limits (Minors/Majors)

Monday through Thursday all games will drop dead at 1:45. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Friday through Sunday no new inning shall start after 1:45. All games drop dead at 2:00. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

NOTE: Regardless of number of innings played, that will still qualify towards Regular Season games played and a player’s Tournament eligibility. This rule is in line with LL Regulation VII(h), X(c), 4.10 and 4.11.


Protests will be considered only based upon violation of a rule or use of an ineligible player or pitcher. Judgment calls are not subject to protest. Know how to handle a protest (See Rule 4.19). Managers and coaching staff must download the LL Rulebook from the respective AppStore. It is better to delay a game to correct a misapplied rule than to protest. An opposing manager, coach, scorekeeper, umpire or spectator who knows the other team is about to use an ineligible player or pitcher must notify the umpire before the player is used.


If a game is postponed due to weather, field conditions, or otherwise, it will be rescheduled for the next available day, as agreed to by the Board of Directors, regardless of the advantage or disadvantage of either team. Makeup games will be rescheduled to the next available open time slot. Although umpires may suspend a game for a variety of reasons, games may be forfeited only by the majority vote of a Board of Directors. Managers may not reschedule games for any reason. If you have a concern about being able to play a scheduled game, consult your Division Director immediately. 


Run limits are specific to each Division within the League and are provided in more detail on pages 8-12.


Safety always comes before all other concerns. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, although League Officials, Managers, Coaches, and Umpires should show greater responsibility than others. Anyone, including spectators and players, should call to the attention of the appropriate person any obvious safety concern. Managers and coaches must be receptive to anyone calling their attention to a safety issue, and they must ask their players and the parents of their players to be constantly attentive to safety issues. For example, during games players may not hold bats unless they are outside the dugout with a helmet on and preparing to take their place at the plate. All offensive players outside the dugout must wear a helmet at all times. Between innings, multiple players may not warm up simultaneously with bats. During practices or during pre-game warm-ups, if bat drills are used, a Coach must supervise this activity directly by maintaining close visual contact with all players involved and with anyone who may come close to players using bats. 

Batboys and Batgirls must be rostered players from the participating Team and must wear helmets at all times. No offensive player in any division may take off a helmet before entering the dugout. After one team warning by the Umpire, further violations subject the player, coach or manager to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire. 

No siblings, sons, daughters or friends are allowed in the dugout at any time. Non-player individuals in the dugout, assisting the coaching staff must be at least 17 years of age. At the Manager’s discretion, he/she may have two adult base Coaches. However, no Manager shall leave the dugout unsupervised by an adult. A registered assistant Coach must be identified to supervise the dugout. If a manager does not have more than two official Coaches or an officially registered assistant Coach, then he/she should have only one adult baseline Coach and one Player baseline coach.

PITCH COUNTS (Baseball Only)

The manager must remove the pitcher when the pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position except as a catcher.

  • Exception: if a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI of the Little League Rule Book for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: The batter reaches base; the batter is put out; the third out is made to complete the half-inning.

A pitcher who delivers 41 or pitches in a game cannot play the position of a catcher for the remainder of the day. 

Any player who has played the position of catcher in 4 (four) or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.

Once a pitcher is removed from the mound they cannot return as a pitcher.

Pitchers League age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

  • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  • If a player pitches 51 to 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  • If a player pitches 36 to 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  • If a player pitches 21 to 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  • If a player pitches 1 to 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest must be observed.


T-Ball and Rookie Division:

Players will be automatically assigned teams and evenly distributed by age. 

All player/team requests that are made at time of registration will be fulfilled to the best of the league’s ability. The league does not make any manager placement guarantees. 

Managers will be guaranteed to have their child/ren on their team. Siblings will be guaranteed to be on the same team unless specified during registration.

Any requests made after registration has closed will not be granted.

No trades.

Minors & Majors:

All players enter the draft. Players unable to attend the draft will be placed at random by the player agent(s) after all other draft selections.

No player requests, or coaching requests will be honored for the Minors division and up. 

