We're excited to introduce a new photography system that gives parents the opportunity to view their players images/poses before purchasing!
Like previous years FCLL is providing a free basic package that will be redeemable online with a one-time unique code (per player) that will be given to you on picture day. The FREE basic package consists of (1) 8x10 Memory mate, 4 Wallets and a 3" Ind Button. This year you will have the opportunity to select your favorite pose/image for the free basic package, and furthermore, you will have the option to mix and match and select 3 out of 5 items. Here are the items you can choose from:
8x10 Memory Mate (by default, this print can't be substituted)
4 Individual Wallets or
3" Individual Button or
5x7 Individual or
3x5 Individual Magnet
Please complete the photo check-in between now and or by Thursday February 27th. This will allow you to go directly to the photographer without delay and assure a quick and smooth picture day experience.
Here's how it works:
- CHECK IN before Picture Day to ensure you receive access to your player's photos
-After your players photos have been taken, you'll receive a private gallery link where you can preview and purchase additional images or picture packages.
- ONLY parents who have checked in will have access to view their player's images. You can add additional phone numbers or email addresses to give access to other family members.
Check-in now to secure your access!
Click Here to check in:
Don't miss out- be sure to check in by Thursday February 27th to take advantage of this exclusive access.
Remember, Picture day is Saturday March 1st @ the Fontana Sports Pavilion. Softball Picture day is Saturday March 15th @ Coyote Canyon. Review the team picture schedule below for arrival time. Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time and bring your players Bat and Glove. The picture schedule can also be found on our website: www.fcll.info.