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Sunset Little League

Sunset Little League

NEW Program

The Sunset Little League Challenger Program offers players with disabilities throughout our community the opportunity to participate in a baseball program designed specifically to support their abilities.  Our program gives your players the opportunity to play the game, learn the skills that will assist them in being successful, and help them create lasting friendships. Our teams are constructed through a process of equal ability, rather than ages of our players.  Players ranging from age 4 through 16 are eligible to register and participate regardless of Little League Boundaries.  In addition, one of the very unique opportunities that exist with our program is that players as old as 22 are also eligible to participate in the Little League Division if they are currently enrolled in school, and there are no age limitations for the Senior League Division.

The wide range of abilities of Challenger participants require custom variations not only in the rules, but also in the philosophy of conventional baseball. Players are afforded every opportunity to participate in any number of positions and succeed in their own way as not just an individual, but as part of a team. Our program is measured by the growth and success of our players, not determined by a score or outcome of a single game.

One of the unique elements of the Challenger Program is the incorporation of our Buddy System. Our players will be paired with dedicated buddies to assist them with their skills and ensure player safety at all times. Our buddy system is a proven benefit in programs across the country in establishing good relationships between players with disabilities and passionate volunteers that support them throughout life.

Our community has a long-standing tradition of inclusiveness through increasing awareness regarding children with disabilities and fostering community partnerships. The key to a successful Challenger Program is the careful selection of managers and coaches as well as our buddies to support our players throughout the season. Qualified leadership must reflect positive and constructive direction, patience and understanding, and the ability to adapt instructions to a dynamic and diverse collection of players. 

Challenger Program

Challenger Director
Alyssa Lopez
alyssal[email protected]

Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Sunset Little League
2003 Southern Blvd. SE, #102-180
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124

Phone: 505-249-0838
Email: [email protected]

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