Soccer families, coaches and managers-Due to the ever-changing and increasingly strict guidelines being issued due to the health crisis surrounding the COVID-19 virus, the KC Futbol League has ...
Click 'Read More' for Fall 2019 KCFL Standings
U7 and U8 teams need a good place for their competitive beginning. Register them for the KCFL and save! $350 for 8 games for Fall 2019 season.
The KCFL provides competitive teams from MO a place to play close to home, with all games at ONE location at the Raytown fields! Registration is now open!
Register your team now for the Fall 2019 season of outdoor soccer. Competitive soccer on the MO side--all games played at the Raytown Soccer Complex on gras...
Click Here to register for the Spring 2019 season of the KC Futbol League. Games are played at the Raytown Soccer Complex and WMSL if your bracket has ...