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Saucon Valley Diamond Sports

Tee Ball
Q: Our child has never played tee ball before.  What can we expect?
A:  For the Tee ball program, we try to cater to the attention spans at this young age.  Any game or practice does not typically run past an hour and 15 minutes.  At the start of the season, there will be practice on 2 weekdays and also on Saturday for a total of 3 days that week.  Once the games start there will be 2 games a week, one during the week and one game on Saturday.  There will usually only be 1 practice during the week once the games start.  The practice and game days will vary depending on which coach drafts your child to their team.  All coaches have to share the field space and "draft" their practice days so there are no guarantees for a given day.  

Q: Our child has never played tee ball before.  What do we need to buy?
A: For equipment, all the player truly needs is a glove.  If you need a helmet you can request to borrow one from the league, which is expected to be returned to the manager at the end of the season.  The league also has bats the children can use.  With that said, many parents choose to buy their players their own helmet and bat.  This is not a requirement.  Some parents will also purchase baseball pants and cleats as well.  These are not required for tee ball either.  You can choose to have them wear sweatpants and regular sneakers.

Q: Why does the softball season start later than the baseball season?
A: Our softball program is a league within Eastern Lehigh Valley Softball (ELV).  The softall season dates are set in accordance with their scheduling.  To see rules, former season schedules, field locations, etc., at

Q: Where are softball games played?
A: Home games are played at fields within Hellertown Borough and Lower Saucon Township.  Away games are played at the opponent's field, within the eastern Lehigh Valley.  

Q: Traveling to games will be difficult for our family.  What are our options?
A. Team families have always been able to work through this challenge by offering to transport players to away games.  The younger levels of baseball play "in house" at the fields in the Hellertown Borough, and girls are welcome to sign up for baseball.  

Fundraising & Snack Bar
Q: Youth sports always have fundraisers. What fundraisers can each player's family expect?  Are they required?
A: There are a variety of fundraisers throughout the season. First, there is a basket raffle held on the day of Opening Day Ceremonies.  Each team parent is given funds from the league that is equal to $5 per player to create a basket that will be a part of the raffle.  There is no expectation that families contribute additional funds, but in some cases families choose to contribute items for the basket.  Second, there is a meat raffle fundraiser.  Each player is expected to sell 10 meat raffle tickets, sold for $5 per ticket.  Ticket stubs and money is collected by the team parent.  The other ways that the league raises funds is through the snack bar sales, pictures, team sponsors, banner sponsors.

Q: How can my business sponsor a banner or sponsor a team?
A: Contact Briana Rich, the league's sponsorship and fundraising coordinator. [email protected]

Q: Do I have to work at the snack bar?  Can I "buy out"?  
A: Each team is assigned 3-4 days to cover the snack bar responsibilities.  Anyone 16 or older may work in the snack bar.  The team will coordinate coverage through the team parent.  There are no "buy outs" for the snack bar responsibilities.  

Q: What are my options?  I will not be able to work at the snack bar. 
A: Ask another parent if they can cover for your shift.  Ask another person you know who is 16+ to work the shift- one of your 16+ children, a neighbor, a high school student needing service hours.

Q: My player does not play near the snack bar, why should our team have to work at the snack bar?
A: The snack bar proceeds benefit the entire league by providing concessions and raising money.  Money raised contributes to the annual budget and is used to keep registration costs low, purchase equipment, maintain fields, etc.   We are thankful for our volunteers!


Saucon Valley Diamond Sports

Hellertown, Pennsylvania 18055

Email: [email protected]

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