Snake Draft: 

In a snake draft, the pick order is reversed each round. Managers pick a number out of a hat; number 1 gets the first pick of the draft. (Example of order: 1,2,3,4 followed by 4,3,2,1)

All managers and assistants shall be registered by the time of the draft and have completed background checks. If an assistant fails to register as a volunteer, then their child/ren will not automatically be drafted to their roster. 

The manager's own child/ren are automatically loaded to their roster; not to exceed the children of a manager and 2 assistant managers. If there are any more than 2 assistants, their child must be loaded within the regular draft procedure. A manager has forfeited the rounds of automatically loaded players and will begin their first draft pick after remaining coaches load their roster to an equal amount. (Example: Manager 1 has 2 of his children on his team, and 2 assistant coaches with 1 child each, this manager would begin a normal drafted player in round 5. Manager 2 has one child, and one assistant with one child. Manager 2 would begin a normal drafted player in round 3).

All players that are present on draft day must be drafted to a team. 

Two manager trades may be made at the end of the draft and must be approved by both managers involved in the trade and the player agent. It is suggested that a trade be made for an equal round pick. For example, if a manager would like to trade for another manager’s 4th round pick it is suggested they trade their 4th round pick.


The manager and players that are selected for the All-Star tournament shall embody more than just athletic talent but should be well rounded athletes that are respectful to other players, parents, and coaches. All-Star Athletes shall be coachable, committed, respectful, and embody the spirit of Yucca Little League. Although Yucca LL strives to win in All-Stars, there is much more that is expected.

All-Star Managers: 

The decision will be of the board to choose the best qualified and best overall manager for each All-Star team based on the recommendation of the president, vice-president, and coach coordinator(s), which will be referred to as the all-star committee. The league president and Board Members are eligible to be All-Star Managers and coaches.

In the instance that the board does not approve a manager, the All-Star committee will review and recommend another manager based on the same criteria stated above.

Once approved by the board each manager shall appoint two other assistants. The board shall approve the assistants based on the criteria that the manager was subject to. 

Yucca LL intends to form a roster of 12 players for each all-star division. This allows for 3 managers per team. 

All-Star Player Eligibility: 

8–10-year-old Division: Any player league age 8, 9, or 10 with amateur status, who has participated as required by mandatory play as an eligible player in eight (8) regular season games (special games may be counted toward this requirement). 

9–11-year-old Division: Any player league age 9, 10, or 11 with amateur status, who has participated as required by mandatory play as an eligible player in eight (8) regular season games (special games may be counted toward this requirement). 

Major Division: Any player league age 10, 11, or 12 with amateur status, who has participated as required by mandatory play as an eligible player in eight (8) regular season games (special games may be counted toward this requirement). 

Note: Mandatory play is defined as every rostered player present at the start of a game will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat a least one (1) time. 

All-Star Player Draft Process:

The manager and the All-Star players participate at the discretion of the Yucca LL Board of Directors.

The draft process shall occur at a special board meeting. Board must have a quorum to proceed.

Major All-Stars draft prior to minor all-stars and take precedence. 

The player agent will provide a roster of eligible players from each manager’s regular season team to the approved manager and all board members present. 

All regular season managers will submit a minimum of 3 players to the appointed manager from their regular season roster. 

The appointed manager shall select no more than 5 players from his team. If a division consists of one team, this does not apply, and the roster shall compromise 12 of the teams eligible, regular season players. If less than 5 are selected, the manager can select from other eligible regular season rosters. 

Up to 5 players will be selected from all other teams not including the All-Star managers season roster.  

1 player shall be selected by the league president. The president may ask for nominations from managers, members in good standing, parents, coaches, players, umpires, or board members. 

The board shall nominate 1 (one) player for the respective division. The manager may recommend a player to the All-Star committee, but the board reserves the right to accept or decline that recommendation. The Vice-President shall lead this effort.

The above process shall form an All-Star roster of 12, eligible players. 

In the event a player chosen elects not to participate in All-Stars, the manager will select an alternate.

