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DBBI Baseball

DBBI Baseball

Background Info


Coaches, please make sure ALL your coaching staff, team moms, and ANY adult on-field personnel fills out BOTH the MANDATORY BACKGROUND APPLICATION and the DBBI VOLUNTEER APPLICATION. This will be the responsibility of the head coach. Anyone not following correct procedures are subjected to practice slots not being assigned and/or forfeiture of games.


YOU MUST LOG ON TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND VOLUNTEER AS A HEAD COACH FOR YOUR AGE DIVISION! This is how you will get your rosters and other important info sent to you.

Background Info 

Effective immediately,  Duncanville Boys Baseball, Inc. has implemented a mandatory YEARLY background screening policy for all volunteers including but not limited to: baseball managers and coaches for in-house, travel and tournament teams. The background check is thorough, confidential and beginning with the spring 2019 EVERY APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE $10 FEE.   The background check must be renewed every year but covers spring, summer tournament and fall seasons. 

Copy and paste link for the background check application.

All managers and coaches must submit a background check application by no later then 5 business days before Coach's Meeting. Travel teams, which typically start workouts during the winter months, are encouraged to have their coaches submit their background check applications earlier. 

DBBI Coach Screening / Background Check


It is the intent of this policy to establish certain guidelines wherein DBBI can seek to protect children registered in DBBI’s leagues and teams by investigating the background of volunteers who will be coaching in sanctioned athletic programs. 

I. Statement

Criminal background screening on coaches is conducted by an outside third party which specializes in such work, and overseen (in specific instances) by a screening committee, a subset of the Duncanville Boys Baseball, Inc. (“DBBI”) Board of Directors (“Board”). This is executed in an effort to protect the children who participate in organized baseball, softball and related activities associated with DBBI. 

II. Definitions 

DBBI recognizes a coach is any person who leads and instructs players at practices and/or games - or portions of practices and/or games - for any baseball in-house, travel or tournament team. The criminal background screening is mandatory, there are no exceptions. 

III. Procedure 

All candidates for the above mentioned positions must sign a Release Form for Criminal History which gives DBBI the right to check criminal history records and verify social security numbers. This work is executed directly, through, and the secure URL at which coaches can execute their DBBI background check is: No other personal information (e.g. work history, financial, credit, etc.) is checked or researched. The company executing background checks has agreed to such terms contractually, and confirms such direction annually. 

The company never forwards any individual's information to the league where no issues are discovered. 

In the event information surfaces via the background check, a screening committee, with members consisting of the DBBI Board of Directors will review such background check information to determine coaching eligibility. Only members of the screening committee will review data obtained, which will then be processed discreetly. All information is strictly confidential and will not be made public under any circumstances. Reasons for being declined the opportunity to coach are noted below as part of this policy. In some instances, factors of time may be taken into account when considering coaching eligibility (i.e. length of time since disposition of certain offenses). 

The decision of the screening committee may be appealed, for the purpose of clarifying facts or explaining extenuating circumstances, to the screening committee. 

All criminal history record information will be promptly destroyed at the end of the current DBBI baseball season. 

All coaches are required to notify the committee immediately following an arrest or conviction on any of the listed offenses. Any coach, who while coaching for DBBI is arrested for committing an offense as listed, will immediately forfeit his/her coaching eligibility until disposition by the courts. A conviction of an offense as listed will result in termination of coaching eligibility as stated in the policy. 



DBBI Baseball
P.O. Box 381064 
Duncanville, Texas 75138

Email: [email protected]

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