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Code of Ethics

Niagara Orleans Football Association – Code of Ethics

The success of our sports season depends on our ability to work together as a group or team. This involves everyone and it recognizes both our individual and common goals. The common goal is to create a team/squad that includes each participant sharing equally in the activities and having each individual enjoy his/her self. The common goal works toward having each participant learn from the adult supervisors and from each other. The end result of the common goal it a winning team/squad. The winning team does not necessarily mean a season with more wins than losses, it means that everyone has met his/her individual goals and that the common was met.

In working together, it is necessary that we have rules of conduct. Such rules are to promote trust, respect, and a sense of fair play. On the other side, rules of conduct also require discipline and disciplinary actions. While we have rarely found it necessary to take serious disciplinary actions, we must state that such appropriate actions will be taken to assure that the common goal and the individual goals are met.


These rules represent common sense for all participants on the Niagara Orleans Football Association. The degree of disciplinary action taken for these infractions will be in proportion to the seriousness of the offense supported by the facts of the situation. Termination as a player/participant can result by not following these rules. This form must be signed below and returned to the coach/team parent before the child can participate in the sporting activity. A copy of the rules will be in your welcome packet for your records.


1. Theft, destruction or misappropriation of funds or property of NOFA or your Home Organization, or any other school or Organization’s grounds that we visit will not be tolerated.

2. Excessive tardiness or early departures from practices or games will not be tolerated, unless the reasons have been communicated to the appropriate coach or team parent.

3. Unauthorized and/or excessive absences will not be tolerated. Missing too many practices can result in the player/cheerleader sitting out a portion or all of the following game.

4. No careless, reckless or negligent performance. In other words, NO HORSEPLAY. Someone can get hurt, sometimes seriously.

5. Do not report to practices or games in a condition that is hazardous to you or to other players. Example: If you are wearing a cast, you will be able to watch the practice or game. The only exception to this is if a doctor’s note is supplied allowing you to participate.

6. Participating in a fight with committing abusive or intimidating acts (Ex. Swearing) or threats towards other players, coaches, teams, parents or officials will not be tolerated. Be respectful of others. Be a good sport at all times, even if you do not agree with the call an official made. If you are ejected from the game or spectator area – All NOFA rules will be enacted.

7. Drugs, tobacco products, or alcohol are not permitted at any NOFA event or any other school or Organization’s grounds. Anyone caught with any of the above will be asked to hand in all your Home Organization’s equipment and will be asked to leave immediately. If the event is adult only, with no children present, alcohol and tobacco are permitted.

8. No firearms are permitted on any grounds.

9. Failure to wear or use equipment furnished by any Home Organization will result in the player not participating in the sporting activity.

10. Failure to report a physical injury received while participating in a Home Organization activity can result in the player/cheerleader risking the injury further, or injuring another player/cheerleader. Please report all injuries immediately to you coach or team parent.

11. During some sports the players are expected to help set up or take down the field or equipment. Please assist the coaching staff whenever possible.

12. There will be a zero tolerance of any cyber bullying of any kind. This includes ALL types of social media. Any participant within the NOFA League found to be bullying anyone will be removed immediately. That means by any player/cheerleader/coach/assistant coach/team parent/waterboy/watergirl, etc. 

Contact Us

Batavia Bulldawgs Youth Football & Cheer

P.O. Box 254 
Batavia, New York 14021

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 585-217-1213
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