Jul, 2019
Congratulations to Mansfield/Ashford - 2019 CT District 12 Little League Champions!
Jul, 2019
Congratulations to Mansfield/Ashford
2019 District 12 Seniors Baseball Champions!
Jun, 2019
CT LL District 12 to use RainedOut service.
Mar, 2019
The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League®
program is paramount. As adults, we want to ensure that the young people
playing in the Little League program are able to grow up happy, healthy
and, above all, safe. Whether they are our children, or the children of
others, each of us has a responsibility to protect them.
Mar, 2019
At its annual fall meeting in November 2018, the Little League®
International Board of Directors approved new updates to the Little
League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies that will take
effect starting in the 2019 season.