Our 2024 baseball & softball Fall Ball registration is now open. Registration will close on 8/11
Print this coupon for 20% off at Dick's for all your little league needs!
Evaluations days are 2/13 & 2/20!
DBacks Q&A opportunity!
2019 All Stars Teams for CDO Little League Congratulations!
Please click on the link and submit if your child is interested in being considered for All Stars 2019
Picture schedule for Saturday April 13. All sponsors are not yet correct. This will be corrected.
Please use the link for the practice schedule starting after Opening Ceremonies.
Attached you will find your game schedules for each division!
Team Parent Central! All forms needed to keep your team organized, safe, and up to date on league happenings.
Sponsorship funds help the league buy new equipment for players, buy equipment for fields, helps pay for All-Star uniforms and gear, as well as many other things.
Keep this document handy to stay on top of all upcoming dates for the Spring Season!
Dates, Times and Locations for registration!
Registration will start January 1st!
Your 2019 CDO Board!
James D. Kriegh Park
Canyon Del Oro Little League James Kriegh Park- Home of CDO LL, 23 W Calle ConcordiaTucson, Arizona 85704
Phone: 520-481-5277 Email: cdollinfo@gmail.com