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Canopy Oaks Pop Warner Association

COPWA Football


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TINY MITE (35-75lbs) 5,6 & 7 years old 8/1/09-7/31/12  
MITEY MITE(45-100lbs) 7,8 & 9 years old 8/1/09-7/31/10  
JR PEEWEE (60-115lbs)
(60-95lb Older/Lighter)
 8,9 &10 years old
 11 years old
PEEWEE (75-135lb)
(75-135lb Older/Lighter)
 9,10 &11 years old
12 years old

           (What to Expect)

Practice starts August 1, 2019
Location: Canopy Oaks Park (next to Canopy Oaks Elementary School)
Times: Practice will start at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm, Please be on time for practice. (Practices times before the start of school may be longer)
1st Day of Practice please have a your child dressed in shorts, t-shirt, cleats and most importantly hydrated. Water will be provided by your child's coach.
PARENTS: Please be prompt on picking your child up from practice.

Parents and football players must sign a Code of Conduct form. Football players are expected to be on their best behavior during practice and games. Respect is to be shown to teammates, coaches and adults at all times and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. 

Only certified volunteers are allowed on the field during practice and games. Please respect this rule.
Misbehavior of any kind by participants or adults may result in immediate dismissal from the team or arrest.


There are 8 season regular games. Competitive teams are eligible for playoff games and bowl games which are played at the end of the season.
Participants are to arrive at least 1 hour before the game time in full uniform. Pop Warner rules mandates that each child must weigh-in before they can participate in a game. Your child will not be allowed to play if they have not weighed in before the kickoff of the game. All players are expected to show sportsmanship by shaking the hands of the opposing team after the game. Water and snacks will be provided by team parents during and after the game.
Games will be played on Saturdays at various times. Schedules will be posted on the Canopy Oaks website as soon as they are available. 


If at any time any issues arise with your child, they must  be brought to the attention of their head coach first. If the problem persists please contact the Canopy Oaks Football Commissioner, James Ransom.

Additional notes

Please support the Canopy Oaks by visiting our concession stand and buy all your beverage, food and apparel needs from us.


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