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Arden Little League Baseball


Frequently Asked Questions: Updated 2021

What is your refund policy for the Spring 2021 season?

While it is our intention to move forward with a full 2021 season, should the season need to be cancelled, the following refund policy will apply:
- 100% refund if the season is cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions with no practices or games played
- 50% refund if game are cancelled before May 1, 2021
- No refund if games are played after May 1, 2021

How will COVID-19 affect the Spring 2021 season?

Arden Little League has received our required permit to practice!  We are still not able to play games yet, however, since we moved the season back this should afford us enough time.

Governor Newsom released guidance on December 14, 2020 titled Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports. This guidance says that baseball falls under the outdoor moderate contact sports category, which means that Sacramento County  needs to be in the RED TIER.  Arden Little League must still receive a permit from the Park District to play, which can only happen after Sacramento moves to the red tier. I encourage you to take a look at the guidance to see the parameters we must adhere to. This guidance is obviously subject to change.

What is your mask policy?
Arden Little League is adhering to the state and local guidance that we are mandated to follow.  All non-players (spectators, coaches, volunteers) must be in a face covering at all times.  When viewing the games and practices, please be responsible and follow social distancing.  Players in the dugout and not actively on the filed must wear some face covering.  Players on the field should do their best to wear a face covering.  Please remember that we are all trying to do our best here so be responsible and follow the rules we must adhere to.

What age can my kid play?

When registering, the division will display the eligible birth date range (as determined by Little League of Baseball) in the "show details" link on the registration sign up page. All children will be required to register in their Little League age division. Any special requests to "play up" a division will require an email to the league and the player must attend both tryouts (see local Rule 1.01 of the Arden Little League Local Rules for a break down of league ages by division).

For more information and to determine your child's little league age, see these resources.

NOTE: While indicated on the Little League website, please note that Arden Little League's Local Rules state that a eligible player must be "league age" 5 or 6 to play in the Tee Ball division. This means that children league age 4 are not permitted to play in Arden Little League.

For information on Play up requests, please visit the Arden Little League Local Rules page under 1.01 Divisions.

Do we have to register online? Will there be any in-person registration?

You MUST register online!  Because of COVID-19, we cannot have any in-person registration like there has been in years past. Please do your part and upload ALL the required documents. Make sure to upload a completed Medical Release form , your School Enrollment Form or proof of residency.  If you REALLY cannot upload, you will be required to bring them to tryouts. If you have any questions, please email the registrar at [email protected].

Board members will be around at tryouts if you have questions and want to ask in-person.  Tryouts will take place on Saturday, February 13th.

Who has to tryout and when are tryouts? *NEW*

We are changing tryouts just for the 2021 season.  Tryouts will only be required for Majors and will take place on Saturday, February 13th at the Valley Oak Park baseball fields.  If it rains that day, we will move tryouts to the following Saturday, February 20th. 

For those in Majors, you should have received an email that details a specific time for your kid to participate.  We are doing this to ensure we have a reasonable and safe cohort.

If you have signed up to coach or assistant coach, you need to plan to be there from 8:50 a.m. to 12 p.m. to evaluate the players.

  • Players will be broken down into three groups. 

  • Tryouts will last 40 minutes.

  • Masks are required for everyone – spectators and participants.

  • Players need to bring a bat, helmet and a glove.

First Letter of Last Name

Group Number

Check-in Time/Warm-up

Start Time

End Time



9 a.m.

9:15 a.m.

9:55 a.m.



10 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

10:55 a.m.



11 a.m.

11:15 a.m.

11:55 a.m.


What are the League boundaries?

If you are not eligible to play in Arden Little League you can search for your  correct league at the link below.

League Finder – Little League

To be eligible to join Arden Little League you must go to school or reside within the following boundaries: Watt Avenue to the West, Arden Way to the North, and American River to the South and East.

Arden Little League's Boundary map

Residency & School Eligibility Requirements

First year players only must provide a copy of their birth certificate to be eligible. All new and returning players are required to a show proof of enrollment in a school located within league boundaries OR three (3) proofs of residency documents at registration night. Little League changed its rules and no longer allows report cards to be used as proof of residency.

The preferred method to verify eligibility is to provide a copy of your child's enrollment record. School attendance shall be established and supported by a document indicating enrollment for the current academic year, and with the physical location of the school within the league boundaries, from ONE of the following categories to determine school attendance by such player:

  1. Official/Certified School enrollment record
  2. A Little League issued School Enrollment Form completed by the principal, assistant principal or administrator.

An alternative option is to show 3 separate proof of residency documents. Without 3 proofs of residency, you will not be able to register your player...No exceptions!

View acceptable proof of residency documents.

All documents must be dated from January 1, 2021 - February 19, 2021.

What is a "Bleacher Booster"?

Bleacher Boosters are families/individuals who contribute to the League and are listed in the Little League directory when published. The additional donations (usually one per family) help to offset the costs of the League and to hold the player fees at a reasonable level. The donation is tax deductible. All Bleacher Boosters also become Regular Members of Arden Little League and are invited to the Arden Little League Annual Meeting.

When does practice start?

Each volunteer manager/coach sets their own practices including day, time and place.

How are teams formed?

Teams are formed using a draft process, except for T-Ball and Seniors. Managers and Coaches select players on a rotation; this works to balance teams. Requests to play with a particular coach or friend cannot be honored.

When will I know what team I am on?

Teams are drafted (selected) in early-March. You should hear from your team manager or coach around mid-March.

Contact Us


Arden Little League, 1100 Eastern Avenue
Sacramento, California 95864

Phone : 916-708-9781
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