All-Star Board Approval:

Once the roster has been completed, the president shall make a motion for the board to approve the Roster. The decision of the board shall be final.

Once approved, board members can address the manager and selected assistant managers to share expectations, salutations, concerns, etc. The manager may also address the board as needed.

The board reserves the right to impose an all-star cost to each player that has accepted a spot on an all-star roster. This anticipated cost is not to exceed $100 per player. 


Fees are set by Yucca LL Board. 


Fees for all players, regardless of division: $85.00 per player

Fees will cover ball cap, uniform shirt, team charter fee, player insurance and District player dues. No refunds will be permitted after March 4, no exceptions. A late fee of $40 will be applied for anyone registered after February 10.


Fees for all players, regardless of division: $60.00

Fees will cover ball cap & uniform shirt. No refunds will be permitted after August 20th. A late fee of $40 will be applied for anyone registered after August 20th.


Fees for all players, regardless of division: $100.00

Fees will cover ball cap, uniform shirt and pants, belt, socks and tournament charter fee. Refunds will not be permitted after June 1st.


Discounts cannot be combined. One discount per family is permitted. Discounts cannot be carried over from season to season. Discounts do not apply to Fall Ball and/or Allstar Season.

Sibling Discount: $10.00 per sibling up to 3 siblings 

Early Registration Discount: $10 per player


The Board reserves the right to charge a late registration fee up to $25.


All managers, coaches (head and assistant), and volunteers are approved by the Yucca LL Board.

Approval of coaches, managers, and volunteers are subject to background checks being completed.

Managers and coaches must be knowledgeable in little league rules, Yucca LL bylaws, and the constitution.

Managers are responsible for all equipment. Should the equipment not be returned at the end of the season, the manager will be financially responsible for replacement of the equipment.

Managers are expected to have at least one team meeting upon receipt of the team roster. At the meeting game schedules, team parent(s), are to be determined. Expectations for code of conduct will be addressed. A board member must be present for this meeting.

Managers or the team parent(s) are to have in their possession, at all time, medical release forms for each player on their team.

Managers and coaches are allowed to use field equipment (gator) in preparing and caring for the fields. 

Managers are to never leave a practice or a game until all players have been picked up. No child shall be unattended.

Managers must have first aid kits at all practices and games.

Managers and coaches are to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and exhibit good sportsmanship. 


TEE-BALL DIVISION – League Age 4 – 5. (League Age 6 with proper evaluation of skills)

Primary goals of Tee-ball are to have fun, instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. Basic little league rules apply with the following supplements and/or exceptions. YLL bylaws are a supplement to the little league rules and not a replacement.

Teams will be comprised of ten (10) to eleven (11) players to a team. There are no tryouts in Tee Ball. The Player Agent will assign players to each team on a random basis unless there is a coach request.

Game length shall be four (4) innings in length or 1 hour, whichever comes first, no more,  unless restricted by weather conditions or sunlight.

The Home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking, and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The Visiting team must repair the field after each game, including and locking up bases and tools.

No score is to be kept.

Each team will be responsible for keeping their own line-up. There is no official book in the tee-ball division. 

Teams will follow a continuous batting order each inning. The Inning will retire when the entire batting line-up has completed hitting.

Three (3) defensive coaches will be allowed for guidance on the field. Defensive coaches should stay away from the play of the ball and stay clear of defensive players.

Four (4) offensive coaches will be allowed. Two (2) base coaches, one (1) coach for hitting, and one (1) in the always required.

The ball must travel ten (10) feet to be a live ball. There will be no strikeouts. A player shall continue to swing until producing a batted ball.

One (1) pitcher will be allowed. One (1) player per infield position and all remaining players are to be in the outfield.

Each team is responsible for any and all trash in their respective dugouts and on their side of the bleacher area. 

ROOKIE DIVISION – League Age 5 – 7 

Rookie division is an instructional division to prepare players for the more competitive upper divisions. Therefore, there are no standings kept, no champions declared and no all –stars. The objectives of the division are teaching and instruction only and to have fun. Basic little league rules apply with the following supplements and/or exceptions. YLL bylaws are a supplement to the little league rules and not a replacement.

