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2020 Baseball/Teeball Playing Rules

Majors Baseball

Only the Official 2020 Playing Rules will be used. There are no additions or amendments.  

Minors Baseball

League age 8-10 Little League Prep League. 2020 Little League Rule book for minors will be followed including:

1. 5 run limit per inning.
2. Continuous batting order will be used on offense.
3. 10 run rule is in effect after 4 innings.

4. During the month of April, if a pitcher walks 3 consecutive batters, the coach may relieve for that inning only. The pitcher is eligible to return at the start of the next inning, so long as their pitch count has not been exceeded. 

5. 6 innings or no new inning starts after 1 hour and 45 minutes.

6. Runners may not advance on throwback to pitcher (clean exchange or not.)

Machine Pitch Baseball

Machine Pitch/Instructional League 2020 Little League Rule book will be followed with the additional developmentally appropriate rules:


1. A maximum of 10 players may be on the field. (4 outfielders) By Little League rule all players must play 6 outs in the field. There may be unlimited defensive substitutions during a game.

2.There will be a maximum of 2 coaches on the field. 1 behind home plate and one in center field. These coaches make the calls at 2nd and home.

3. The Defense may stop a base runner’s advance by returning the ball to the pitching coach. * There should be a player playing the pitcher position. 



1. An offensive coach will operate the pitching machine. Batters are retired after 3 swinging strikes or 8 hittable pitches from the machine.

2. No walks, but there will be swinging strike outs. 

3. The batting order shall list all available players. 

4. An inning consists of 3 outs or 5 runs whichever comes first. 

5. On an overthrown ball that remains in play a player may advance 1 base at risk. An additional base will not be awarded if a 2nd overthrown ball takes place.

 6. There will be NO stealing.

7. A maximum of 3 coaches may be on the field. 1 pitching and a first and third base coach.

8. The machine will be placed 46 feet from the point of home plate with speed set at 40mph.

9. Any batted ball striking the machine, ball bucket, or pitching coach is an immediate dead ball and batter/runner and runners are awarded one base. A thrown ball striking these things is live.


Tee Ball

Ages 4-6. 2020 Little League Rule book will be followed plus the additional developmentally appropriate rules:


1. The infield positions shall consist of 5 players. A 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, Shortstop, 3rd baseman, and pitcher. The remainder of the team shall play in the outfield grass.


1. Continuous batting order will be used on offense. All players bat in all 3 innings.

2. OUTS ARE TO BE PLAYED AT ALL BASES. A runner called out shall return to the dugout.

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