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Required Equipment

Items provided by RP Little League:

  • Team Uniform Jersey
  • Team hat/visor
  • Little League shoulder patch
  • Socks

Parent provided items:

  • Baseball/softball pants and belt (color to be decided by team and league)
  • Ball glove (Appropriate size for your child/level of play)
  • Bat (Appropriate size for your child/level of play. USABAT*Approved Bats ONLY)
  • Helmet
  • Batting gloves (if desired)
  • Rubber-soled cleats (excluding tee ball)
  • Backpack or equipment bag (if desired)
*USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used at the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball and Junior League Baseball Divisions. At the Senior League Baseball Division, all bats must meet the BBCOR standard.

Protective Gear:

It is suggested that children wear protective gear. Like helmets, chest protectors are designed to absorb and distribute the force from a striking object so that the individual wearing the protective gear experiences less of an impact. In this regard, chest protectors can certainly reduce the risk of traumatic structural injuries to the chest, like rib fractures.

Suggested Protective Gear

  • Heart Guard/Chest Protector (To be worn UNDER Jersey)
  • Protective Youth Athletic cup (Mandatory for catchers)

Please label ALL items with your child's name. This includes hats, bats, gloves, bags, water bottles, etc.


Children should arrive to practice 10 minutes before practice time, ready to get to work. Practice BEGINS at the time posted by each coach. Children should wear team hats, BASEBALL/SOFTBALL pants, and cleats. Shirts must be tucked in for the safety of the player. Please make sure your child has water to prevent dehydration. Please discuss with your child’s coaches if they prefer drop off or for parents to stay for the duration of practice. We ask that parents leave coaching to the coaches and not coach from the sidelines. TeeBall parents should stay nearby for the duration of practice/games.

Game Procedure

Children should arrive ON TIME for games. Time will be determined by each coach but is typically 30-60 minutes before scheduled game time. Warming up before playing is crucial in preventing injury. Lineups will be made at this time. Children should arrive in their FULL uniform with all required gear: Hat, Jersey, Baseball/Softball Pants, belt, socks and cleats. Glove, bat, helmet, water or sports drink. (Please see RP Little League “Parent Code of Conduct”) It is the parents responsibility to inform the Coaches of any medical condition their child may have that may affect them in a sudden/negative way. This includes: Asthma, Food allergies, Bee stings, etc. Please make sure your child’s required Medical Forms are up to date and provided to RP Little League BEFORE the first practice. This year, each team will be using the “GameChanger” app to communicate with coaches and players. This app will provide parents with the practice and game schedule, make it easy to communicate with coaches and other players, as well any last minute changes due to weather. A “GameChanger” invite will be provided to all parents on each team.

Local Sponsors

Ridgefield Park Baseball Organization

1 Morningside Lane 
Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07660

Phone: 201-632-1826

Email: [email protected]

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