Teams will comprise 10 - 13 players to a team. 

Game length shall be six (6) innings in length; however, 4 innings is considered a complete game unless restricted by weather conditions or sunlight. An hour and 30-minute game limit will be followed. All games are to end 10 minutes prior to sunset. 

The Home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking, and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The Visiting team must repair the field after each game, including raking, watering, and locking up bases and tools.

No score is to be kept as this is not a competitive division. Teams will follow a continuous batting order each inning. No bunting. The infield fly rule does not apply. A batter hit by a coach pitch will not be awarded 1st base.

There will be a five (5) run limit per inning. An inning will retire with three (3) outs or five (5) runs.

The play will be over when a defensive player has possession of the ball infield. Runners cannot advance.

Runners can only advance on an overthrow to first base only. Runners can only advance one (1) base.

The batter that has batted the ball to the outfield can only proceed to second base.

Two (2) defensive coaches will be allowed for guidance for defensive players.

Four (4) offensive coaches will be allowed. Two (2) base coaches, one (1) pitching, and one (1) dugout coach. A dugout coach is required at all times. A coach/adult will pitch to his or her respective team. Player (kid) is to stand on the pitching mound. Pitcher (adult) is to stand (no kneeling) no further than the lower rubber of the pitcher’s mound. No on-deck batter warm-ups are allowed.

There will be no walks. Three (3) swinging strikes of (5) total pitches to the batter will be an out. A tip or foul ball will not constitute an out. If the batter fouls the 5th pitch, they will be awarded another pitch until they hit or strikeout. 

Defensive players cannot play more than three (3) innings in the infield. Players cannot play a position more than twice per game, except catcher. A defensive player cannot exceed two (2) innings at the catcher position consecutively, per game.

Male players are required to wear a cup.

The pitching machine will be set with the agreement of both coaches. The machine shall not be adjusted to accommodate individual players unless the pitched balls are not in the player’s strike zone. 

No player shall sit out more than one consecutive inning on defense and no player shall sit out more than two innings in a game. Every player should be part of the rotation. 


The intent of the Minors division is to prepare players to participate in the Major division. Players will pitch and receive extensive work with catchers and pitchers and will also get advanced instruction on base running drills. Basic little league rules apply with the following supplements and/or exceptions. YLL bylaws are a supplement to the little league rules and not a replacement.

Teams will comprise 11 - 13 players to a team. The team is allowed one (1) manager and two (2) coaches. You must have one (1) coach in the dugout at all times, the other should be one of two base coaches with the Manager.

The Home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking, and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The Visiting team must repair the field after each game, including locking up bases and tools.

The Visiting team will provide the Field Umpire. Umpires should report (½) half an hour before the official start of games. Disrespectful behavior in any manner to the umpires will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the game and complex. Zero tolerance. 

Monday through Thursday all games will drop dead at 1:45. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Friday through Saturday no new inning shall start after 1:45. All games drop dead at 2:00. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Umpires and Managers should maintain an active pace so that as many innings as possible are completed. The time in the dugout between innings should be limited to (2) two minutes.

Ten Run Rule: If after (4) four innings (or 3 innings if the home team is leading), a Team has scored 10 or more runs than its opponent, the game is over. This is not an option.

Infield fly rule is not in affect.

A team may not score over (5) five runs in any half inning.     

Teams will follow a continuous batting order each inning. The Home team will provide the official scorekeeper and keep the official time.

Male players are required to wear a cup regardless of position played. It is recommended that female players wear a fielding mask. Female catchers are encouraged to consider the use of a pelvic cup, though it is not required.

Inter-League games may operate under different rules. Please refer to Inter-League Rules established by District 

Rules should be followed as set out in the Little League Rule Book

Each team manager will carry a Pitching Affidavit to be furnished to the Official Scorekeeper and plate Umpire before the game. If the Manager fails to provide his/her affidavit, the game will be played under protest and reported to the Little League President. In the case of a protested game, the Manager must present the affidavit to the President at the playing site, within 24 hours, or the game will be forfeited. Note the affidavit needs to be legible, written in ink and signed.


