1. Boundaries:
If you live in the Colonial High School District, Azalea Park Panthers Pop Warner is your Pop Warner! There are also some "open" high school districts adjacent to the Colonial High School boundary, that are welcome to participate with us, such as: University High School, Lake Nona High School and Oak Ridge High School. Not sure of what High School you are zoned for, please visit: Orange County Public School’s "Find a School" Link.
2. $200 Total Registration Fee
To register online and/or to see Registration dates: Online Registration & Payments
Consists of: Insurance, OCPS Field Usage fee, equipment purchase, equipment conditioning, uniform purchases, jersey purchases, referee fees, trophies and many other APP sponsored events during the playing season.
For Football participants our fee includes:
Pride Pack: Game Day Shirt and Shorts, game day socks, 1 mouth piece, chin strap
Helmet, Shoulder pads, Equipment bag, Game Day jerseys – all to be returned back to APP once the season is completed
Not Included in the registration fee:
Black practice/game pants with pads – a required purchase for new Panther players, the family is responsible to purchase
Football Cleats – the family is responsible to purchase on your own
Practice jersey
For Cheerleading participants our fee includes:
Pride Pack: Bloomers. Game Day socks, game day bow, cheer shoes (though year-to-year this may become an item "not included" in the registration fee), and drawstring bag – all to keep after the season is completed
Cheer Top, Cheer Skirt, Competition Top/Sleeves – all to be returned back to APP once the season is completed
Additionally, there is information available for purchasing Cheer jackets, which is an optional purchase the family is responsible to purchase on your own
Some additional costs you *may* occur during the Season:
Concession Stand donation
Team snack, drink donation
Spirit Items purchase - Fan Shirts, magnets, flags,
Pictures - picture package money goes to the Photography Company not APP
Cheer competition - T-shirts, DVDs, Event fee, Parking fee, money to cheerleader for eating while at competition, curls, Limo, Gym time, additional fees related to Regional Cheer Competition (if applicable)
End-of-the-Season Team Party
APP End-of-the-Season Celebration - for family (players/cheerleaders are free)
a. Payment plans are available by making arrangements via our Treasurer at registrations.
3. $25 sibling discount for each child after the first fully paid child
4. Required items for registration:
Copy of Birth Certificate
Original Birth Certificate for verification purposes only
School picture, 2" x 2" Head shot
2 Copies of 2017–18 Report Card for the full school year
2018 Dated Physical (2018 Physical and History form).
2018 Participant Contract and Parental Consent Form (this 2 page form is available for download on the Forms and Handouts Tab or you may fill the form out at one of the Registration events). Page 2 – "Signature of Parent/Guardian" needs to be (1) a parent on the Birth Certificate or (2) a Guardian with Court Appointed paperwork (of which APP will need a copy of Guardianship paperwork)
Mandatory Paperwork Collection: The paperwork APP collects (birth certificate, current year dated physical, last year’s full school year report card, Participant contract and parental consent form) is mandated by National Pop Warner. APP has to have all this paperwork collected before a child can practice with our organization. Missing paperwork will cause a child to miss practice and miss games. Please do not let this happen to your child. Get that paperwork in!
5. Physical: make sure to download the 2018 Physical and History form to use for whichever option you choose for your child's physical.
Discounted Physicals available via CVS Minute Clinics.
Hopefully Available during Family Day and Equipment Fitting Day (mid-May/June/July) – physicals provided by Florida Hospital physicians; though the emphasis is on providing the physical to our participants a nominal $10 donation will be accepted
Via your personal Primary Care Physician
6. At the time of our annual Family Day and Equipment Fitting (mid-July), we require $100 toward the registration fee to be paid. We also require the "Required Items for Registration" to be turned in (though Physicals may be obtained on Family Day).
7. Team registration is based on "first come, first serve" basis – waiting lists will be maintained as teams fill up.
8. Please check out our website, for information about Azalea Park Panthers and a typical season.
9. Players compete with kids of similar age and size. Pop Warner is the ONLY youth footballl program (local, regional and national) that sets and enforces a strict AGE & WEIGHT MATRIX that reduces the risk and reality of injuries.
10. Practice -
First Day of Practice: August 1st
Practice Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. 10 hours/week until after the first game.
Rainout Practices: May be scheduled on Saturday AM
First 10 hours of football practice is conditioning, no contact, 10 hours of conditioning must be met before contact can be made.
Practices after the first game (Date TBD for 2018) – 6 hours/week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.
11. Practice Location – TBD for 2018 Season. Previous seasons: Colonial 9th Grade Center, 7775 Valencia College Ln, Orlando, FL 32807 (or Colonial HS Football practice fields and surrounding areas). For Colonial HS practice fields: use the below address to "mapquest" the fields. You can not get to the practice fields via the front of the school. 215 Randia Ave, Orlando, FL 32807.
Bring to practice: Water Bottle, Bug spray, Cheerleaders: towel or mat for stretching, and a good attitude!
12. Home Game Location – TBD for 2018 Season. Previous seasons: Colonial HS Football field. Colonial HS Football field: use the below address to "mapquest" the fields. You can not get to the football field via the front of the school. 199 Areca Dr. , Orlando, FL 32807.
13. Azalea Park Panthers Pop Warner is a Non-Profit, 501(c)(3), all volunteer run Youth Sports Organization! We serve children aged 5 - 15 who live in the Colonial High School district and any "open" high school district (ie: Oak Ridge). We do not receive any funds from the City, County or State. All the money we spend on gear, uniforms, field maintenance, field clean-up, referees and insurance comes from within. The registration fees only cover 1/3 of our total expenses! The balance comes from the various fundraisers we have throughout the year. Please support the program by patronizing the Concession Stand, the Spirit Table, Carwash(es), Annual Golf Tournament and the Major Fundraiser that will be going on. Your support of this program will guarantee its success.
14. Post-Season - there will be additional costs to the family if a team moves on to Regional Play or Cheer Competition.
a. Football - Post-season Play-Off games begin directly after the regular season games end. If a team advances to Regional Play - these games are held on the Thanksgving holiday period.
b. Cheerleading - If a team advances to the Regional Cheer Competition - this competition is held on the Thanksgiving holiday period.
If a team advances to the National Pop Warner Cheer Competition - this competition is held around the first week of December.