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Lodi Old Timers' Little League

Lodi Old Timers’ Little League


Youth Sports are fundamental to a child’s athletic framework and life skill building. It is built on the examples set and lessons learned. Every parent, coach, official, and board member serves to be a positive role model and to teach the base understanding of sportsmanship and respect. Due to the awareness of physical and verbal abuse that takes place in the sports environment across the country, many organizations have chosen to adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy towards inappropriate behavior.

The Lodi Little League has decided to take a proactive approach and adhere to the following measures:

The following is the policy for Lodi Little League.

First and foremost, the Umpire is in charge of the game and has the final word on all plays. No one should ever question his call, unless it's a question about a specific rule or regulation. Judgement calls on plays are NOT to be questioned and can lead to immediate ejection by the player, coach, or spectator.

It is the responsibility of ALL coaches, players, parents, relatives, siblings, and other spectators to maintain the highest standards of conduct for their behavior at all Little League sporting events including, but not limited to, practices, games, and tournaments. Abusive, vulgar, and obscene language, violent play, violent conduct, fighting, taunting, harassing, and other behaviors detrimental to the sporting event will not be tolerated. As a reminder, we are all a representation of the town and the league. Our reputation to officials, surrounding towns, and board members should be taken seriously.

It is the responsibility of ALL present to support the presiding official of that particular sport, ie: umpires, officials, coaches etc. There will be absolutely NO YELLING OR BELITTLING of these presiding officials. Distracting behavior will not be tolerated. There will be no ARGUING official calls from the sidelines, dugouts, or surrounding viewing areas. In addition, there will be no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, or intimidation of any kind towards the presiding officials. Failure to follow these simple instructions will undermine the official’s authority and has the potential to lead to a hostile environment for players, officials, and all other participants and spectators.

It is the understanding of any parent, coach, or volunteer that chooses to have their child participate or participate themselves in Lodi Little League events that these simple guidelines MUST BE FOLLOWED.


Any persons whether coach, spectator, or official that is not adhering to process or penalties against them will face disciplinary action from suspension of games to no longer having access to little league grounds for any event whether, practice, games, tournaments, or league wide get-togethers. We take the wellbeing of our players, officials, and volunteers very seriously and will not allow anyone to continue to violate measures taken to provide a positive and safe environment. Penalties subject to change based on violation.

●       Any minor infraction: A verbal request or warning will be given by a coach or umpire, and it is expected that the reason for the warning will stop immediately.

●       Subsequent infractions: The offending person or player will be asked to leave the playing field & surrounding area immediately until the next scheduled event. The Lodi Little League Board of Directors reserves the right to take further action depending on the severity of the situation within.

●       Serious or consistent infractions: Lodi Little League Board of Directors reserves the right to take action as it deems necessary up to and including permanent dismissal from the Lodi Little Leagues and playing areas. Should anyone not comply with this ruling, the Lodi Little League will seek assistance from the District Board and additionally local Police department immediately.

All participants in any Little League sport should adhere to the following principles of good sportsmanship:

●       Respect the decision of coaches and officials

●       No expletives, inappropriate comments or derogatory remarks to own or opposing team

●       Treat opponents with respect

●       Whatever the outcome of the competition, be respectful. At the conclusion of the game, congratulate and shake hands with the officials, coaches, and opponents.

●       Do not encourage or participate in conduct that violates the rules or spirit of the game

●       If injury occurs on the field, all players are to take a knee for the duration of necessary medical aid

The following are some simple guidelines that coaches, players, and spectators are expected to follow:


Coaches are the role models and examples for our youth and will make an impression on the players for years to come. Coaches must demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the field. “Coach” represents and symbolizes a leadership role in our community and a representative of Lodi Little League at all competitions. Coaches are expected to:

●       Ensure and promote the safety of all participants

●       Control the behavior of the parents/fans during competitions

●       Control the behavior of players and adhere to good sportsmanship conduct

●       Show respect to all players, parents, officials, and opponents

●       Teach fair play

●       Lead by example


It is a privilege to play a sport, be on a team, and represent Lodi Little League at various competitions. Therefore, players must follow the Lodi Little League rules during all practices, games, tournaments, and other organized Lodi Little League & Little League events. Players are expected to:

●       Treat opponents, officials, and spectators with respect

●       Follow all Little League & Lodi Little League specific rules and policies for sportsmanship

●       Respect officials and accept their decisions

●       Win without boasting, lose without excuses- we do not condone sore winners or sore losers. There are lessons to be learned from both a win and a loss


Lodi Little League is honored to have incredible parents and spectators. It is important to remember that the players respond to the actions and behaviors of the spectators. Players can often become an extension of spectator behavior as children are impressionable and look to adults as examples. Spectators are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and show respect to all players, officials, and coaches. Spectators are also expected to:

●       Not coach players from the sidelines during the game

●       Do not criticize the officials or coaches

●       Cheer and support all players regardless of the outcome

●       Communicate with the coach and create a supportive environment

●       Understand and respect the different roles of parents and coaches

●       Understand that improper behavior at any event may result in a parent being asked to leave the field or event by a referee or other official and respect that action

●       Understand that if asked to leave, to then leave quietly and quickly and not engage officials on the way off the field so the game can continue

●       Understand that if asked to leave they can send a follow up email to the league or manager the following day so cooler heads can prevail

●       At all times show empathy for our young developing athletes


●       Promote fitness, well being, and enjoyment through sport

●       Develop new skills

●       Instill a desire to succeed

●       Teach responsibility, commitment, and cooperation

●       Prepare one to deal with success and failure, both wins and losses

●       Provide an outlet for the release of energy

●       Instill a positive attitude towards authority

The children in our program will realize positive sports value is greatly enhanced when everyone shows good sportsmanship. The children in our program will have respectable and elite examples on the field to carry with them in the years to come, having a base understanding of how and how not to act on and off the field as an athlete.

Chain of Command:
Any issues or concerns will be invested by Lodi league directors. Please report incidents to a delegate at the snack stand or send an email to [email protected] or to the Old Timers President [email protected]

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