Our families and volunteers are what makes Howell Central Little League special. For that reason, each family is asked to complete 6 hours of volunteer service.
During the registration process, each family will be required to submit a volunteer bond (a $150 check, post-dated 7/1 of that year, made out to Howell Central Little League). Upon completion of the required 6 hours of volunteer service the bond (i.e. check) will be returned (or torn up).
Below is an example list of volunteer opportunities:
1. Team Manager - at the conclusion of the season managers are awarded the full 6 hours of service
2. Assistant Coach - assistants are awarded 3 hours of service initially and in most cases the full 6 at the conclusion of the season (assuming the assistant participated in the majority of practices and games alongside the manager).
NOTE: If you are interested in serving as a manager or assistant coach you can indicate that interest during the registration process.
3. Snack Stand - 1- and 2-hour shifts are made available throughout the season
4. Field Maintenance - there is often 1-3 opportunities each season to help prepare and maintain the complex, this might include hanging signs, clearing leaves, weed whacking, picking up garbage and the like
Howell Central Little League will make available a sign-up genius for opportunities outside coaching so individuals can reserve a spot that best fits their schedule.
Signing up alone does not qualify you for completion of your hours, it just reserves your spot. A sign-in / sign-out sheet will be on hand at each event for the volunteer to complete.