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The Fredericksburg Little League All-Star Teams are an accumulation of the season’s top performing Players within each division, selected to represent Fredericksburg in the post-season District Tournament held annually in June.

Team Selection - How It Works:

Nominations are based on season-long performance.

Player Agent and Coaches can evaluate potential Players at any time during the regular season. 

Midway through the season, all Head Coaches are invited to submit a list of Player nominations for All-Star Team consideration. Nomination list is submitted to the League Commissioner and/or each division’s All-Star Head Coach. (Dates vary per season.)

At the end of the season, an official nomination list will be compiled by the Player Agent, League Commissioner, and Head Coach of each team.   

Final All-Star Team selection is based on attitude, season-wide performance, availability, and a final practice. 

The nominated All-Star Head Coach will review all requirements and Player performance throughout the season to select a team. The final team will be submitted for review to the Panel, consisting of League President, Vice President, and Player Agent for approval. The Panel may require clarification, explanation or make recommendations. The process is complete when the Head Coach and Panel are in agreement.

Fredericksburg Little League will follow all Little League All-Star Rules and Guidelines to determine Player eligibility, and the process will be completed in strict confidentiality.

Fredericksburg Little League will follow all Little League All-Star Rules and Guidelines regarding when the official team will be announced. (Dates vary per season.)

As a representation of Fredericksburg Little League, all Players selected for the team are expected to show a sincere commitment to the team. As with the regular season, the All-Star Team offers significant opportunities to develop self-confidence, discipline, teamwork, grit, camaraderie, and respect.

For more information, please visit Little League’s Resource Guide for Parents.

Head Coach Selection - How It Works:

All Coaches must have completed and passed a background check, Diamond Leader Training, and Abuse Awareness Training to participate in the season, and to be considered for an All-Star Coach position.

To be considered as an All-Star Head Coach, a Head Coach must notify their Division Coordinator before the first game of the season.

If a candidate's actions during the regular season are deemed detrimental to the league, or if a candidate fails to follow local and national Little League Rules and Guidelines, he/she may be eliminated from consideration by the Board of Directors.

Head Coaches of each division will vote before May 1 on the final list of Head Coach candidates.  The Board of Directors will be the final vote in case of any tie breakers, and will place final approval. 

A Head Coach selection does not guarantee their child/Player a position on the All-Star Team.

After an All-Star Team selection is complete, a Head Coach may select two Assistant Coaches. An eligible Assistant Coach must be on the roster as a Coach during the regular season, and must follow all Little League Rules and Guidelines.

The Board of Directors recommends Head Coaches make their Assistant Coach selections from parents of All-Star Team Players, where applicable. No exceptions will be allowed to add Players based on Assistant Coach volunteers.


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