Teams will comprise 11 - 13 players to a team. The team is allowed one (1) manager and two (2) coaches. You must have one (1) coach in the dugout at all times, the other should be one of two base coaches with the Manager.

The Home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking, and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The Visiting team must repair the field after each game, including locking up bases and tools.

The Visiting team will provide the Field Umpire. Umpires should report (½) half an hour before the official start of games. Disrespectful behavior in any manner to the umpires will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the game and complex. Zero tolerance.

Teams play (6) six innings. 

Monday through Thursday all games will drop dead at 1:45. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Friday through Sunday no new inning shall start after 1:45. All games drop dead at 2:00. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Ten Run Rule: If after (4) four innings (or 3 innings if the home team is leading), a Team has scored 10 or more runs than its opponent, the game is over. This is not an option.

Infield fly rule is in affect. 

A team may not score over (6) six runs in any half inning. EXCEPTION: In the 6th inning the run rule does not apply. 

Teams will follow a continuous batting order each inning. The Home team will provide the official scorekeeper and keep the official time.

Male players are required to wear a cup regardless of position played. 

Inter-League games may operate under different rules. Please refer to Inter-League Rules established by District 

Rules should be followed as set out in the Little League Rule Book

Each team manager will carry a Pitching Affidavit to be furnished to the Official Scorekeeper and plate Umpire before the game. If the Manager fails to provide his/her affidavit, the game will be played under protest and reported to the Little League President. In the case of a protested game, the Manager must present the affidavit to the President at the playing site, within 24 hours, or the game will be forfeited. Note the affidavit needs to be legible, written in ink and signed.


Teams will comprise 11 - 13 players to a team. The team is allowed one (1) manager and two (2) coaches. You must have one (1) coach in the dugout at all times, the other should be one of two base coaches with the Manager.

The Home team must prepare the field before each game, including raking, watering, chalking and setting up the bases. Home team should report to the field for set up (½) half an hour before the official start of games. The Visiting team must repair the field after each game, including locking up bases and tools.

In the Major Division the Home team will provide the Plate Umpire, and the Visiting team will provide the Field Umpire. Umpires should report (½) half an hour before the official start of games. Disrespectful behavior in any manner to the umpires will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the game and complex. Zero tolerance.

Teams play (6) six innings.

Monday through Thursday all games will drop dead at 1:45. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Friday through Saturday no new inning shall start after 1:45. All games drop dead at 2:00. If the inning is not complete, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.

Umpires and Managers should maintain an active pace so that as many innings as possible are completed. The time in the dugout between innings should be limited to (2) two minutes.

Ten Run Rule: If after (4) four innings (or 3 ½ innings if the home team is leading), a Team has scored 10 or more runs than its opponent, the game is over. This is not an option.

Infield fly rule is in affect. 

A team may not score over (6) six runs in any half inning . EXCEPTION: In the 6th inning the run rule does not apply. 

It is recommended that female players wear a fielding mask. Female catchers are encouraged to consider the use of a pelvic cup, though it is not required.

Teams will follow a continuous batting order each inning. The Home team will provide the official scorekeeper and keep the official time. 

Inter-League games may operate under different rules. Please refer to Inter-League Rules established by District 

Rules should be followed as set out in the Little League Rule Book


These Operating Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Members provided notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of such meeting. Draft of all proposed amendments shall be submitted to Little League New Mexico District 9, for approval before implementation.

These Operating Bylaws were approved by the Yucca Little League Board of Directors on January 29, 2024

Date: January 29, 2024

Little League ID No. 4310514

Federal ID No. 85-3628510

Copy provided to New Mexico District 9 or reference on January 29, 2024

Contact Us

Yucca Little League

1001 Arena Road 
Bosque Farms, New Mexico 87068

Email Us: [email protected]
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