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Arden Little League Baseball


Coaches Expectations

Thank you for volunteering to coach in the Arden Little League!

Without your help, the program could not remain in existence; you are a very important part of our success.

Although your position is voluntary, it comes with a great deal of responsibility. The Board of Directors has adopted the following expectations which we hope you will agree with and adhere too throughout the course of the season.

  1. Each manager and coach is expected to take an active interest in the game of baseball and know the rules. Over the course of the year you will find it beneficial if you increase your knowledge by reading the Official Little League rule book as well as the Local Rules posted on the Arden Little League website.
  2. Each manager is expected to provide an adult umpire (manager, coach or parent) for a minimum of two games per season in a division outside his or her own. Each adult umpire is expected to attend a minimum of one training class.
  3. Each manager and coach is expected to volunteer to be the “Duty Officer.”
  4. Each manager and coach is expected to actively participate in field preparation before and/or after games as well as attending the Field Work Day.
  5. Each manager and coach is expected to live up to the privilege and honor of being selected as an Arden Little League coach by following the Coaches Code of Ethics.

We hope this helps you understand the expectations we have of you as a manager and/or coach of Arden Little League. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members during the upcoming season! Thanks again for choosing to help our Arden Little Leaguers. We are sure you’ll find it to be a rewarding experience.

Contact Us


Arden Little League, 1100 Eastern Avenue
Sacramento, California 95864

Phone : 916-708-9781
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