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Greater Jacksonville Pop Warner


All coaches are required to pass a background through the City of Jacksonville. 
Contact the association you will to coach for and they will direct you. 

How to be a Football coach

*** Note that Associations Select Their Own Coaches.
*** You must process all paperwork through your association. 

New Coaches AKA (Coaches that DID NOT have a Pop Warner badge in 2021)

1. Background Authorization for City of Jacksonville 
Background (Completed Only Online From Our Website: BACKGROUND CHECK LINKS)

2. Pop Warner Volunteer Application -  (Forms Page)

3. Pop Warner Coaches Clinic (Pop Warner Training here)
You will receive a certificate. That certificate is required to be turned in to your association background/volunteer coordinator.

4. USA Football Heads up Training (USA Heads Up Football Training here)
You must receive a promo code from your association before taking this class.
This is an online class required by everyone, every year.
You will receive a certificate. That certificate is required to be turned in to your association background/volunteer coordinator.

5. Copy of Driver’s License
All coaches are required to provide a copy of their driver’s license to their association.


Returning Coaches

(Coaches that DID have a Pop Warner badge in 2021)

1. Background Authorization for City of Jacksonville 
Background (Completed Only Online From Our Website: BACKGROUND CHECK LINKS)

2. Pop Warner Volunteer Application -  (Forms Page)

3. Pop Warner Coaches Clinic (Pop Warner Training here)
You will receive a certificate. That certificate is required to be turned in to your association background/volunteer coordinator.

4. USA Football Heads up Training (USA Heads Up Football Training here)
You must receive a promo code from your association before taking this class.
This is an online class required by everyone, every year.
You will receive a certificate. That certificate is required to be turned in to your association background/volunteer coordinator.

5. Copy of Driver’s License
All coaches are required to provide a copy of their driver’s license to their association.

***Note the changes for 2022***
New coaches and returning coaches are handled the same way. All coaches process a background through this website. 
Continuous Service Forms are no longer needed for returning coaches. FDLE background checks are no longer needed for returning coaches. Nation Background search from First Advantage is no longer required. 
FDLE, CSF form and National Background through First Advantage as all be replaced by the background on this website in cooperation with the City of Jacksonville. 


731 Duval Station Road, Suite 107-407
Jacksonville, Florida 32218
Phone : 904-580-4579
Email : [email protected]
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